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This article explores the profile of biology learning with the purification of science in state junior high schools in
Aceh Barat District. The students' pure scientific knowledge is identified in relation to biotechnology which is
derived from the old culture of their parents or ancestors. Pure science knowledge is explored aspects of multicultural
science, pedagogy and describes the rich and well-documented branch of traditional science known by biologists and
biotechnology as Traditional Biotechnology Knowledge (PBT). Although PBT is generally inaccessible, educators
can now collect PBT literature from students, parents and the community that is neatly documented with the help of
videotapes of student interviews with people who have applied PBT. Examples of original science that proved one of
them is Pliek fermented foods ukhas Aceh. Pliek u is made as a special study in learning related to chapter
fermentation. From observations made in 10 state schools in Aceh Barat, 20% have linked the learning process with
nuances of science refinement, another 75% have never connected the learning process with nuances of science
purification and another 5% are hesitant to have / have not connected the learning process with nuances of
purification of science.

Key words: Indigenous Science, Purification of science and Learning of pure science

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