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Drava Knabe

Emily Kretzer

ENG 1201

4, September 2019

Research proposal

For my topic I have chosen climate changes and how it is affecting the world around us.

I have chosen this topic because from a young age I have always had a huge passion for animals,

their rights and their well being. I have also had a huge passion about the planet and conserving

it. I have always gone above and beyond for my house pets. I believe wild animals and house

pets should be treated with the same rights and respect as they have feelings as much as humans

do. Animals feel excitement, anger, sadness, shame, anxiety and so much more.

I realized through the power of social media and my biology classes that climate change

is real, even though people claim it is a hoax. In my sixth grade science class we spent a few

weeks on climate change and what the detrimental effects are. That was the time in my life I

wanted to do research on climate change. As a sixth grader though, I did not understand what I

do now. I learn bits and pieces about it through short articles and documentaries, but I have not

dug deep enough to write a 10-12 page paper about it. I am ecstatic to dig deeper into this subject

and write a research paper about it.

I feel very strongly about this topic, as most people do not take it very seriously,

even though it has detrimental effects on humans and the planet we live on. I feel like we need to

do something about this or a large amount of animals are going to be endangered. Also, humans

quality of life is going to deteriorate because these wild animals play a huge part in our

ecosystems. I think this is a huge problem and no one seems to take it very seriously. People
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claim to care so much about animals and the planet, yet they do not take climate change serious,

which is starving and killing animals in places like Antarctica. I know a few things about this

topic, but I have not gone too much in depth. I try to reduce my usage of natural resources and

waste as a lot of this can affect environmental changes. I would love to learn more ways I can

help climate change, which is why I have chosen this research question.

Things I will need to know about my topic is what exactly is causing climate

change. Another thing I will need to research and understand is what the future holds for the

environment and how much it has actually changed. I will need to research what places and what

animals are being affected the most. I want to learn what I can do and what I can teach people to

do to help slow this down. I want to educate people on the real dangers of this topic. One

research question I have is, “What effects does climate change have on wild animals?”. Another

research question I have is “What are the effects of climate change on humans?”.

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