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Name: D K Moon Dae:10.11.



Specific Condition: Obesity Grade I

Food Habit: Ovo – Vegetarian
Meal and Meal Time Menu and Recommended Quantities

Early Morning / 5:00 a.m.  1ltr Warm Water

 1cup Green Coffee or Green Tea (Must)

6:00 a.m. / Pre workout  1 Banana

 Gym
6:00 – 7:15 a.m  Carry BCAA water during workout

Breakfast / 8:30a.m.
 1 Cup (200 ml) Skim Milk without sugar (Use Amul
Cow’s milk after boiling and removing cream)

+ Choose any ONE option from below:

Option 1:
 1 ½ cup steamed moong with chopped vegetables

Option 2:
 1 ½ cup cooked desi chana ith chopped vegetables

Option 3:
 2 Cups (400 ml) Cooked veg Masala Oats

Option 4:
 2 Cups (400 ml) Cooked veg upma

Option 5:
 2 mediumsize vegetable OR low fat paneer stuffed
parathas (use multi grain flour – no potatoes)

Option 6:
 2 Cups (400 ml) Cooked veg vermecelli

Option 7:
 1 Cup (200 ml) Wheat Flakes / K special / High Fiber

Option 8:
 2 ½ Tbsp dalia / fada as porridge

Option 9:
 2 ½ Tbsp Oats as porridge
Option 10:
 3 medium size Theplas

Use 1 tsp oil if required for cooking breakfast

Eating breakfast is a must – combine high energy foods like carbs (bread, poha, upma, idli
etc.) with fibres (veggies) and proteins (milk, beans, eggs etc.) for sustainable energy and
alertness to kick start your day
Without eating breakfast, you’re more vulnerable to cravings and less likely to eat healthy
food throughout the day

Mid Morning Filler / 11:30

a.m.  10 Almonds + 2 Walnuts(Ref -Go Nuts)
 No dry fruits like dates / figs etc.

Have 1 scoop of Isabghol powder mixed in 1 ½ glass water 20 – 30 min before lunch

Lunch / 1:30 p.m. (use lemon size ball of whole wheat flour for making chapatis,
No chapatis theplas, stuff parathas etc.)

 1 cup raw vegetable salad

 + 1 ½ Cup cooked brown rice
 + 1 Cup 200 ml) Cooked Vegetables (Have green
leafy vegetables once a day - avoid potato, arvi, yam,
raw banana)
 + 1 Cup (200 ml) Cooked Dal (can have any pulses
like tuhar, moong, chana, urd, rajma, chawli etc-
have pulses with husk, sprouted pulses are more

 Use 1 tsp oil for cooking vegetables and 1 tsp for dal

Make your lunch a complete meal by adding dal, vegetables & chapatti. Use dark

 Make your lunch a complete meal by adding dal, vegetables & chapatti. Use dark
coloured vegetables like green, red, yellow to get a variety of nutrients, use green
leafy vegetables at least 2 -3 times a week.

 #Vegetables & Fruits wash: Take clean water in a big vessel and add ½ cup white
vinegar in it mix well and soak vegetables / fruits in it for about 15 minutes, remove
and rinse well in plain water, let them dry and store in refrigerator.

Mid Day Filler / 3:30 p.m.

 1glass Beet Root+Ginger+fresh Tumric
Brine+Orange Carrot Mix Juice

Avoid having unhealthy foods at this time like fried items, maida products, cream biscuits,
soft drinks etc

Choose any ONE option from below:

Evening Filler / 5:00 p.m.  ½ Cup roasted chana moong jor mix
 1 khakra
 1glass Beet Root+Ginger+fresh Tumric
Brine+Orange Carrot Juice
 2 Threptin biscuits

(Ref - Low calorie fillers)

 6 Egg whites (in any form – boiled / omelette / bhurji

Dinner / 9:00 p.m. etc.)
 + 2 Cups (400 ml) Saute vegetables / soup / raw
vegetable salad
 + 1 chapati
 No carbs

 Use 1 ½ tsp oil for cooking vegetables

 1 Cup Green Tea OR Warm water after dinner

Dinner should be the lightest meal of the day, avoid fatty & fried foods, have less carbs and
more proteins

 Have at least 4.5 litres of water per day; including one litre lemon water (add juice of half lemon in 1
litre water – no salt or sugar).

 Have one multivitamin (Becadexamin) every day after breakfast.

 Continue doing exercise at gym.

Sun Exposure:
 Sit in morning sunlight (before 11:00 a.m.) for 10 minutes and give exposure to face, hands, back and
legs at least 3 -4 times a week.
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: (Please read carefully)

1. You should not skip any meal.

2. Stick to the recommended timings and quantities of food, as over eating of even the right kind of food
will hamper weight loss.
3. You are allowed to have about three tea spoons of oil in a day. You should 1 tsp of ghee (preferably
homemade). Never go oil free.
4. Reduce the consumption of salt to about 1 tsp/ day. Try to avoid salt where not necessary as in curd,
buttermilk, vegetable juices, salads etc.
5. Avoid adding sugar in dals, vegetables, curd etc. You can use 1 - 2 tsps of sugar in a day, which can be
used in tea, coffee or sweet preparations if any. If required use natural sugar substitutes like splenda,
stevia or sugar free natura. Do not use more than 4 tablets of sugar free natura in a day.
6. To curb the sweet craving, go for a piece of fruit, dried fruits (like dates, figs, apricots, raisins) or a piece
of dark chocolate instead of sweets and chocolates.
7. You must drink a glass of fresh vegetable juice every day.
8. Have 2 -3 cups of green tea in a day. Best time to have green tea is after your major meals like after
breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is good to have it hot; otherwise you can have it cold too.
9. Never miss your skim milk and milk products like low fat curd, homemade paneer and buttermilk. Do
not eat outside paneer.
Do not use full cream milk ( Amul diamond, gold or even Amul Shakti) opt for Amul Slim n Trim, Britania
Slimz & Nestle Slim milk are also good. If you are using Amul

1. taza or cow’s milk boil it at night & keep it in the refrigerator and remove cream in the morning, boil
one more time remove cream and then use it. You can use Amul lite curd.
2. You should not feel hungry in between the meals if you feel hungry please maintain the proper timing
and quantity of the meals as recommended to you.
3. Do not have any outside meal for the first week as your body is becoming used to with a new diet
pattern and exercise routine.
4. Healthy Eating Out options will be given to you after one week.
5. Exercise is very important, without exercise you may get result initially but to reduce weight and to
maintain reduced weight following a regular exercise and diet routine is a must.
6. You should have at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep in a day. Your body needs proper rest and a sound sleep
for good weight loss result.
7. Taking vitamin & mineral supplements is important as these nutrients are lost while preparing, cooking
and storing foods.
8. It is important to follow the cycle of SUN, as our body is most active in the morning and become
sluggish in the evening. So our activities, exercise and food intake should ideally be in tune with the sun.

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