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Catriona’s Advocacy are Education and Poverty Alleviation


Facebook timeline and Twitter feeds have evolved from sharing photos and posting
updates to becoming platforms to learn and discuss various social issue. The answer to
the Facebook status box’s eternal question of “what’s on your mind?” has shifted to
users stands on current real-world problems.

And according to global research firm kantar, the social issue that Filipinos care about
the most is the eradication of poverty. In its study called “Purpose in Asia,” Kantar
surveyed over 3,000 respondents across nine Asia-Pacific markets, including the
Philippines. The report revealed which five issue these consumers care about the most
and distinguished them from five problems they see discussed the most on various
media platforms, which include social media as well as mass media.

Poverty ranked first in the former list of issues Filipino care about, and other related
issues such as education and hunger were also seen in the top five. It came in second in
the latter group of problems Filipinos often hear about, being overtaken by discussions
on gender inequality.

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