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Program Briefing

How To Use the SpecForce Alpha Program

Your program is created from my personal

experience as an Operator and Team Leader. It is
battle tested and proven. It will turn you into an
Alpha Male.

There is no guessing involved. The program has

been created from a combination of the latest
scientific advancements and operating directly in
theatre. The general public does not get access to
this information.

This manual is broken into 3 Levels - Basic

Operator, Specialist and SpecForce Operator.

Within each level there are 3 specific Missions -

Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Mission.

Every Mission is 4 weeks in length and uses

specific training principles to develop your Alpha
Male physique.
Within each workout you will see Sets and Reps,
Tempo and Rest Interval. A rep is a single
movement and therefore the number associated
is the number of times you will perform that
movement within a set. A set is completed when
the requisite number of reps are completed so
where you see 3 x 8 for example this means you
will complete 3 sets each consisting of 8 reps

Tempo refers to the rate of speed during each

phase of the movement. There are 4 numbers
related to the tempo which are the same for every
exercise. You will see the Tempo represented like
this : 4 0 X 0

The first number is the Eccentric part of the

movement or the Lowering Portion. So when the
first number is a 3 then you will take 3 seconds
during the lowering phase of the movement.

The second number is the transition point at the

bottom of the movement. Where you see a 0 for
example that means there is no pause at the
bottom of the movement.
The third number is the Concentric portion of the
movement or the contracting (raising) portion. If
you see an X in this spot it means to explode out
of the movement or if you see a number like a 2
for example, you would then take 2 seconds to
move through the concentric phase.

Finally the last number is the point at the top of

the movement. If you see a 0 in this location then
immediately begin the eccentric phase with no
pause at the top of the range of motion.

**The order of the numbers does not change,

only their values. They always mean the same
for any movement.

Order Of Exercises

The exercises are laid out in a specific pattern,

with multi-joint taking priority over single joint.
You will also see letters by the exercises. This
assists with organizing the exercises to identify
the order of completion.

If you see A1 A2 A3 and so on, you are to do

everything within the A Group prior to doing the
next group of exercises.

If you see the following: (this is only an example)

A1 - Squats 3 x 8-12 reps - 90 seconds rest

A2 - Pullups 3 x 8-12 reps - 90 seconds rest

B1 - Box Jumps 3 x 8 -12 reps - 90 seconds


You would do 1 set of squats, 8 -12 reps, rest 90

seconds and then your next set (a2) would be a
set of pull-ups. You would complete every
exercise within A group before beginning B Group.
Mission Reconnaissance

Print out your manual for the 4 week Mission you

have been assigned. Preparation is mission
critical so as an operator you need to completely
understand your timings and taskings.

In the SpecForce world you will hear a phrase

which states “Time spent in recce is seldom
wasted” which means before you embark on a
mission you have conducted reconnaissance.

For your daily mission you need to ensure you

understand what each workout consists of, that
you know how to do each exercise and in the
correct order.

Do not alter your workouts or rest periods. These

scientific concepts are used to activate your
systems in a very specific way so we can create
anabolic increases in your lean muscle, increase
your Testosterone levels and Growth Hormone
Over and Above your new lean body you will learn
how to think like a Spec Operator and move with
confidence clarity and purpose.

Any program in the world of Spec Force

Operations must meet the test of specificity. We
select the correct intensities with the correct rest
periods which enable us to target specific energy
systems in your body.

Tactical Missions, whether they are a protracted

patrol with an insertion into a hot zone, an urban
surveillance mission or a dynamic raid, create
profiles that are very similar to those of a series of
high-intensity, constant- or near-constant-effort
exercise sessions interspersed with rest periods.

As a result, the type of exercise, the required

power output that must be met during each
sessions is much greater than the maximal power
output that can be sustained using only aerobic
energy sources.
You will be participating in training which has task
specific variations in exercises, frequency, rest
intervals, load and intensity.

Your workouts are serious and they are planned

to develop you into an Operator. One that can
sustain the demands of the Spec Op world.
Workouts that embody the mantra “ We Lead “ .

SpecForce Alpha - Cycle

Your program is formulated using a non-linear

periodization model. As an Operator in the field
you can be activated at anytime to engage in a

From a deployment perspective, and in

comparison to true athletic events, you must be
physically prepared at any time. You do not have
an off season or single event you would prepare
for using linear periodization.

Within this program you will move through a

Macrocycle, Mesocycle and Microcycle in your
training. The various cycles include variations in
intensity volume within the mesocycle ( 28 days )
and microcycle ( 7 days ). This will enable your
body to adequately adapt to the training and
improve each week as you become an Alpha.

Your work capacity and stamina will improve, your

productivity will increase your need for hours upon
hours of sleep will be eliminated. You will have a
lean, vascular body capable of maintaining the
rigours of the SpecForce lifestyle.

Additional benefits of the non-linear methods is

your ability to recover. When you have been
deployed multiple times throughout a day or for an
extended period in the field, your system must be
able to maximally expend your energy for a
required task, and quickly recover.

Whether you are starting as a Basic Operator or

SpecForce Operator you will instantly begin to
notice how fast you are able to recover and exert
the same amount of energy over and over and
over again.
If you have made a dynamic entry into a gas
environment or you are conducting a protracted
stealth search on an objective, your body must be
able to withstand these events and recover for the
next phase of any operation or a secondary
deployment. SpecForce Alpha prepares you to
undertake any mission and remain prepared once
it is concluded.

SpecForce Alpha Mindset

As an Operative you must approach any situation

with mental clarity. In many cases you will be the
first to be inserted into a situation which has the
potential for life and death consequences.

Your program uses Spec Op task specific training

which produces both physical adaptations as well
as psychological adaptations. This simply means
positive changes to both your mind and body.
Specifically you are going to see a massive
improvement on what is categorized as fluid
intelligence. This level of intelligence is that which
enables you to solve problems using abstract
reasoning. You will process better, faster and with
critical precision.

Working through the programs will enable you to

function with mental clarity in environments which
would put most people into the state we call “code
black” which means they can no longer function in
a cognitive way. This will not be you.

The Battlespace is 360 degrees which means

as Operators we do not function in a linear
environment. As an Operator you need to be able
to rapidly process multiple channels of
information, adequately assess the relevance of
that information and use it to formulate your next
move all within fractions of seconds.

When you encounter any enemy or engage a

target the need to think clearly enables you to
speed up your thought and decision making
processes while creating an environment which
causes your opponent’s thinking process to slow
In life or death situations this happens in quarter
second to half second intervals which is the
difference between you getting extracted out of
the combat zone in a helo with your team or in a
body bag. There is no margin for error.

In critical incidents you do not rise to the occasion

but rather you sink to the level of your training.
This is precisely why SpecForce Alpha prepares
you to perform in a manner reserved for the most

You need to understand that in order to lead, and

lead well you need to become comfortable with
being uncomfortable. Operating outside your
comfort zone, whether it is pushing your body to
adapt to new imposed demands or learning new
skills, is a trademark of a switched on Operator.

If you are to be successful and complete this

program, you need to make a decision right now
and tell yourself you are Ok with being
uncomfortable, that you are prepared to push and
do what it takes to become the Alpha Male and
walk among the elite.
Mobility Stability and Injury Prevention

The days of simply pushing weight on the bench

press on Day 1 and doing Bi’s and Tri’s on Day 2
are long gone.

In order to be Mission ready 24-7, I set out to

create system that not only builds explosive
power and ballistic response in your muscles but
that doesn’t compromise your state of mission

What I know from over 300 Tactical Missions, and

countless other Spec Op deployments is that you
can spend hours or even days waiting for the
moment you will be called into action.

It doesn’t matter if it comes from spending hours

in transit in a nasty sea state, waiting hours upon
hours cramped in a small raid van or humping in
several miles to take action on an objective, the
effects of remaining static for extended periods
and within seconds being required to engage in
an explosive operation can potentially expose you
to injury.
In particular, shoulders, knees and low back are
among the most frequently injured areas on a
Spec Force and Tactical Operators.

You are going to build lean mass and stabilize

your body with SpecForce Alpha. You will be
moving across all 3 planes of movement. Sagittal,
Frontal (sometimes called coronal) and
Transverse planes of movement.

These multi-planar workouts will enable you to

stabilize your body not only during your workouts
but it will also enable you to carry yourself with a
correct and more confident posture.
The Planes of movement are depicted below

When you move in an explosive manner you have

Agonist muscles which are the prime movers
responsible for the action and Antagonist muscles
which provide an opposing force.
If you are out of balance you risk ripping tendons,
tearing ligaments or causing injuries to your joints.

SpecForce Alpha will not only keep you mission

ready, but it will give you a virtually bullet proof
body that is stable, mobile and ready to perform
like a finely tuned weapon.

SpecForce Alpha Strong

You Can’t Fake Strong

One of our primary objectives as a Spec Operator

should be to maintain a level of strength that
enables you to effectively carry out your mission
and have the ability to quickly recover and move
onto the next phase.

There are also situations which occur which can

be categorized as an “in progress crisis” where
you would be required to plan and move as things
are unfolding such as rescuing a team member
or a Hostage Rescue situation.
These type of events can require you to exert
excessively large amounts of energy and place
loads on your body up to 9x your own bodyweight.

This requires you to be exceptionally strong. The

purpose for making you strong is to ensure you
can handle any situation and that it only takes a
portion of your maximal effort to complete, leaving
plenty of energy and strength in the take for your
next mission.

To seriously explode your size and strength we

created the Black Ops series which you should
only do if you have completed all of the Operator
missions in the main manual.

SpecForce Alpha - Orders:

When conducting a planned mission a Team

Leader will stick to a particular format when
delivering your briefing. It doesn’t matter if it is a
military or SWAT briefing, in most cases it is the
same. This process of briefing can be used for
any type of operation whether it is a multi-phase
operation deploying hundreds of operatives in
locations across the globe or planning a family
vacation. The process does not vary because of
it’s ability to accurately convey clear expectations
and define your role in the mission.

There are 5 phases to mission planning which


Situation : A clear outline of the task at hand

and any people or locations involved

Mission : A succinct statement outlining the

objectives of the mission

Execution : How the mission will be carried

out, groupings and taskings, equipment,
methods of travel, coordinating instructions for
each Operator

Admin : Any administrative points or

Commanders who need to be kept in the loop

Commands and Signals (Also called

command and control) : Communications
being used or special information required
such as passwords, radio traffic information,
special contact routes.

Basic Operator

Situation: You have embarked on a mission to

achieve the complete Alpha Male physique to
make you look the best you have ever looked or
felt and perform at optimal levels.

The Basic Operator program has 3 phases which

increase in difficulty as you progress

Mission: Complete all 3 phases of the Basic

Operator mission as outlined using maximal effort
throughout each phase of the operation. Begin
moving toward Alpha Status

Execution: Groupings and Taskings

WarmUp - As a Basic Operator you are required

minimally to perform the warmup as outlined.
Ideally you will do a general warmup such as a
light ride on a spin bike, short 1 mile run at easy
pace or 8 minutes on the stairclimber to elevate
your heart rate and warm your muscles.

From a general warm up you will move to the

specific exercises outlined in the top portion of
your Daily Outline.

If you are at all unclear about how to execute any

of the movements you are to refer to the
instructional videos. There is no margin for error.


Basic Operator you MUST pay attention to detail

in these workouts. Specifically you must pay
attention to the Tempo and Rest Intervals.

You will give Maximal Effort during the work

periods in order to achieve the physique of a
SpecForce Operator.
You can use the RPE (Borg Scale of Rate of
Perceived Exertion).
The category scale is outlined below.

Make no mistake the expectation is that you push

yourself to maintain the level 15 at a minimum
during ever rep of every set or for every second of
every interval.

Category Scale (Begins with 6)

7 Very, very light
9 Very light
11 Fairly light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard
17 Very hard
19 Very, very hard
Cool Down

Complete your cool down as detailed, do not skip

this section and in fact the more time you take
stretching the faster you will recover.


Ensure you have the appropriate method for

timing the exercises as detailed in the Mission.

Commands and Signals:

Mission Alpha is going to begin the development

of your Lean Muscle fibres using Time Under
Tension principles. Do Not change the order of
your workouts.

Specifically, the rest period between the Plyo

workouts is an absolute must.
**Note** - If you were not able to complete
Basic Operator Alpha Phase as detailed
continue to Bravo Phase.

Once You have completed all 3 Missions of the

Basic Operator Program - return to the
beginning and start again until such time as
you can complete the workout as outlined.


Situation: You must have successfully

completed all phases of the Basic Operator
Mission before commencing the 3 phase
Specialist Mission. The Specialist Mission is
representative of an Operator who now
understands what it takes to succeed and has
developed a solid foundation from which to
Mission: Complete all 3 phases of the Specialist
Mission as outlined performing at your maximal
effort throughout each phase of the operation.

Execution: Groupings and Taskings

WarmUp - As a Specialist you are required

minimally to perform the warmup as outlined.

Ideally you will do a general warmup such as a

light ride on a spin bike, short 1 mile run at easy
pace or 8 minutes on the stairclimber to elevate
your heart rate and warm your muscles.

From general you will move to the specific

exercises outlined in the top portion of your Daily

If you are at all unclear about how to execute any

of the movements you are to refer to the
instructional videos. There is no margin for error.

Basic Operator you MUST pay attention to detail
in these workouts. Specifically you must pay
attention to the Rest Intervals. You will be doing
an interval of 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds
of rest.

The transition happens quick therefore you must

be prepared to move. Give yourself a 2 - 3
second preparation window.

If you are late for any timing as an Operator it

could mean the difference between a completely
successful or disastrous mission. It could be life
and death. Be prepared to meet your timings.

You will give Maximal Effort during the work

periods in order to achieve the physique of a
SpecForce Operator.

You can use the RPE (Borg Scale of Rate of

Perceived Exertion).
The category scale is outlined below.
As previously stated the expectation is that you
push yourself to maintain the level 15 at a
minimum during ever rep of every set or for every
second of every interval.

Category Scale (Begins with 6)

7 Very, very light
9 Very light
11 Fairly light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard
17 Very hard
19 Very, very hard

Cool Down
Complete your cool down as detailed, do not skip
this section and in fact the more time you take
stretching the faster you will recover.


Ensure you have the appropriate method for

timing the exercises as detailed in the Mission.

Commands and Signals:

Mission Bravo is going to begin the development

of your Lean Muscle fibers using Time Under
Tension principles. Do Not change the order of
your workouts.

Specifically, the rest period between the Plyo

workouts is an absolute must.

**Note** - If you were not able to complete any

phases of each mission you will begin again.
Once You have completed all 3 phases of each
Mission you can ascend to the next level.

Do Not consider not completing any portion as

a failure. Constructing a Spec Force Operator
takes time and must have the proper
foundation. You simply must be prepared to
do the work.
Special Forces Operator

Situation: You have worked through all phases of

the previous 2 missions and are moving to the
next and final Mission with 3 phases of operation.

Mission: Complete SpecForce Operator Mission

as outlined performing at your maximal effort
throughout this phase of the operation

Execution: Groupings and Taskings

WarmUp - As a Basic Operator you are required

minimally to perform the warmup as outlined.

Ideally you will do a general warmup such as a

light ride on a spin bike, short 1 mile run at easy
pace or 8 minutes on the stairclimber to elevate
your heart rate and warm your muscles.

From general you will move to the specific

exercises outlined in the top portion of your Daily
If you are at all unclear about how to execute any
of the movements you are to refer to the
instructional videos. There is no margin for error.


Basic Operator you MUST pay attention to detail

in these workouts. Specifically you must pay
attention to the Rest Intervals. You will be doing
an interval of 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds
of rest.

The transition happens quick therefore you must

be prepared to move. Give yourself a 2 second
preparation window.

If you are late for any timing as an Operator it

could mean the difference between a completely
successful or disastrous mission. It could be life
and death. Be prepared and be meet your
You will give Maximal Effort during the work
periods in order to achieve the physique of a
SpecForce Operator.

You can use the RPE (Borg Scale of Rate of

Perceived Exertion).
The category scale is outlined below.

As previously stated the expectation is that you

push yourself to maintain the level 15 at a
minimum during ever rep of every set or for every
second of every interval.

Category Scale (Begins with 6)

7 Very, very light
9 Very light
11 Fairly light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard
17 Very hard
19 Very, very hard

Cool Down

Complete your cool down as detailed, do not skip

this section and in fact the more time you take
stretching the faster you will recover.


Ensure you have the appropriate method for

timing the exercises as detailed in the Mission
and a mat if required.

Commands and Signals:

Do Not change the order of your workouts.

Specifically, the rest period between the Plyo

workouts is an absolute must.
**Note** - If you were not able to complete
Basic Operator Mission Charlie as detailed
start back at Mission Alpha. The purpose is to
ensure you are developing the foundation of
your body through each phase.

All 3 phases must be completed in order

before advancing to the next level.
Power Pushup
The power pushup is an advanced plyometric movement which
uses the pushup as it the foundation.

From a pushup position you will generate force on the concentric

movement (as you push). This is an explosive movement and
should be done with enough force to elevate both your hands and
your feet ( which you will see in the follow along videos).

As you come back down, lower your body to the ground and lift
your hands and feet off the ground so your torso is the only point
of contact and pause momentarily.

Return your feet and hands to the starting position and start the
movement again generating as much force as possible.
Single Leg Deadlift
Lower torso forward and downward while raising lifted leg back
behind. Keep back straight and knee of supporting leg slightly

Keep hip and knee of lifted leg extended throughout movement.

Once stretch is felt or hands contact floor, return to original
position by raising torso while lowering lifted leg.

Straighten knee of supporting leg as torso becomes upright.


Important Note - There are those of us out there who are

chronically tight through the hamstrings and glutes, and it requires
you to bend the supporting leg. Do what you are capable of and
as usual stretch post workout to keep the posterior chain loose.
Squat Jumps

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump
up explosively.

When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to
complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires

As an Operator, stealth is your bread and butter. This requires the

control of your muscles at all times and it will give you the added
benefit of more muscle recruitment and development.
Air Squat

Stand with your feet hip-width apart with your toes pointed slightly
outward. Your arms should be hanging loose by your side. Then
engage your core muscles and push out your chest slightly by
pulling your shoulder blades towards each other.

Bend your knees and push your butt and your hips out and down
behind you as if you were sitting into a chair. Keep your weight on
your heels and make sure your knees are over your toes, but not
beyond them.

Come down until your thighs are below parallel to the ground, or
as far down as you can get them. Keep your knees externally
rotated (don’t let them fall inward). Maintain a neutral spine, which
means don’t round or collapse.

Squeeze your flutes and drive back up to the top (concentric

phase of the movement).
Speed Skaters
From the neutral center position lift one leg and crouch down over
top of the planted leg. Tuck the raised leg slightly behind as you
crouch as if to leap.

Leap to your side landing on the opposing leg and absorbing the
energy as you crouch down and prepare to explode across and
once again land on the opposing leg.

You are doing it correct if you appear to be a speed skater in

Prisoner Lunge

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands
behind your head.Keep your elbows pulled back and your
shoulder blades should be pulled together to work the upper back.

Step forward with your left leg, taking a slightly larger than normal
step. Be sure to keep your right toe on the ground and use it to
help keep your balance, and also bend your right knee.

Continue to lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the
ground. Keep your upper body upright throughout the entire

Push with your front (left) leg to return to the starting position and
swap legs.

You will note in the image above we demonstrated the incorrect

knee position as well simply to show you the range of motion you
should avoid with your knee well over the toe.

Begin in a standing position. Your feet should be shoulder-width

apart. Next phase is to lower your body into a squatting position,
placing your hands on the floor in front of you.

Kick your feet back so that you are in push-up position. Keep your
hands firmly on the ground to support your body. Lower your
chest to do a push-up. Bring your chest back up.

Kick your feet back to their original position underneath you.

Stand up, and then jump into the air while clapping your arms

Hand clapping is not critical but raising your hands overhead most
certainly is.
Mountain Climbers

Assume a push-up position with your arms straight and your body
in a straight line from your head to your ankles. Without changing
the posture of your lower back (it should be arched slightly), raise
your right knee toward your chest.

Pause, return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg.
That’s one rep. Alternate until you’ve completed all your reps.

There are a couple of variations which may be done depending

on your mobility and comfort level with this exercise. You may
either touch your foot down when it is under your chest or keep it
in the air through the entire range of the movement from the top to
the bottom.
Squat Pulse
Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart. Hands together out in
front of your body.

Squat down partially, about a quarter of the way down as you

would for a normal squat. This is the starting position.

Begin exercise by pulsing up and down, lowering your butt up and

down about 6 inches or so.

The key here is to be sure you are always in the squat position
and never standing up during the exercise. This will keep tension
on the quads which will create the growth in the muscles.
Glute Ham Bridge (Raise)

Bend your knees and put your feet flat on the ground just close
enough that you can graze your heels with your fingertips when
you stretch your arms down by your side. Your feet should be
about hip-width apart.

Then drive up through your heels and upper back to lift your
glutes off the ground. Drive your hips up as high as possible,
squeezing the glutes hard. Keep your belly button drawn in so you
don’t hyper extend your back/

Do not push backward off your heels. Make sure you are driving
straight up and that your knees aren’t caving in.

Squeeze your glutes for second or two at the top and lower all the
way back down to the ground before repeating. Or whatever the
required Tempo is as outlined in the workout

Take time to hold at the top and feel the glutes activate.
Single Leg Glute/Ham Bridge (Raise)
Bend your knees and put your feet flat on the ground just close
enough that you can graze your heels with your fingertips when
you stretch your arms down by your side. Your feet should be
about hip-width apart. Raise one leg up

Then drive up through your heel and upper back to lift your glutes
off the ground. Drive your hips up as high as possible, squeezing
the glutes hard. Keep your belly button drawn in so you don’t
hyper extend your back/

Do not push backward off your heels. Make sure you are driving
straight up and that your knees aren’t caving in.

Squeeze your glutes for second or two at the top and lower all the
way back down to the ground before repeating. Or whatever the
required Tempo is as outlined in the workout

Take time to hold at the top and feel the glutes activate.
Wide Grip Pullup
Grab the pull-up bar with the palms facing forward using a wide

As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar,
bring your torso forward so your pecs are in line with the bar and
head slightly back. This is your starting position.

Pullup until your chin is above the bar ensuring you squeeze the
shoulder blades together. Exhale as you perform this portion of
the movement. The upper torso should remain stationary as it
moves through space and only the arms should move. The
forearms should do no other work other than hold the bar.

After a second in the contracted position, start to inhale and lower

your torso back to the starting position when your arms are fully
extended and the lats are fully stretched. Pay attention to the
TEMPO outlined in the manual.
Narrow Grip Pullup
Grab the pull-up bar with the palms facing forward using a narrow

As you have both arms extended in front of you holding the bar,
bring your torso forward so your pecs are in line with the bar and
head slightly back. This is your starting position.

Pullup until your chin is above the bar ensuring you squeeze the
shoulder blades together. Exhale as you perform this portion of
the movement. The upper torso should remain stationary as it
moves through space and only the arms should move. The
forearms should do no other work other than hold the bar.

After a second in the contracted position (or whatever the

established temp is), start to inhale and lower your torso back to
the starting position when your arms are fully extended and the
lats are fully stretched. Pay attention to the TEMPO outlined in the
Feet Elevated Pushups

Lie on the floor face down and place your hands about 36 inches
apart from each other holding your torso up at arms length.

Place your toes on top of a flat bench. This will allow your body to
be elevated. Note: The higher the elevation of the flat bench, the
higher the resistance of the exercise is.

Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor as you

Using your pectoral muscles, press your upper body back up to

the starting position and squeeze your chest. Breathe out as you
perform this step.

After a second pause at the contracted position, repeat the

movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.
Pullup SuperSeries

This is a combination on the variations of pull-ups as outlined in

the various Missions and in each different phase of your particular
workout. The pull-up portion of the super series consists of wide
grip pull-ups, narrow grip pull-ups and chin-ups.

The pull-ups are performed in the same manner as outlined

earlier in this manual, with the addition of a chin-up which you will
note the grip change in the photo above. In a chin up your palms
will be turned in which is a supinated grip or underhand grip.
WideGrip Pullup/Inverted Row

Position a bar in a rack to about waist height. You can also use a
smith machine. Or if you are at your house you can use a
doweling or broom stick between chairs. You may use inverted
rows in your super series if you cannot find a pull-up bar.

Take a wider than shoulder width grip on the bar and position
yourself hanging underneath the bar as you can see in the right
picture above. Your body should be straight with your heels on the
ground with your arms fully extended. This will be your starting

Begin by flexing the elbow, pulling your chest towards the bar.
Retract your shoulder blades as you perform the movement. You
can see this portion in the image above.

Pay attention to your tempo and return yourself to the start

Bench Dips

For this exercise you will need to place a bench behind your back.
With the bench perpendicular to your body, and while looking
away from it, hold on to the bench on its edge with the hands fully
extended, separated at shoulder width.

The legs will be extended forward, bent at the waist and

perpendicular to your torso. This will be your starting position.
Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows
until you lower yourself far enough to where there is an angle
slightly smaller than 90 degrees between the upper arm and the

Tip: Keep the elbows as close as possible throughout the

movement. Forearms should always be pointing down.
Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, lift yourself back
to the starting position.

Lie on the floor with your back flat and knees bent. You can either
cross your arms over your chest or keep them firmly at the side of
your head. You cannot use your arms to generate momentum.

Raise your torso off the ground by contracting your abdominals

and either bring your chest to your thighs or elbows to your knees.

Once at the top of the movement, lower yourself under control.

Bicycle Raises
Lie with your back on the ground and your feet elevated slightly
approximately 6 inches off the ground.

Keep your abs engaged through the entire movement. Raise your
torso approximately 45 degrees and contract your left leg towards
your right elbow touching the inside of your elbow to the inside of
your knee as depicted above.

Lower your leg and your body to the start point, however do not
let your feet touch the ground, they are to remain elevated the
entire time. This is intended to be very fluid but it is critically
important to keep your abs tight and engaged to get the full

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