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Salary - My first Friend

It all started when I got my first job, and I was about to meet
salary for the first time. I was really excited about how I would
spend my weekends with him. We embarked on an epic
journey of friendship and sacrifice, but it turned out to be full of
surprises, especially for salary.
Me: Hey Salary, Ayushi this side. It’s so good to hear from you.
By the way, where are you from?
Salary: Hi Ayushi, I am from Standard Chartered Bank. Let’s
catch up at the end of this month.
Me: Sure. But I hope you reach on time.

The only thing I knew about him was his address (Standard
Chartered Bank) and his popularity among my friends on
weekend parties. So, I was really excited to meet him for the
first time. After a month of patience and hardwork, the day
finally arrived when I met him. I enjoyed the feeling of having
the world to myself for a short while.
July 5
Me: Hi, It’s so good to see you. I’ve been waiting and working
to meet you since so long.
Salary: (With a shrewd smile on his face) But, now that we’ve
met, I hope you treat me better unlike others who always take
me for granted. They only realize my worth after the weekend
is over, and their bills are pending. Hence, I’ve decided not to
meet them as often as I used to earlier. (Implying that salary
would fall short if not spent properly so that you realize the
value of money) I hope there is more understanding between

July 10
Me: Hey salary! Let me introduce you to my friends. All of them
are party animals. I am sure you’d like them. So, let’s meet
them tomorrow at the club.
Salary: No way! I don’t think I’d like them too much. Instead,
you should meet my friends SIP and mutual funds. We are so
much more productive when we are together.
Me: Yes, but I am too young to meet your old boring friends.
Maybe after a few years I can start spending time with them.
Salary: Partying on every weekend is just not my thing. I’d
rather enjoy relaxing at my villa Standard Chartered Bank. Also,
I think you should hide me from your friends as it is too early to
tell them everything about me. You should get to know my
friends as soon as possible! I’m sure you will benefit by
investing in them. So hurry up!
July 15
Salary: I just came across your bills. Don’t you have to pay the
bills and house rent? Your last month food and grocery
expenses are unpaid. And why have you made those useless
purchases without thinking about me?
Me: I was going to tell you all of that! However, I thought you
would be too stressed about it.

Salary: I am very stressed with you and your decisions. If this is

how it’s going to be, I’m afraid I may have to leave before the
month ends.
July 20
Me: Hey Salary, let’s go on a trip to Goa for a week. I am really
excited for the trip!

Salary: Taking a long leave when you’ve only been on the job
for a month is not advisable, but that doesn’t mean that you
can’t invest in exploring. We may go for a weekend trip, but
one week is too much! I don’t have much energy left after all
your parties and purchases.
July 25
Me: Now that I’ve finally started supporting myself, I think it’s
time to let my parents relax. I should buy something for them.
Can you suggest me some gifts for them?
Salary: Well sure! It’s good to see you spending responsibly.
Get your mom a saree she's had her eye on, and surprise your
dad with a beautiful wrist watch. The joy on their faces will be
worth it. Though I only have a few days left now, I wouldn’t
mind spending time and effort for this.
Day 30
Me: I wish you’d stay with me for a few more days! I don’t want
you to go. Thank you for being there, and I promise to treat you
even better!
Salary: It’s good to know you’ve learnt something from my
presence, but now, I’ve no time left! I hope you become more
responsible when I’m not around. I’d be leaving by the end of
the day. Don’t worry; I will be back very soon. And, I hope next
time we spend time for better things. Until then, work hard and
wait for me.

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