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Electrolyte Disorders
Camiron L. Pfennig and Corey M. Slovis

Electrolyte abnormalities are common in emergency medicine result is cardiac arrest, usually from disintegration into ventricular
and can vary greatly in importance, severity, and symptoms. fibrillation, pulseless electrical activity, or asystole. A serum potas-
Asymptomatic electrolyte abnormalities can usually be gradually sium level of 10.0 mEq/L is usually fatal, but decompensation and
corrected, but those that cause alterations in consciousness or life- death can occur at any level above 7 to 8 mEq/L.
threatening dysrhythmias require immediate therapy to avoid The most common cause of hyperkalemia is spurious elevation
permanent sequelae or death. In some cases, therapy for life- due to hemolysis during or after the blood draw. Thus an ECG
threatening electrolyte disorders may even need to be initiated should be used to assess for true hyperkalemia while another
before laboratory results become available. sample is analyzed. Most causes of true hyperkalemia are due to
release from cells or renal insufficiency. Renal failure is the most
common cause of confirmed hyperkalemia and is often com-
pounded by medications that further impair renal potassium
HYPERKALEMIA handling. Box 125-1 organizes the most common causes of hyper-
Principles of Disease kalemia. The presence of one of these conditions may be the lone
historical clue in hyperkalemia.3
Hyperkalemia, defined as serum potassium level greater than
5.0 mEq/L, is the most dangerous acute electrolyte abnormality, Clinical Features
potentially leading to life-threatening arrhythmias and death.
Although hyperkalemia may have vague and varied symptoms, it Hyperkalemia remains a difficult clinical diagnosis to make on
is usually totally asymptomatic, with cardiac arrest as its first clinical grounds alone. It is not uncommon for a patient with mild
“symptom.”1 Thus the diagnosis of hyperkalemia depends on to moderate hyperkalemia to be identified during routine blood
paying specific attention to risk factors for impaired potassium sampling for an unrelated condition. Patients with moderate to
excretion, such as dehydration and renal failure, along with an severe hyperkalemia may have gastrointestinal effects such as
awareness of medications that cause potassium retention. Evalua- nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea often in association with their
tion of the electrocardiogram (ECG) of patients at risk for this underlying disease. Neuromuscular findings, including muscle
electrolyte disturbance is critical. Hyperkalemia can be rapidly cramps, generalized weakness, paresthesias, tetany, and focal or
progressive, and lifesaving interventions must be instituted at the global paralysis, may be seen in patients with severe hyperkalemia.
earliest suspicion of toxicity. The signs and symptoms of progressive muscle weakness, pares-
Upwards of 98% of potassium in the body is contained intracel- thesias, dyspnea, and depressed deep tendon reflexes are neither
lularly, whereas less than 2% remains circulating in the blood. sensitive nor specific, nor do they appear reliably with a particular
Serum potassium concentration is normally between 3.5 and serum potassium level.3 Patients with severe hypokalemia may
5.0 mEq/L and is tightly regulated by the kidney. In the healthy present with hemodynamic instability and cardiac arrhythmias
state, at least 90% of potassium excretion occurs through the requiring immediate intervention.
kidney; in the renally impaired state, the gastrointestinal tract may
account for roughly 25% of excretion. Hyperkalemia usually Diagnostic Strategies
develops from impaired renal excretion or increased release from
cells; however, in advanced chronic kidney disease or end-stage The ECG is helpful in making the diagnosis of hyperkalemia and
renal disease, dietary intake of potassium may be a significant can be used in unstable patients to initiate treatment (Figs. 125-1
factor in its development.2 to 125-3). Classic electrocardiographic changes—the peaked T
Hyperkalemia causes cardiotoxicity by increasing the resting wave, flattened p wave with prolonged PR interval or a totally
membrane potential of the cardiac myocyte, causing “membrane absent P wave, wide QRS, and sine wave pattern, portending
excitability” and conversely sluggish depolarization as well as imminent cardiac arrest—have been well described as appearing
decreasing the duration of repolarization. At very high levels, sequentially with rising serum potassium levels.4,5 Peaked T waves
potassium causes the depolarization threshold to rise, leading to usually appear as serum potassium levels exceed 5.5 to 6.5 mEq/L;
overall depressed cardiac function. Nearly any cardiac arrhythmia P wave disappearance and PR prolongation are common with
can be seen with hyperkalemia, including heart blocks, bradydys- levels above 6.5 to 7.5 mEq/L; and QRS prolongation is seen with
rhythmias, pseudoinfarction ST segment elevation, and the potassium levels above 7.0 to 8.0 mEq/L. Although these changes
classic “sine wave” pattern. As hyperkalemia advances, the end may occur in only half the patients, recognition of these patterns

Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1637
when they are present is vital to rapid diagnosis and initiation hyperkalemia should not be the sole reason to treat a stable patient
of lifesaving treatment.6 A serum potassium level above 5.0 mEq/L not likely to have an elevated potassium concentration until serum
is diagnostic of hyperkalemia, but the value itself does not levels have returned.3
always predict electrocardiographic changes or the degree of car-
diotoxicity. Subtle electrocardiographic changes consistent with Management
Patients with suspected or known hyperkalemia require intrave-
BOX 125-1 Five Most Common Causes of Hyperkalemia nous access and continuous cardiac monitoring. The treatment of
hyperkalemia is based on the clinical scenario combined with the
Spurious elevation Hemolysis due to drawing or storing of the 12-lead ECG and the laboratory potassium value. The treatment
laboratory sample or post–blood sampling strategy consists of three main steps: stabilization of the cardiac
leak from markedly elevated white blood membrane, shifting of potassium into the cells, and then removal
cells, red blood cells, or platelets
Renal failure Acute or chronic
of potassium from the body. In patients who do not require urgent
Acidosis Diabetic ketoacidosis, Addison’s disease, treatment, lowering of total body potassium may be the only step
adrenal insufficiency, type 4 renal tubular necessary. A variety of treatment options are considered for the
acidosis acute management of hyperkalemia, including calcium, insulin,
Cell death Rhabdomyolysis, tumor lysis syndrome, beta2-adrenergic agonists, sodium bicarbonate, resins, and dialysis
massive hemolysis or transfusion, crush (Table 125-1).
injury, burn Intravenous calcium is used to stabilize the cardiac membrane
Drugs Beta-blockers, acute digitalis overdose, by restoring the electrical gradient. Calcium increases the depo-
succinylcholine, angiotensin-converting larization threshold and the calcium gradient across the cardiac
enzyme inhibitors, angiotension receptor membrane, quieting myocyte excitability and increasing cardiac
blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, spironolactone, amiloride,
conduction speed, thus narrowing the QRS. Calcium does not
potassium supplementation decrease serum potassium levels, and its effect is rapid but tran-
sient. The dose is one ampule, or 10 mL of 10% calcium chloride

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Figure 125-1.  Hyperkalemia with

QRS widening merging into T wave,
absent P wave.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5



Figure 125-2.  Hyperkalemia in

the same patient as in Figure 125-1
V5 after potassium-lowering therapy
has begun. Tall peaked T waves,
150 Hz 25.0 mm/s 10.0 mm/mV 4 by 2.5s + 3 rhythm lds MAC5K 008B o 12SLTMv237 decreased P wave.
1638   PART III  ◆  Medicine and Surgery / Section Eleven • Metabolism and Endocrinology

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5




Figure 125-3.  The same patient V5

as in Figures 125-1 and 125-2 after
dialysis. The electrocardiogram is 150 Hz 25.0 mm/s 10.0 mm/mV 4 by 2.5s + 3 rhythm lds MAC5K 008B o 12SLTMv237
now normal.

prevent hypoglycemia, also shifts potassium into cells by stimula-

Table 125-1 Treatment of Hyperkalemia tion of the Na+,K+-ATPase pump. The onset of action is less than
15 minutes, and the effect is maximal between 30 and 60 minutes,
with a maximal drop of 0.6 mEq/L on average.
Stabilize Calcium chloride For wide QRS, restores Nebulized albuterol by face mask is effective in shifting potas-
cardiac (10 mL, maximum the electrical gradient; sium into cells by stimulation of the Na+,K+-ATPase pump.6 Nebu-
membrane 20 mL) or calcium does not decrease serum lized albuterol begins to take measurable effect after 15 minutes
gluconate (10-30 mL), potassium
and lowers the serum potassium level by 0.5 to 1 mEq/L, depend-
IV push
ing on the dose.7 The effective dose is at least four times higher
Shift potassium Insulin, 10 units, IV If severely acidotic than that typically used for bronchodilation.8 Mild tachycardia is
into cells push, combined with In conjunction with the main side effect but is generally well tolerated. The combina-
100 mL of 50% dextrose, nephrologist if dialysis
IV push dependent tion of nebulized albuterol and insulin with glucose appears to be
High-dose nebulized additive, lowering serum potassium by a mean of 1.2 mEq/L.9
albuterol by face mask Saline infusions also stimulate the Na+,K+-ATPase pump, and
(15-25 mg by continuous only a few hundred milliliters is required for beneficial effects.
inhalation) Saline infusions are given judiciously in anuric patients and
Bicarbonate 50-100 mL usually in consultation with the nephrologist. Sodium bicarbonate
Normal saline 100-
250 mL is effective only in hyperkalemic patients who are acidotic and has
no benefit when it is used for hyperkalemia in nonacidotic
Remove Hemodialysis Emergently in cardiac patients.10 Sodium bicarbonate buffers hydrogen ions extracellu-
potassium Normal saline and arrest, urgently in renal
from the body furosemide failure; may delay if renal
larly while shifting potassium intracellularly but should be reserved
Ion exchange resin function is normal for patients with confirmed acidosis. Although intravenous mag-
In patients with nesium also can drive potassium intracellularly, it should never be
rhabdomyolysis or used in hyperkalemia as most patients with elevated potassium
tumor lysis syndrome levels are also at risk for concomitant hypermagnesemia.
with intact urine output Potassium can best be removed from the body acutely by hemo-
Not effective acutely
dialysis. Hemodialysis effectively and reliably decreases serum
potassium levels by at least 1 mEq/L in the first hour and another
1 mEq/L during the next 2 hours.7,11 It is the only reliable method
solution. Some authors prefer calcium gluconate rather than of potassium removal that has been experimentally studied and
calcium chloride on the basis of the reduced risk of tissue necrosis should be instituted early in the treatment of life-threatening
should it extravasate at the injection site.4,5 More than 10 mL hyperkalemia in patients with renal failure. In patients with intact
of calcium gluconate will often be required as it contains only renal function, medical management alone is usually sufficient,
one third the calcium contained in calcium chloride. Calcium even in extreme cases, and hemodialysis may not be necessary
gluconate is also preferred in pediatric cases as well as in more unless multiple medical modalities fail. There are no randomized
chronic, less emergent hyperkalemic patients when a slow infusion trials addressing the use of diuretics such as furosemide in the
is desired. emergent management of hyperkalemia, but in cases such as rhab-
Potassium can be shifted intracellularly with beta2-agonists, domyolysis or tumor lysis syndrome, it may be appropriate to use
insulin, saline, and potentially sodium bicarbonate. Insulin is the a normal saline infusion supplemented by furosemide to enhance
most reliable agent to move potassium into cells, but beta2- diuresis and potassium excretion in the urine.
adrenergic receptor agonists also provide benefit in some patients. Cation exchange resins, such as sodium polystyrene sulfonate
Insulin, given intravenously in combination with glucose to (Kayexalate), have not been shown to decrease the serum
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1639
potassium level within the first 4 hours of treatment and should or osmotic diuretics to cause hypokalemia, but both the thiazide
not be used in the acute management of hyperkalemia.12 and loop diuretics block chloride-associated sodium and increase
Hyperkalemia is seen in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), although delivery of sodium to the collecting tubules. Hypokalemia is a
most hyperkalemic patients with DKA are actually total body defi- common adverse effect of treatment with diuretics and may cause
cient of potassium. In this insulin-deficient and acidotic state, fatal arrhythmias and increase the risk of digitalis toxicity.23 In
serum potassium levels rise because of cellular shifts. Simply treat- addition to diuretics, other drugs and disorders can cause signifi-
ing the patient’s underlying DKA will also treat the hyperkalemia. cant renal potassium losses, including hyperaldosteronism, steroid
In fact, the mainstay of treatment of DKA—fluids and insulin— excess, metabolic acidosis, DKA, renal tubular acidosis, and alcohol
closely mirrors the treatment of hyperkalemia itself.13 consumption. Penicillin and its synthetic derivatives, when they
As hyperkalemia progresses, the end result will be cardiopulmo- are given in large doses, promote renal potassium excretion by
nary arrest due to ventricular fibrillation, pulseless electrical activ- increasing sodium delivery to the distal nephron.
ity, or asystole. In a known or suspected hyperkalemic arrest, an Individuals with secondary hyperaldosteronism, whether it is
approach beginning with standard advanced cardiac life support due to congestive heart failure (CHF), hepatic insufficiency, or
combined with the use of multiple potassium-lowering medica- nephrotic syndrome, may also exhibit hypokalemia. Patients with
tions is rational.14,15 Epinephrine has been shown to lower potas- renal tubular acidosis can become hypokalemic because a defect
sium by 0.25 mEq/L.16,17 Calcium chloride is given immediately by in the distal tubule leads to increased potassium excretion.
intravenous push, followed by insulin and glucose. Bicarbonate Administration of insulin may cause a reduction in serum
should be given by bolus dose if the patient is believed to be aci- potassium because of insulin’s ability to stimulate the Na+,K+-
dotic. Emergent hemodialysis is recommended if it is readily avail- ATPase pump and move potassium intracellularly; hypokalemia
able. Hemodialysis through central venous access can be used can be a dangerous complication with intentional overdoses of
during ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to acutely lower insulin and during treatment of DKA. Although most patients
the serum potassium level and may result in return of spontane- with DKA present with high-normal or mildly elevated serum
ous circulation with intact neurologic status despite prolonged potassium levels, patients are usually 2 to 3 mEq/kg body weight
resuscitative efforts and failure of conventional medications and deficient in total body potassium.24 Failure to appreciate this
defibrillation.18 total body deficit—and to not begin potassium infusion once
significant hyperkalemia has been ruled out and intact renal
function confirmed—may lead to otherwise unexplained arrhyth-
HYPOKALEMIA mias or cardiac arrest in patients hours after their initial therapy
Principles of Disease has begun.
Hypokalemia can also occur from gastrointestinal and dermal
Hypokalemia is the most common electrolyte abnormality losses. In diarrheal states, large quantities of potassium can be lost
encountered in clinical practice. When it is defined as a value of as the volume of stool increases and secondary hyperaldosteron-
less than 3.5 mEq/L, hypokalemia is found in more than 20% of ism can occur. Although hypokalemia is often seen after pro-
hospitalized patients and in 10 to 40% of patients treated with tracted vomiting or nasogastric suctions, only 5 to 10 mEq/L of
thiazide diuretics in the outpatient setting.19 Although hypokale- potassium is lost in gastric fluid. The hypokalemia is secondary to
mia is usually asymptomatic, severe cardiac dysrhythmias and the resultant metabolic alkalosis, chloride losses, and hyperaldo-
rhabdomyolysis can occur secondary to potassium’s effect on the steronism. Large doses of laxatives and repeated enemas cause
heart and muscle.20 The five most common causes of hypokalemia excessive potassium loss in the stool and can cause hypokalemia.
are renal losses, increased nonrenal losses, decreased potassium On occasion, excessive sweating can lead to hypokalemia from
intake, intracellular shift, and endocrine etiologies (Box 125-2). losses of potassium through the skin. In addition, patients with
Hypokalemia is often seen in association with hypomagnesemia, extensive burns can also suffer from hypokalemia because of sig-
and patients with low serum potassium levels should be assumed nificant losses from the skin.
to be hypomagnesemic also.20-22 Dietary potassium deficiency should be considered in the
Increased excretion of potassium, especially coupled with poor severely malnourished patient and the chronic alcoholic.25 When
intake, is the most common cause of hypokalemia, and patients poor potassium intake is combined with increased nonrenal
receiving diuretics represent the single most common patient losses, severe hypokalemia can result. Hypokalemia can also result
group encountered in clinical practice. Hypokalemia from thia- from an acute shift of potassium from the extracellular compart-
zide diuretics occurs through increases in distal sodium delivery ment into cells. This is most commonly seen in patients with
in the nephron and by activation of the renin-angiotensin- metabolic alkalosis, in patients with hyperventilation, and in those
aldosterone system. Thiazide diuretics are more likely than loop patients taking medications such as beta-agonists or deconges-
tants. Beta receptor stimulation can lead to hypokalemia, espe-
cially in patients using repetitive and high doses of beta-agonists
for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma. Albuterol-
induced hypokalemia can occur even at normal therapeutic
BOX 125-2 Five Most Common Causes of Hypokalemia doses.26 A standard dose of nebulized albuterol reduces serum
potassium by 0.2 to 0.4 mEq/L, and a second dose taken within 1
Renal losses Diuretic use, drugs, steroid use, metabolic hour has the potential to reduce it by almost 1 mEq/L. Patients
acidosis, hyperaldosteronism, renal with starvation or near-starvation may suffer from hypokalemia
tubular acidosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, when they are fed because insulin secretion and increased cellular
alcohol consumption uptake can cause an acute intracellular migration of potassium.
Increased nonrenal Sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, laxative use
Decreased intake Ethanol, malnutrition Clinical Features
Intracellular shift Hyperventilation, metabolic alkalosis, drugs
Endocrine Cushing’s disease, Bartter’s syndrome,
Hypokalemia is usually asymptomatic but can be manifested
insulin therapy with nonspecific complaints, including palpitations, skeletal
muscle weakness, easy fatigability, depression, and muscle pain.
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I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


Figure 125-4.  Hypokalemic

electrocardiographic changes,
including flattened T wave, VI
prolonged QT interval, nonspecific
ST changes, and prominent U wave

Although short periods of mild potassium depletion are typically depression
well tolerated in healthy individuals, severe potassium depletion Flat T wave
can result in serious cardiovascular instability, neurologic dys- U wave
function, glucose intolerance, gastrointestinal symptoms, and
renal failure as well as affect the acid-base balance in the body.27
The likelihood of symptoms appears to correlate with the rapidity
of the decrease in serum potassium. In patients without underly-
ing heart disease, abnormalities in cardiac conduction are
Prolonged Q-T interval
extremely unusual, even when the serum potassium concentration
is below 3.0 mEq/L. Paresthesias, depressed deep tendon reflexes, Hypokalemia
fasciculations, muscle weakness, and confusion can occur when
Figure 125-5.  Electrocardiographic changes in hypokalemia.
the serum potassium level is less than 2.5 mEq/L. However, in
patients with cardiac ischemia or heart failure, even mild to mod-
erate hypokalemia increases the likelihood of cardiac arrhythmias
secondary to potassium’s effect on the action potential. The that it may also cause a prolonged QT interval. Once the QT
data linking hypokalemia with arrhythmias and cardiac arrest in interval becomes longer than 500 milliseconds, the risk of malig-
acute myocardial infarction are fairly strong, but the direct myo- nant ventricular arrhythmias and torsades de pointes increases
cardial stimulatory effects of increased circulating epinephrine is dramatically.28 Hypokalemia is also notorious for causing nonspe-
a possible confounder.20 Hypokalemia is an independent risk cific ST and T wave changes. In addition, prolonged potassium
factor contributing to reduced survival of cardiac patients and depletion of even modest proportion can provoke or exacerbate
increased incidence of arrhythmic death. On the basis of available kidney injury or hypertension. A severe degree of hypokalemia
evidence, it appears best to attempt to maintain a serum potas- with paralysis is a potentially life-threatening medical emergency;
sium concentration above 4.5 mEq/L in patients having an acute measurement of relative urinary potassium excretion and an
myocardial infarction. Hypokalemic patients can demonstrate assessment of the acid-base status might help narrow the differ-
first- and second-degree heart block, atrial fibrillation, ventricular ential diagnosis in the emergency setting.
fibrillation, and asystole. Hypokalemia can also promote meta-
bolic acidosis. Management
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis is a rare disorder characterized
by potentially fatal episodes of muscle weakness through the Potassium is an intracellular cation, so a low serum potassium
involvement of the respiratory muscles. Life-threatening cardiac level almost always reflects a significant total potassium deficit.
arrhythmias are managed by restoration of serum potassium levels When treating hypokalemia, one should remember that each
into the normal range.28 0.3 mEq potassium drop below normal correlates with an approx-
imately 100 mEq total body deficit.29 Patients who have mild or
Diagnostic Strategies moderate hypokalemia are usually asymptomatic or present with
minor symptoms. These patients may only need oral potassium
Hypokalemia is rarely suspected on the basis of clinical presenta- replacement therapy if they do not have nausea or vomiting as the
tion, and the diagnosis is typically made by measurement of the cause of their hypokalemia. Oral replacement is available in liquid,
serum potassium concentration during routine laboratory study. powder, and tablet form. Potassium chloride is the most com-
If there is any suspicion for hypokalemia or a patient presents monly used supplementation, and 40 to 60 mEq orally every 2 to
with generalized weakness, palpitations, or arrhythmias, an ECG 4 hours is typically well tolerated. If the cause of hypokalemia is
should be obtained. Just as a tall-peaked T wave is characteristic not clear or the hypokalemia is severe and associated with
of hyperkalemia, a flattened T wave can be seen in hypokalemia. profound weakness, obtain a spot urine potassium level before
U waves, which are small deflections after the T wave, may also be starting therapy to assess whether the patient’s kidneys are inap-
seen (Figs. 125-4 and 125-5). The real danger of hypokalemia is propriately wasting potassium from a renal or endocrine cause.
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1641
Patients in whom severe hypokalemia is suspected should be
immediately placed on a cardiac monitor and intravenous access BOX 125-3 Three Types of Hypernatremia
Treatment of hypokalemia is essential in multiple populations Hypernatremia with Heatstroke
of patients. Hypokalemia is arrhythmogenic, especially in the set- dehydration and low Increased insensible losses: burns,
total body sodium sweating
tings of acute myocardial infarction, high catecholamine states,
Gastrointestinal loss: diarrhea,
and hypertrophied or dilated ventricles. Hypokalemia is an impor- protracted vomiting, continuous
tant independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality in gastrointestinal suction
patients with heart failure. Correction of serum potassium levels Osmotic diuresis: glucose, mannitol,
to between 4.0 and 5.0 mEq/L is important in these patients.30 enteral feeding
If intravenous infusion is necessary, potassium chloride at a rate Hypernatremia with low Diabetes insipidus
of 10 to 20 mEq/hr is considered safe. Potassium may burn total body water and Neurogenic
patients with small veins, so small amounts of lidocaine can be normal total body Elderly with “reset” osmostat
added to the intravenous solution. In the rare instance in which sodium Hypothalamic dysfunction
intravenous repletion is planned at more than 20 mEq/hr, closely Suprasellar or infrasellar tumors
Renal disease
monitor the patient with continuous cardiac monitoring and Drugs (amphotericin, phenytoin,
establish central line access. lithium, aminoglycosides,
Hypokalemia is associated with hypomagnesemia, and the methoxyflurane)
severity of the hypokalemia correlates with a similar degree of Sickle cell disease
hypomagnesemia.31 Magnesium replacement should usually Hypernatremia with Salt tablet ingestion
accompany potassium repletion. Unless the patient receives at increased total body Salt water ingestion92
least 0.5 g/hr of magnesium sulfate along with potassium replace- sodium Saline infusions
ment, potassium will not move intracellularly and the patient will Saline enemas
lose potassium through excretion.22 Correction of large potassium Intravenous sodium bicarbonate
deficits may require several days, and oral and intravenous replace- Poorly diluted interval feedings
Primary hyperaldosteronism
ment can occur simultaneously. Hemodialysis
Cushing’s syndrome
HYPERNATREMIA Conn’s syndrome

Principles of Disease
Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium concentration above
145 mEq/ L and is usually associated with a poor prognosis. It is BOX 125-4 More Common Causes of Diabetes Insipidus
uncommon in previously normal patients, and in adults it is
almost exclusively due to a total body water deficit.32 Most hyper- Central
natremic patients have either an impaired sense of thirst or no Familial disease
access to water. Thus elders, infants, patients in coma or with Cancer
mental impairment, and those who are intubated and paralyzed Hypoxic encephalopathy
are at highest risk for this disorder.33,34 Hypernatremia can be Infiltrative disorders
divided into three physiologic pairings (Box 125-3). Diabetes Postsupraventricular tachycardia
insipidus, a condition that results in insufficient production of or Anorexia nervosa
lack of response to antidiuretic hormone, can lead to life- Nephrogenic
threatening hypernatremia35 (Box 125-4). Chronic renal insufficiency
Polycystic kidney disease
Clinical Features Lithium toxicity93
Hypernatremia is a disease seen predominantly in elders, but it Hypokalemia
can also be seen in patients who depend on others to provide them Tubulointerstitial disease
with water, including infants, intubated patients, and persons with Hereditary
mental debilitation.36,37 In addition, patients will also have multi- Sickle cell disease
factorial causes leading to severe hypernatremia.38 Patients may
complain of polyuria or polydipsia or have obvious causes of
extrarenal fluid losses; others may have no complaints at all. A patient’s total body water is usually calculated by multiplying
Hypernatremia should be considered in any patient presenting the patient’s body weight in kilograms times 0.6. However, because
with altered mental status, especially individuals with severe of percentage body fat differences based on the age and sex of the
mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and head injury, as well as in patient, it is more accurate to use the correction factors listed in
bed-ridden patients who have no access to water. Table 125-2.

Diagnostic Strategies Management

In addition to routine serum chemistries, serum osmolarity and The treatment of hypernatremia has three interdependent goals:
urine sodium concentration and osmolality should be obtained. first, to quickly correct underlying shock, hypoperfusion, or sig-
The degree of hypernatremia almost always equals the total body nificant hypovolemia with normal saline; second, to treat the
water deficit in adults. The patient’s total body water (TBW) underlying cause of hypernatremia, such as fever, vomiting, or
deficit can be estimated by the formula diabetes insipidus; and third, to carefully lower the serum sodium
level, usually by replacement of the body’s total water deficit.39
TBW deficit = TBW × (serum Na + /140) − 1 Until hypoperfusion and hypovolemia are corrected, homeostatic
1642   PART III  ◆  Medicine and Surgery / Section Eleven • Metabolism and Endocrinology

Table 125-2 Calculation of Body Water BOX 125-5 Causes of Hyponatremia

POPULATION TOTAL BODY WATER Pseudohyponatremia Hyperlipidemia
Children and adult men Body weight (kg) × 0.6 Hyperproteinemia (multiple
myeloma, macroglobulinemia)
Adult women Body weight (kg) × 0.5
Elderly men Body weight (kg) × 0.5 Dilutional Hyperglycemia*
Elderly women Body weight (kg) × 0.45 Hypovolemic Body fluid losses: sweating,
hyponatremia: decreased vomiting, diarrhea,
total body water and gastrointestinal suction
sodium, with a relatively Third spacing: bowel obstruction,
mechanisms for sodium balance will promote sodium resorption greater decrease in burns, pancreatitis,
to maintain intravascular volume, even at the expense of the sodium rhabdomyolysis
serum sodium concentration. Renal causes: diuretics,
mineralocorticoid deficiency,
The rate of correction in hypernatremia is extremely important
osmotic diuresis, renal tubular
to minimize morbidity and mortality. In adult patients who have acidosis, salt-wasting
had hypernatremia during a short time as a result of sodium nephropathies
loading, “rapid correction” at 1 to 2 mEq/hr lowering of serum
sodium appears relatively safe.39,40 However, most adult patients Hypervolemic Heart failure
have hypernatremia during days to weeks. In this group of patients, hyponatremia: increased Chronic renal failure
serum sodium concentration should be slowly corrected at no total body sodium with a Hepatic failure or cirrhosis
more than 0.5 mEq/hr or 10 to 12 mEq/day. relatively greater increase
Normal saline can typically be started for volume replacement in total body water
until the patient is hemodynamically stable and then changed to
Euvolemic hyponatremia: SIADH
half-normal saline at 100 mL/hr once vital signs have normalized. increased total body Drugs causing SIADH (diuretics,
The treatment of central diabetes insipidus with desmopressin water with nearly normal barbiturates, carbamazepine,
(DDAVP) is an effective means of improving polyuria and hyper- total body sodium chlorpropamide, clofibrate,
natremia; initial doses in the acute setting range from 1 to 2 µg.33 opioids, tolbutamide, vincristine)
Psychogenic polydipsia
Beer potomania
HYPONATREMIA Hypothyroidism
Adrenal insufficiency
Principles of Disease MDMA (ecstasy)
Accidental or intentional water
Hyponatremia, defined as serum sodium concentration of less
than 135 mEq/L, is the second most common electrolyte abnor-
mality encountered in clinical practice.37 It is important to recog- *Hyperglycemia is referred by some as pseudohyponatremia, but hyperglycemia is
nize hyponatremia because of its potential morbidity and also actually a dilutional hyponatremia.
SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.
because it can be a marker of underlying disease. The most
common causes of severe hyponatremia in adults are therapy with
thiazides, the postoperative state including transurethral prosta-
tectomy, the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic central pontine myelinolysis, although it is more accurately labeled
hormone (SIADH), polydipsia in psychiatric patients, and unin- the osmotic demyelinating syndrome.41
tentional water intoxication. Gastrointestinal fluid loss, ingestion Although hyponatremia has many causes, they fall into four
of overly dilute formula, accidental ingestion of excessive water, general categories: pseudohyponatremia, hyponatremia with
and receipt of multiple tap-water enemas are the main causes of dehydration and decreased extracellular volume, hyponatremia
severe hyponatremia in infants and children. Most patients pre- with increased extracellular volume, and euvolemic hyponatremia
senting to the emergency department (ED) with hyponatremia are with increased total body water (Box 125-5).
asymptomatic and do not require emergent therapy. If symptoms
are present, they are typically based on the degree of hyponatremia Pseudohyponatremia
and how acutely the hyponatremia developed. Symptoms range
from headache, nausea, and vomiting to confusion, seizures, and Pseudohyponatremia is a falsely low sodium reading caused by the
coma. There are two groups of hyponatremic patients that will presence of other osmolar particles in the serum. The phenome-
require treatment with either normal saline or hypertonic saline: non of pseudohyponatremia is explained by the increased percent-
(1) severe but asymptomatic hyponatremia with a sodium level of age of large molecular particles relative to sodium. These large
110 mEq/L or less and (2) acute symptomatic hyponatremia with molecules do not contribute to plasma osmolality, resulting in a
a sodium level below 120 mEq/L. state in which the relative sodium concentration is decreased but
Central nervous system (CNS) damage due to hyponatremia the overall osmolality remains unchanged. Severe hypertriglyceri-
may be caused by cerebral edema and increased intracranial pres- demia and hyperproteinemia are two common causes of this con-
sure, by osmotic fluid shifts during overly aggressive treatment, or dition.42 Blood draw or laboratory error should also be considered
by both. When they are subjected to a hyponatremic environment, a possible cause of a patient’s hyponatremia, especially if the blood
neurons become depleted of sodium and potassium in an attempt sample was drawn near an infusion site using 5% dextrose in water
to limit their own osmolarity to prevent intracellular fluid shifts (D5W) or 5% dextrose in half-normal saline or when a very abnor-
that would lead to cerebral edema. If fluid therapy raises extracel- mal sodium level is reported in an otherwise healthy patient.
lular sodium levels too quickly, fluids shift out of neurons and Hyperglycemia is sometimes considered a cause of pseudo-
diffuse demyelination may occur, leading to flaccid paralysis and hyponatremia; however, it actually causes a dilutional hyponatre-
often death due to a syndrome most commonly referred to as mia by pulling water into the vascular space by osmosis. Two
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1643
different formulas based on the degree of a patient’s hyperglyce-
mia are currently used to correct serum sodium levels. One com- BOX 125-6 Three Most Common Causes of SIADH
monly used formula advocates the addition of 1.6 mEq/L to the
measured sodium for every 100 mg/dL of glucose above 100. Lung masses
Another formula recommends use of 2.4 mEq as the correction Cancer (especially small cell)
factor because glucose values above 400 mg/dL may lower sodium
values by 4 mEq/L per each 100 mg/dL of glucose rise.40 Abscess
Central nervous system disorders
Hypovolemic Hyponatremia Infection (meningitis, brain abscess)
Mass (subdural, postoperative, cerebrovascular accident)
Hypovolemic hyponatremia, or hyponatremia in association with Psychosis (with psychogenic polydipsia)
dehydration, occurs when there is decreased extracellular volume Drugs
combined with an even greater loss of sodium. Hyponatremia Thiazide diuretics
secondary to body fluid losses must be differentiated from that Narcotics
due to renal losses. Hyponatremia with dehydration due to body Oral hypoglycemic agents
fluid losses includes sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointes- Antineoplastics
tinal suction. Hypovolemic hyponatremia is also seen with “third
spacing” in bowel obstruction, burns, and intra-abdominal sepsis. SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone.
Hypovolemic hyponatremia due to renal causes includes diuretic
use, mineralocorticoid deficiency, renal tubular acidosis, and salt-
wasting nephropathy. Hypovolemic hyponatremia can be further
exacerbated when fluid losses are replaced with hypotonic saline. SIADH, the most common of which are thiazide diuretics, narcot-
ics, lithium, oral hypoglycemics, barbiturates, and antineoplastics.
Hypervolemic Hyponatremia The mainstay of treatment of most patients with SIADH and other
causes of euvolemic hyponatremia is free water restriction.
Hypervolemic hyponatremia, or hyponatremia with increased
extracellular volume, occurs when sodium and water are retained Diagnostic Strategies
but water retention exceeds sodium retention. Most of these
patients present with edema. Hyponatremia with increased total A spot urinary sodium or urinary chloride level is useful to deter-
body sodium occurs in patients with heart failure, chronic renal mine if hyponatremia of undetermined origin is renal in etiology.
failure, and hepatic failure. The fluid retention in these states is Patients with hypovolemic hyponatremia due to nonrenal causes
secondary to renal hypoperfusion, resulting in increased aldoste- typically have a low urinary sodium or chloride level (<20 mEq/L)
rone secretion and a decrease in free water excretion. as they try to retain solute. Patients with hypovolemic hyponatre-
mia due to renal causes will have elevated urine sodium and chlo-
Euvolemic Hyponatremia ride levels above 20 mEq/L as their kidneys cannot retain sodium
or chloride. Patients with euvolemic hyponatremia typically have
The final category of hyponatremia is one in which patients are a urinary sodium concentration greater than 20 mEq/L secondary
euvolemic but have increased total body water. Causes of this type to volume expansion caused by water retention. Patients with
of hyponatremia include SIADH, psychogenic polydipsia,43 beer hypervolemic hyponatremia secondary to CHF or cirrhosis have
potomania, hypothyroidism, diuretic use in patients with mild urine sodium levels of less than 20 mEq/L because of renal hypo-
CHF, and accidental or intentional water intoxication. These perfusion, whereas those with renal causes of hypervolemic hypo-
patients do not present with edema because most of the increased natremia or with SIADH have sodium levels in excess of 20 mEq/L
body water is intracellular and not intravascular. Hyponatremia as their kidneys are not able to retain sodium. In interpreting
without edema has also been described in patients after the use of serum sodium levels, consider the possibility of sampling error if
the recreational drug N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine the reported value does not seem consistent with the patient’s
(MDMA or ecstasy). MDMA-induced hyponatremia is multifac- presentation and confirm that a diuretic such as furosemide has
torial and is related to increased free water intake to avoid dehy- not been recently administered, which will increase urinary
dration and rhabdomyolysis, along with the tendency to be very sodium losses. It is also important to consider adrenal insuffi-
active while using the drug, leading to sweating and antidiuretic ciency when a dehydrated patient has both hyponatremia and
hormone secretion.41 In addition, there are extensive case reports hyperkalemia.
of significant hyponatremia in endurance athletes.44
SIADH is an important cause of hyponatremia that occurs Clinical Features
when normal antidiuretic hormone secretion is lost and antidi-
uretic hormone is secreted independently of the body’s need to The signs and symptoms of hyponatremia increase as sodium
conserve water. The process results from excess antidiuretic levels decline and also correlate with the rapidity with which
hormone production that causes total body water to increase, hyponatremia develops. Nonspecific signs of hyponatremia
diluting the body’s sodium and causing the serum sodium to include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and generalized weakness.
decrease. Patients with SIADH have inappropriately concentrated Acutely hyponatremic patients whose sodium level drops below
urine despite a low serum osmolality and normal circulating 120 mEq/L during 24 to 48 hours may present with severe neuro-
blood volume. Patients with SIADH have excess total body water logic findings, including confusion, seizures, cerebral edema,
but no signs of edema, ascites, or heart failure because most of the coma, and brainstem herniation. Determination of the hydration
increased body water is intracellular, not intravascular. The three status of the patient may help establish the etiology of the hypo-
most common causes of SIADH are pulmonary lung masses and natremia and help direct subsequent treatment. The diagnosis of
infections, CNS disorders, and drugs (Box 125-6). Lung cancers hypovolemic hyponatremia is more likely in the patient with
(especially small cell cancer), pneumonia, and tuberculosis can diminished skin turgor, increased capillary refill, dry mucous
lead to SIADH. CNS infections, masses, and psychosis can also membranes, and orthostasis. On the contrary, the patient with
cause SIADH. A large number of medications are associated with jugular venous distention, peripheral edema, or pulmonary
1644   PART III  ◆  Medicine and Surgery / Section Eleven • Metabolism and Endocrinology
during 10 minutes. If a second bolus is required, an additional
Table 125-3 Characteristics of Infusates 100 mL of the 3% solution (513 mEq/L of sodium) may be
administered during the next 50 minutes. Increased neurologic
INFUSATE SODIUM (mmol/L) DISTRIBUTION (%) stability is highly likely once a symptomatic hyponatremic patient’s
serum sodium concentration has been raised by about 4 to 6 mEq
3% Hypertonic saline 513 100 acutely by the hypertonic saline. To minimize the likelihood of
0.9% Normal saline 154 100 central pontine myelinolysis, it is essential that symptomatic
solution patients with severe hyponatremia not have serum sodium levels
Lactated Ringer’s 130 97 rise by any more than a total of 10 to 12 mEq within the first 24
solution hours.46,47 Potassium deficits should be replaced aggressively in the
treatment of hyponatremic patients with a sodium disorder. If
Half-normal saline 77 73
solution patients are retaining volume and diuresis is not adequate, furo-
semide can be used; D5W is infused if the sodium level is rising
0.2% Sodium chloride 34 55 too quickly.46 Patients may be able to make full neurologic recover-
+ 5% dextrose in water
ies from central pontine myelinolysis with the reinduction of
5% Dextrose in water 0 45 hyponatremia in these extreme cases.44 Demeclocycline in a dosage
of 600 to 1200 mg daily is effective in patients with refractory
congestion is much more likely to have hypervolemic hyponatre-
mia. Patients with SIADH will have no edema and have normal Hypovolemic Hyponatremia
skin turgor.
Treatment of hypovolemic hyponatremia begins with rehydration.
Management Hypotensive, dehydrated patients are volume resuscitated with
normal saline. Once the patient is hemodynamically stable, the
Treatment of hyponatremia is guided by the patient’s clinical pre- infusion rate is slowed. Typically, the normal saline is started
sentation, severity of symptoms, estimated duration of illness, at 500 to 1000 mL/hr until the blood pressure is stable and
fluid status, and underlying cause of the sodium disturbance. then slowed to 200 mL/hr with frequent sodium checks. If the
Typically, sodium should be corrected during a time course of 48 sodium value is below 120 mEq/L, the sodium concentration
to 72 hours. Central pontine myelinolysis can occur with too rapid should be allowed to rise only by an average of 0.5 mEq/hr or 10
correction of sodium.43 Most cases of central pontine myelinolysis to 12 mEq/day.47 It is essential to treat the underlying cause of
occur in the alcoholic, malnourished, and elder population, hyponatremia.
although this devastating side effect can occur in healthy, young
patients as well. Patients with central pontine myelinolysis have a Hypervolemic Hyponatremia
flaccid paralysis, dysarthria, dysphagia, and hypotension. If a
patient have these symptoms during therapy, stop all sodium- Normal saline and hypertonic saline can cause pulmonary edema
containing fluids and administer D5W immediately to lower in the hypervolemic hyponatremic patient. Restriction of fluid
sodium values temporarily.44 Most patients presenting to the ED and sodium is the preferred treatment of patients with hypervol-
with hyponatremia are stable and require no emergent therapy. emic hyponatremia, although loop diuretics can be used in severe
However, patients who have serum sodium levels of significantly cases. Hemodialysis is an alternative in patients with renal impair-
less than 120 mEq/L and those who have acute alterations in ment and will be required in significantly hyponatremic renal
mental status, seizures, or new focal findings due to hyponatremia failure patients with volume overload. Patients with CHF will
need immediate intervention. Table 125-3 presents the sodium usually benefit from diuretics that will increase water excretion
concentration of various infusates, and the following equation is and cause vasodilation to improve cardiac output.49 In those
helpful to estimate the effect of 1 liter of any infusate on serum patients with liver failure, albumin is a consideration, along with
sodium: diuretics and possibly paracentesis to improve the underlying
pathologic process. Water restriction may make the largest impact
Change in serum Na + = infusate Na + on the long-term care of these patients.
− serum Na + / total body water + 1
Euvolemic Hyponatremia
There is no consensus regarding the optimal treatment of
symptomatic hyponatremia. However, there is agreement that cor- The mainstay of treatment of euvolemic hyponatremia is free
rection should occur at a sufficient pace and magnitude to reverse water restriction. As the hypo-osmolality in SIADH results from
the manifestations of hypotonicity but not be so rapid and large a relative abundance of water in the intracellular and extracellular
as to pose a risk for development of osmotic demyelination. For volumes, maintained by a reduced ability to excrete water, the
relatively asymptomatic patients with sodium values of 115 to restriction of free oral water intake is the first recommendation.
135 mEq/ L, free water restriction is typically the single most The use of water restriction is insufficient to treat acute severe
important treatment. hyponatremia and is not recommended as a sole intervention in
In more severe cases when the sodium value is 120 mEq/L or severely symptomatic hyponatremia, in which a more rapid cor-
less and the patient has alterations in mental status, has focal find- rection rate is necessary. The only definitive treatment of SIADH
ings, or is seizing, hypertonic saline is indicated.45-47 Correction of is elimination of its underlying cause. Most cases of SIADH caused
hyponatremia by 4 to 6 mEq/L within 6 hours, with bolus infu- by malignant disease resolve with effective antineoplastic therapy,
sions of 3% saline if necessary, is sufficient to manage the most and most due to medication resolve promptly when the offending
severe manifestations of hyponatremia.45 agent is discontinued.50
The serum sodium level should be below 120 mEq/L when In patients with SIADH, normal saline may cause the serum
administration of hypertonic saline is being considered. It is rec- sodium concentration to decrease even more as free water is
ommended that critically ill hyponatremic patients with seizures, retained and hypertonic urine is excreted. If a patient is symptom-
focal findings, or coma receive 100 mL of 3% hypertonic saline atic because of a rapid decrease in serum sodium concentration,
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1645
include lethargy, altered mental status, seizures, and coma. Death
BOX 125-7 Five Most Common Causes of Hypercalcemia due to hypercalcemia is usually related to complications caused by
coma, dehydration, or electrolyte disturbances. Cardiac conduc-
Malignant disease Ectopic secretions of parathyroid tion abnormalities may occur; bradydysrhythmias are the most
hormone, multiple myeloma, cancer common.53 Severe hypercalcemia has also been associated with
metastatic to bone
sinus arrest, atrioventricular block, atrial fibrillation, and ven-
Most common: breast, lung,
hematologic, kidney, prostate tricular tachycardia.
Endocrine Hyperparathyroidism, multiple
endocrine neoplasias, hyperthyroidism, Diagnostic Strategies
pheochromocytoma, adrenal
insufficiency The diagnostic evaluation of a patient with suspected hypercalce-
Granulomatous Sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, mia begins with obtaining of electrolyte and renal function tests
disease berylliosis, coccidioidomycosis and an ECG. Calcium is measured by determination of either a
Pharmacologic agents Vitamins A and D, thiazide diuretics, total serum calcium level or an ionized calcium level. Ionized
estrogens, milk-alkali syndrome calcium is the active form of the total calcium level. It is more
Miscellaneous Dehydration, prolonged immobilization,
accurate in the diagnosis and treatment of hypocalcemia, but it
iatrogenic, rhabdomyolysis, familial,
laboratory error does need to be routinely evaluated in hypercalcemia.54 The serum
total calcium level represents both bound and unbound calcium
and thus should be corrected on the basis of the albumin concen-
tration. The adjustment to serum albumin is accomplished by
treatment with hypertonic saline is recommended. Demeclocy- adding or subtracting 0.08 mg/dL to the measured total serum
cline and lithium are rarely used in the treatment of SIADH calcium for every 1.0 g/L of albumin below or above 4 g/L albumin,
because of their many side effects and nephrotoxicity. Rapid cor- respectively.
rection of hyponatremia may occur during hemodialysis. To mini- A short QT interval can be seen in hypercalcemia and is con-
mize the risks of central pontine myelinolysis, hemodialysis is sidered a classic finding. However, although the incidence and
reserved for patients with documented renal failure and used in a duration of QT shortening appear to be correlated with the degree
very careful manner.50 Vaptans, which are oral agents that inhibit of hypercalcemia, it is not a reliable finding and is not routinely
the effects of vasopressin, have been studied for treatment of seen in most patients (Fig. 125-6). ST segment elevation may be
patients with hyponatremia due to SIADH but need further evalu- the least well documented but most consistent electrocardio-
ation before becoming standard of care.46,51 graphic finding, and hypercalcemia should be considered in the
differential diagnosis of ST segment elevation caused by condi-
tions other than myocardial infarction.55,56 In severe cases of
HYPERCALCEMIA hypercalcemia, sinus bradycardia, bundle branch block, and high-
Principles of Disease degree atrioventricular block may also been seen.

Hypercalcemia is usually defined as a serum calcium level above Management

10.5 mg/dL; normal levels are usually defined as between 9 and
10.5 mg/dL. Hypercalcemia is considered mild if the total serum Patients in hypercalcemic crisis are usually dehydrated, often
calcium level is between 10.5 and 12 mg/dL; levels higher than obtunded, and also predisposed to arrhythmias as a result of con-
14 mg/dL can be life-threatening. comitant electrolyte disturbances; thus they require intravenous
There are five major causes of hypercalcemia (Box 125-7). access with a normal saline infusion and close monitoring. Normal
Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause of saline will inhibit proximal tubule reabsorption of calcium and
hypercalcemia in outpatients, whereas malignant disease is the also correct the patient’s volume depletion. Normal saline is
most common cause in hospitalized patients. Mild hypercalcemia, infused “wide open” until blood pressure and perfusion are nor-
in an otherwise normal person, may be due to thiazide diuretics malized. After the initial bolus, the saline infusion is adjusted to a
with minimal dehydration. Other less common causes of elevated rate of approximately 200 to 300 mL/hr, depending on the patient’s
calcium concentration are usually not considered until malignant age and renal function. Patients with underlying cardiac or renal
disease and parathyroid disease are ruled out. Malignancy- disease may require lower infusion rates that are carefully titrated.
associated hypercalcemia occurs in up to 10% of all patients with Although the administration of higher volumes of saline may
advanced cancer and generally conveys a poor prognosis. Other further augment calcium excretion, it is much more likely to result
causes of hypercalcemia include granulomatous disease, such as in increased morbidity and mortality from volume overload, pul-
sarcoidosis and tuberculosis; medications and pharmacologic monary edema, and myocardial ischemia. The routine use of furo-
agents; and a number of diverse conditions, such as rhabdomyoly- semide in the management of hypercalcemia is no longer
sis and prolonged immobilization. recommended. Furosemide was once thought to block the distal
reabsorption of calcium, thus complementing saline’s proximal
Clinical Features tubule effects. However, no modern-day studies have shown furo-
semide to have significant calcium reabsorption blocking effects.
Unfortunately, the clinical presentation of hypercalcemia is often The use of furosemide is reserved to augment saline diuresis and
vague and nonspecific. Symptoms include nonfocal abdominal to avoid volume overload during the treatment of hypercalce-
pain, constipation, fatigue, diffuse body aches, anorexia, nausea, mia.57 If it is given to patients who are not yet volume replete, this
and vomiting. Symptom severity depends on the degree of hyper- loop diuretic may worsen the hypercalcemia because of its volume
calcemia, the rapidity of onset, and the patient’s baseline neuro- depleting effects and also adversely affect the patient’s hemody-
logic and renal function.52 The diagnosis should be considered in namics and renal status. Once calcium excretion by saline infusion
a large number of differential diagnoses. In addition, some patients has begun, other electrolyte values should be carefully monitored
complain of polyuria or polydipsia. Neuropsychiatric disturbances with attention to serum potassium levels.
include anxiety, depression, confusion, and hallucinations. The Osteoclast-inhibiting therapies for severe hypercalcemia are
CNS manifestations that often predominate in more severe cases generally considered in consultation with the patient’s primary
1646   PART III  ◆  Medicine and Surgery / Section Eleven • Metabolism and Endocrinology

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5


Figure 125-6.  Short QT interval

(arrow) in a patient with multiple
myeloma and a calcium level of II
14.2 mg/dL. (Courtesy Dr. Barton

physician or oncologist. Drugs that inhibit osteoclast-mediated

bone resorption include the bisphosphonates, mithramycin, calci- BOX 125-8 Most Common Causes of Hypocalcemia
tonin, and glucocorticoids. Intravenous bisphosphonates are the
most extensively studied and most efficacious agents for the Hypoalbuminemia
treatment of malignancy-associated hypercalcemia.58 Their Hypoparathyroidism: inherited, postsurgical, autoimmune,
calcium-lowering effect is achieved predominantly by inhibition infiltrative
Vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D resistance: malabsorption
of osteoclast function and survival. Zoledronic acid is the bisphos- syndrome, liver disease, malnutrition, sepsis, anticonvulsants,
phonate of choice in hypercalcemia of malignancy.59 The infusion lack of sunlight exposure
takes 15 minutes, and zoledronic acid may be more effective than Chronic renal failure
other bisphosphonates at keeping the calcium level down over Hyperphosphatemia
time. The use of intravenous bisphosphonates is restricted to the Hypomagnesemia
treatment of acute hypercalcemia associated with serum calcium Respiratory alkalosis
concentrations above 15 mg/dL and rapid deterioration of CNS, Severe pancreatitis
cardiac, gastrointestinal, and renal function. Drugs: bisphosphonates, phenytoin, phosphate, calcitonin
In the rare case in which a patient has a life-threatening hyper- Tumor lysis syndrome
calcemic arrhythmia or heart block, phosphates and hemodialysis
are considered.60,61 In cases of hypercalcemic crisis resulting
from primary hyperparathyroidism, urgent parathyroidectomy is
potentially curative.
exposure, are at high risk for development of hypocalcemia.62
Derangements in magnesium and phosphate can also lead to
HYPOCALCEMIA hypocalcemia. Hyperphosphatemic patients often have hypocal-
Principles of Disease cemia because of phosphate’s affinity to bind calcium, whereas
hypomagnesemia causes end-organ resistance to parathyroid
Calcium regulation is critical for normal cell function, neural hormone and inhibits the hypocalcemic feedback loop. Patients
transmission, membrane stability, bone structure, blood coagula- with sepsis demonstrate hypocalcemia usually associated with
tion, and intracellular signaling. Total body calcium is controlled hypoalbuminemia.
by a feedback system in which parathyroid hormone induces the The most common causes of symptomatic hypocalcemia are
bone and the kidneys to increase serum calcium levels. Vitamin D massive blood transfusions, toxins, pancreatitis, tumor lysis syn-
facilitates intestinal calcium absorption. Conversely, elevated drome, and chronic malnutrition (Box 125-9). Patients receiving
calcium levels normally inhibit parathyroid hormone release. massive blood transfusions are at risk for development of hypo-
There are multiple causes of hypocalcemia, of which hypoalbu- calcemia because of citrate toxicity. Rapid blood transfusions and
minemia is the most common (Box 125-8). Because calcium is radiocontrast dyes containing citrate should be monitored closely
bound to albumin and other serum proteins, hypoalbuminemia in patients with hepatic failure, CHF, or other low-output states
will cause a fall in the measured serum calcium by about 0.8 mg/ to avoid hypocalcemia.63
dL for every 1 g/dL reduction in serum albumin. The active form Hypocalcemia in acute pancreatitis is caused primarily by pre-
of calcium is the ionized calcium, which is not affected by changes cipitation of calcium soaps in the abdominal cavity, but glucagon-
in albumin. stimulated calcitonin release and decreased parathyroid hormone
Hypoparathyroidism is a common cause of hypocalcemia and secretion may play a role. Toxic exposures to hydrofluoric acid and
often develops because of surgery for head and neck cancers. It ethylene glycol can cause profound hypocalcemia secondary to
develops in 1 to 2% of patients after total thyroidectomy. Patients their abilities to complex and chelate with calcium.
with vitamin D deficiency, including those with malabsorption When patients are being treated for malignant neoplasms, they
syndromes, liver disease, malnutrition, and very little sunlight are at risk for development of tumor lysis syndrome and multiple
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1647
Five Most Common Symptomatic Causes of
Hypocalcemia Seen in the Emergency BOX 125-10 Five Most Common Causes of Hypermagnesemia
BOX 125-9 Department
Iatrogenic Intravenous administration, dialysate
Hyperventilation Anxiety, sympathomimetics Oral administration Laxatives, antacids, vitamins, cathartics,
Ethanol abuse, chronic Hypoalbuminemia dialysate, parental
malnutrition Impaired elimination: Bowel obstruction, chronic constipation
Massive blood transfusion More than 10 units hypomotility
Toxins Hydrofluoric acid, ethylene glycol Impaired elimination: Anticholinergics, narcotics, lithium
Severe pancreatitis medications therapy
Miscellaneous Hypothyroidism, tumor lysis syndrome,
adrenal insufficiency, milk-alkali
syndrome, near-drowning in Dead
secondary electrolyte abnormalities. Hypocalcemia has been
attributed to the precipitation of calcium phosphate salts. Finally,
one should expect to encounter hypocalcemia in malnourished
patients and chronic alcoholics who present to the ED, especially
alcoholics with hyperventilation due to alcohol withdrawal. hypocalcemic patients who require calcium urgently. It is best
given through a central line. Calcium gluconate contains 92 mg of
Clinical Features elemental calcium. Although this is one-third the amount con-
tained in calcium chloride, it is safer to administer and can be
Although there are many clinical manifestations of hypocalcemia, given peripherally.62 Most patients requiring intravenous calcium
neuromuscular and cardiovascular findings predominate. Severe, should be admitted to the hospital for monitoring and treatment
symptomatic hypocalcemia may result in cardiovascular collapse, of nausea, vomiting, hypertension, and bradycardia. Patients
hypotension, and dysrhythmias. Clinically evident hypocalcemia taking digoxin have increased cardiac sensitivity to fluctuations in
generally is manifested in milder forms and is usually the result of serum calcium, so intravenous calcium administration is accom-
a chronic disease state. The patient may complain of muscle panied by continuous electrocardiographic monitoring.65
cramping, perioral or finger paresthesias, shortness of breath sec-
ondary to bronchospasm, and tetanic contractions. More severe
symptoms include hypotension, QT prolongation, angina, and HYPERMAGNESEMIA
CHF. Chronic hypocalcemia may be manifested with cataracts, Principles of Disease
poor dentition, dry skin, coarse hair, and pruritus. Chvostek’s sign
may be present: when the examiner taps the facial nerve, facial or Hypermagnesemia is a relatively rare electrolyte abnormality
eye muscle twitching will be elicited. Trousseau’s sign may also be defined as a serum magnesium concentration above 2.2 mg/dL.
present: when the examiner inflates the blood pressure cuff to Hypermagnesemia is most often seen in patients with renal
20 mm Hg above the systolic blood pressure for 3 minutes, carpal insufficiency who cannot optimally regulate magnesium excre-
spasms will be induced because of local ulnar and median nerve tion, especially as their magnesium load increases. There have
ischemia. Trousseau’s sign is relatively specific for hypocalcemia, been reports of fatal and near-fatal cases involving hypermagne-
whereas Chvostek’s test is less diagnostic. semia in patients receiving magnesium with unrecognized renal
failure.66 Hypermagnesemia can also be caused iatrogenically in
Diagnostic Strategies patients receiving intravenous magnesium for medical treatment
or in patients taking over-the-counter laxatives and antacids.67
Most cases of hypocalcemia are discovered by clinical suspicion Even though most patients at risk for hypermagnesemia have
followed by appropriate laboratory testing. A serum calcium level underlying renal impairment, hypermagnesemia has been reported
less than 8.5 mg/dL or an ionized calcium level less than 2.0 mEq/L in patients with normal renal function, especially in elders. Box
is considered diagnostic. Total serum calcium is approximately 125-10 lists the most common causes of increased serum magne-
50% free (ionized) and 50% bound, primarily to albumin; thus sium levels.
the serum level must be “corrected” when hypoalbuminemia Iatrogenic hypermagnesemia most commonly occurs from
exists. The ionized calcium level, which is not affected by the excessive intravenous infusions of magnesium in patients being
albumin level, is more accurate. It is best to perform the whole treated for preeclampsia or eclampsia, cardiac arrhythmias, or
blood ionized calcium determination rapidly to avoid changes in asthma exacerbations. Magnesium administration during eclamp-
chelation and pH.64 In select cases, a parathyroid hormone level sia can also cause fetal hypermagnesemia as magnesium crosses
may be sent to assist the admitting or consulting physician. Elec- the placental barrier. Hypermagnesemia may also be seen in
trocardiography and cardiac monitoring are recommended in patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis if the dialysate
suspected hypocalcemia patients to evaluate the QT interval and solutions are not closely monitored for magnesium content.
to provide continuous monitoring for potential dysrhythmias. In patients with normal renal function, large amounts of mag-
nesium can be excreted daily in the stool and urine. However, in
Management patients with impaired renal function, hypermagnesemia can be
seen even with therapeutic doses of magnesium-containing prod-
Most asymptomatic patients and those with mild symptoms can ucts. For example, a patient with renal insufficiency should not
be treated with oral calcium supplementation, such as calcium use magnesium citrate for treatment of constipation. An adult
carbonate. Intravenous calcium is administered, either as calcium dose of 10 ounces of laxative syrup results in consumption of
chloride or calcium gluconate, to patients with moderate to severe approximately 2.0 g of elemental magnesium per single dose. A
symptoms; 100 to 300 mg of elemental calcium given during 5 to healthy adult can excrete more than 6.0 g of magnesium daily, but
30 minutes will raise the ionized calcium level 0.5 to 1.5 mEq. renally impaired patients may not be able to tolerate a single dose
Calcium chloride contains 272 mg of elemental calcium but can of laxative syrup. Hypermagnesemia resulting from Epsom salt
be caustic to veins and thus should be given only to critically ill gargles and salt enemas has been reported.68,69
1648   PART III  ◆  Medicine and Surgery / Section Eleven • Metabolism and Endocrinology

Table 125-4 Clinical Effects of Hypermagnesemia BOX 125-11 Most Common Causes of Hypomagnesemia
EFFECT LEVEL (mg/dL) Dietary
Decreased deep tendon reflexes 4-5 Gastrointestinal
Hypotension 5-7 Endocrine or metabolic
Respiratory insufficiency 10 Drug induced
Heart block 10-15
Cardiac arrest 10-24

with respiratory depression and cardiac instability. In treating life-

threatening hypermagnesemia, initially administer 100 to 200 mg
of intravenous calcium as either calcium chloride or calcium glu-
Decreased gastrointestinal elimination and increased gastroin- conate (1-2 mL of 10% calcium chloride or 5 mL of 1% calcium
testinal absorption of magnesium due to intestinal hypomotility gluconate during 2-5 minutes) and then titrate to effect.72 One can
can also result in toxicity. Hypermagnesemia can be seen with then consider a continuous infusion at 2 to 4 mg/kg/hr if it is
bowel obstruction, colitis, gastric dilation, and use of medications needed while dialysis is being arranged.
that decrease motility, including narcotics and anticholinergics.
Other less common causes of hypermagnesemia include rhabdo-
myolysis, tumor lysis syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, hyperpara- HYPOMAGNESEMIA
thyroidism, and hypothyroidism. Principles of Disease

Clinical Features Hypomagnesemia is a common electrolyte abnormality that

often goes undetected. Normal serum magnesium levels range
Patients with hypermagnesemia may present with flushing, nausea, from 1.5 to 3.0 mEq/L. Symptoms of hypomagnesemia typically
vomiting, headache, and diminished deep tendon reflexes. Typi- begin to be manifested at serum levels below 1.2 mEq/L, although
cally, symptoms begin to be manifested around magnesium levels symptoms are often not well correlated with the patient’s serum
of 4 mg/dL (Table 125-4). Magnesium is a CNS and neuromus- level. This is because most of the body’s magnesium is intracel-
cular depressant and can cause cardiac instability. Magnesium acts lular, and thus a single blood sample with a low serum magnesium
as a calcium channel blocker and also blocks potassium channels level may not accurately reflect total body magnesium or the
needed for repolarization. As magnesium levels rise, hypotension extent of true hypomagnesemia. Magnesium exists in three states:
and electrocardiographic changes, including QRS widening and ionized magnesium, protein bound, and complexed to serum
QT and PR prolongation, begin to occur. When serum magnesium anions. Even though studies show the importance of measuring
levels rise above 7 mg/dL, patients can have signs and symptoms ionized calcium, most research shows that ionized magnesium can
of hypotension, respiratory insufficiency, and heart block. Cardiac be inferred from total magnesium. Currently, the clinical role of
arrest and death have been reported in patients with serum mag- measurement of ionized magnesium is unclear, and measurement
nesium levels above 10 mg/dL.70 Finally, hypermagnesemia of ionized magnesium is not standard practice in the ED; there
causes suppression of parathyroid hormone secretion and can be may be a role for measurement of ionized magnesium in the
associated with hypocalcemia. intensive care setting.73
There are many causes of hypomagnesemia (Box 125-11).
Diagnostic Strategies The following are the five most common ED presentations of
Measured plasma magnesium levels often do not reflect total Patients Maintained with Diuretics.  Patients using either loop or
magnesium content, making it difficult to consistently correlate thiazide diuretics are at increased risk for hypomagnesemia. Both
symptoms to specific magnesium levels. Although there is some types of diuretics can inhibit magnesium reabsorption. Con-
question of the role of measuring ionized magnesium in patients versely, potassium-sparing diuretics are also magnesium sparing
with hypomagnesemia, only total body magnesium needs to be because they enhance magnesium reabsorption and decrease mag-
followed in hypermagnesemic patients.71 nesium excretion. The degree of hypomagnesemia induced by the
loop and thiazide diuretics is generally mild, partly because the
Management associated volume contraction will tend to increase proximal
sodium, water, and magnesium reabsorption.
Management of hypermagnesemia is dictated by the neuromus- Malnourished and Alcoholic Patients.  Healthy patients consume
cular, cardiovascular, and CNS changes that occur. Most stable enough magnesium in green vegetables, legumes, fruits, shellfish,
or asymptomatic hypermagnesemic patients can be treated fresh meat, and cocoa on a regular basis to maintain normal total
with cessation of their magnesium therapy. As symptoms become body magnesium stores. However, hypomagnesemia is common
more pronounced, intravenous isotonic fluids are administered to in patients with chronic protein-calorie malnutrition because of
dilute the extracellular magnesium. Diuretics can be used to an associated lack of essential minerals and vitamins including
promote excretion of magnesium while more definitive treatment magnesium. This is especially true in chronic alcoholics, who may
is arranged. not eat foods rich in magnesium.74 Magnesium losses are further
In patients with higher levels of serum magnesium or more increased in chronic alcoholics because of alcohol’s diuretic effects.
severe symptoms, renal consultation should be initiated immedi- Hypomagnesemia may also be seen in patients with malabsorp-
ately to arrange for dialysis. Intravenous calcium therapy to reverse tion disorders (celiac sprue and short bowel syndrome) and in
magnesium toxicity should be reserved for patients with life- patients with increased magnesium excretion (chronic diarrhea or
threatening symptoms while dialysis is being arranged. Calcium inflammatory bowel conditions).
directly antagonizes the neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects Patients with Hypokalemia.  Both potassium and magnesium are
of magnesium and is recommended in hypotensive patients critical to help stabilize the membrane potential, to decrease cell
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1649
+ +
excitability, and for function of the Na ,K -ATPase pump. Approx- with the total serum magnesium level. Because most of the total
imately 50% of patients with hypokalemia also have concomitant body magnesium is intracellular, the magnesium level alone does
magnesium deficiency. Increasing degrees of hypokalemia are cor- not guide therapy. However, the possibility of hypomagnesemia is
related with an increasing likelihood of a magnesium deficit.21 considered in patients with malnourishment, significant or refrac-
Hypokalemic patients who are refractory to potassium replace- tory hypokalemia, and ventricular arrhythmias. Electrocardio-
ment are likely to also be hypomagnesemic. graphic findings in hypomagnesemia are nonspecific and may be
Patients with Acute Coronary Artery Disease and Ventricular caused by both the hypomagnesemia and concomitant hypokale-
Arrhythmias.  There appears to be a relationship between low mia. Hypomagnesemia should be suspected whenever electrocar-
serum magnesium levels and the subsequent development of diographic findings of hypokalemia are noted, including PR and
coronary heart disease.75 Patients who have a myocardial infarc- QT interval prolongation, ST segment depression, flattening and
tion are more likely than controls to be hypomagnesemic. At widening of the T waves, loss of voltage, and U waves.
present, magnesium supplementation is recommended only for
those acute coronary syndrome patients who have evidence of Management
hypokalemia, prolonged QT, or known hypomagnesemia. Simi-
larly, patients with acute myocardial infarction who have mild The route of magnesium repletion varies with the severity of the
hypomagnesemia appear to have a twofold to threefold increase clinical manifestations. Parenteral magnesium is recommended
in the frequency of ventricular arrhythmias in the first 24 hours for life-threatening conditions. In patients with normal renal
compared with those with normal magnesium levels.76 There is function, 1 to 2 g of magnesium sulfate is an appropriate loading
controversy about whether magnesium should be administered dose. A stable patient with hypomagnesemia can be treated with
empirically after acute myocardial infarction.77 Dysrhythmia is the a loading dose of 1 to 2 g of magnesium sulfate during 10 to 60
most common cardiovascular manifestation of hypomagnesemia. minutes, followed by a standard maintenance dose of 0.5 to 1 g/
Magnesium affects the duration of phase 2 of the action potential, hr until symptoms have resolved or a therapeutic effect is obtained.
and hypomagnesemia can prolong the QT interval. Magnesium However, patients in cardiac arrest should receive a bolus of 1 to
also has effects on phase 4, the resting membrane potential, when 2 g magnesium sulfate by intravenous push.
it serves to keep the cell more negative by stimulating the sodium- Magnesium administration is strongly encouraged for patients
potassium pump. The exact mechanism underlying a possible receiving intravenous potassium repletion. A dose of 0.5 g/hr is
association between hypomagnesemia and arrhythmias is at safe in patients who are well hydrated and have normal renal func-
present unknown. Arrhythmias are likely to be due to concurrent tion. There are potential adverse effects to rapid aggressive mag-
hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, or both, resulting in a prolonged nesium replacement at more than 1 to 2 g/hr, including decreased
QT interval and increases in spontaneous depolarization. deep tendon reflexes, respiratory depression, and heart block.
Patients Receiving Specific Medications.  In addition to diuretics, Magnesium gluconate oral supplementation can be given if the
many medications are associated with hypomagnesemia. Many patient is only mildly hypomagnesemic and asymptomatic. When
nephrotoxic drugs, including aminoglycosides, amphotericin B, preparing any patient for discharge, physicians can encourage life-
cisplatin, and pentamidine, can produce magnesium wasting. The style changes, including adequate magnesium intake that may
mechanism responsible for hypomagnesemia associated with benefit blood pressure control, promote weight loss, and improve
long-term proton pump inhibitor use is unknown; however, long- chronic disease risk.
term use of proton pump inhibitors may be associated with
changes in intestinal absorption of magnesium.78 Severe hypo-
magnesemia can also be seen in patients preparing for colonos-
copy with polyethylene glycol–based bowel preparations. HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA
Principles of Disease
Clinical Features
Hyperphosphatemia is defined as a serum level above 2.5 mg/dL,
Determination of the clinical consequences of isolated hypomag- but it is usually clinically significant only when levels are greater
nesemia is often difficult because patients with hypomagnesemia than 5 mg/dL. Although it is rare in the general population, hyper-
typically have hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, and hyponatremia. phosphatemia is extremely common in patients with renal insuf-
However, many signs and symptoms are reported to correlate with ficiency or renal failure.80 Almost all patients with renal failure
hypomagnesemia, including muscle cramping, diffuse weakness, experience hyperphosphatemia at some time during the course of
palpitations, vertigo, ataxia, depression, and seizures. The clinical their disease. Hyperphosphatemia can occur because of four
manifestations most likely seen in the ED typically involve the major pathways: decreased phosphate excretion, excessive phos-
neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems. Patients may present phate intake, increased renal tubular reabsorption, and shift of
with hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, muscle cramps, Trousseau’s phosphate from intracellular to extracellular space. In addition,
and Chvostek’s signs, and dysarthria and dysphagia from esopha- physicians must be aware of spurious elevations in phosphate
geal dysmotility. Cardiac conduction abnormalities secondary to (Box 125-12).
magnesium depletion, and often coexisting hypokalemia, can Decreased excretion of phosphate combined with excessive
result in PR as well as QT interval prolongation. Dysrhythmias intake is the most common mechanism for the development of
including atrial fibrillation, multifocal atrial tachycardia, prema- hyperphosphatemia. Excessive phosphate intake alone is an
ture ventricular complexes, ventricular tachycardia, torsades de uncommon cause of hyperphosphatemia in patients with normal
pointes, and ventricular fibrillation are the most common cardio- renal function. When patients have glomerular filtration rates
vascular manifestations of hypomagnesemia. Women with ade- below 30 mL/min, the kidneys do not allow excretion of the full
quate intakes of magnesium are less likely to be affected by amount of ingested phosphate to maintain homeostasis. Exoge-
preeclampsia than are those with an inadequate intake.79 nous phosphate, including intravenous or oral phosphate admin-
istration and phosphate enemas and laxatives can cause a large
Diagnostic Strategies burden on the kidneys if they do not have normal baseline
Symptoms of hypomagnesemia begin to be manifested at serum Hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D intoxication, and thyrotoxico-
levels below 1.2 mEq/L, but symptoms do not always correlate sis increase renal phosphate reabsorption and may cause elevated
1650   PART III  ◆  Medicine and Surgery / Section Eleven • Metabolism and Endocrinology
Five Most Common Causes Five Most Common Causes of
BOX 125-12 of Hyperphosphatemia Hypophosphatemia in the Emergency
BOX 125-13 Department
Decreased phosphate Acute and chronic renal failure
excretion Decreased intake or Chronic alcoholism
Increased renal tubular Hypoparathyroidism increased absorptive states Home parenteral nutrition
reabsorption AIDS
Thyrotoxicosis Chemotherapy
Excess vitamin D administration Vomiting
Excessive phosphate intake Phosphate enemas or laxatives Malabsorption syndromes
Intravenous or oral phosphate Secretory diarrhea
administration Vitamin D deficiency
Shift of phosphate from Diabetic ketoacidosis Hyperventilatory states Sepsis
intracellular to extracellular Alcohol withdrawal
space Salicylate poisoning
Tumor lysis Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Rhabdomyolysis Panic attacks
Spurious hyperphosphatemia Paraproteinemia Diabetic ketoacidosis
Hyperbilirubinemia Hepatic coma
Hemolysis Hormonal and endocrine Insulin loading
Hyperlipidemia effects Glucose loading
Exogenous epinephrine
Medications19,95 Diuretics
Chronic antacid ingestion
phosphate levels. Hyperphosphatemia may also occur when there Phosphate binders
is a large shift of phosphate from the intracellular to the extracel- Xanthine derivatives
lular space and the kidney’s ability to excrete phosphate is over- Beta2-agonists
whelmed. This cause of hyperphosphatemia is seen in crush Disease states Trauma
Severe thermal burns
injuries and nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis, tumor lysis syndrome, Acute renal failure
and DKA. Gout
Hyperphosphatemia can be a spurious finding in cases of
hyperproteinemia, such as multiple myeloma, hyperlipidemia,
hemolysis, or hyperbilirubinemia. Drawing of a blood sample
from a line containing heparin is another cause of a falsely ele-
vated phosphate level.81
Clinical Features Principles of Disease
Patients with hyperphosphatemia may present with multiple com- Hypophosphatemia is defined as mild (2-2.5 mg/dL), moderate
plaints related to associated electrolyte abnormalities, particularly (1-2 mg/dL), or severe (<1 mg/dL). Mild to moderately severe
hypocalcemia. Hyperphosphatemia causes hypocalcemia by pre- hypophosphatemia is usually asymptomatic and like hypomagne-
cipitating calcium out of the blood and decreasing vitamin D semia often goes unrecognized. Although most patients remain
production. It is this secondary hypocalcemia that can cause asymptomatic, severe hypophosphatemia may result in potentially
muscle cramping, tetany, and seizures. Chronic hyperphosphate- life-threatening complications. Major clinical sequelae usually
mia can also lead to metastatic calcifications in joints, tissues, occur only in severe hypophosphatemia.
and arteries. Symptoms of hypophosphatemia typically begin to be mani-
fested at serum levels below 1.0 mg/dL. Acute hypophosphatemia
Management is most commonly due to a rapid intracellular shift, but there are
many other causes of clinical manifestations as well.86 Hyperven-
Dietary restriction alone may suffice for control of hyperphospha- tilation, glucose, insulin, volume, and resolving acidosis lead to
temia in persons with mild renal insufficiency, but it is inadequate hypophosphatemia by rapid intracellular shift. The many causes
for control in those with overt renal failure. Because most patients of hypophosphatemia include decreased phosphate intake or
presenting with severe hyperphosphatemia also have hypocalce- increased absorptive states, hyperventilatory states, hormonal and
mia, treatment focuses on the correction of both electrolytes. In endocrine effects, medications, and disease states (Box 125-13).
patients with normal renal function, phosphate excretion can be The ED patients most likely to have hypophosphatemia are those
increased by saline infusion coupled with loop diuretics. Hyper- who are malnourished with alcohol withdrawal, acute hyperven-
phosphatemia usually resolves in 6 to 12 hours in patients with tilation, or sepsis and patients with DKA or alcohol ketoacidosis
normal renal function.82 In patients with hyperphosphatemia with in whom reintroduction of insulin and glucose causes phosphate
renal failure, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis should be consid- uptake into cells.87,88
ered early in the management. Currently, phosphate control is
initiated only when hyperphosphatemia occurs, but a potentially Clinical Features
beneficial and simple approach may be to intervene earlier in
patients with chronic kidney disease.83 The optimal method for Mild to moderate hypophosphatemia is usually asymptomatic,
control of serum phosphate in patients undergoing dialysis is but major clinical manifestations can occur with severe hypophos-
unknown and may involve combinations of dietary modification phatemia. Hypophosphatemia can affect a variety of organ systems
and enhancement of phosphate clearance through longer dialysis and cause a wide variety of symptoms because phosphate is an
sessions.84,85 essential component to adenosine triphosphate (Box 125-14).
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1651
period. For routine replacement, give 0.5 mL/hr K2PO4; this may
BOX 125-14 Clinical Manifestations of Hypophosphatemia be increased to 1 mL/hr in severe symptomatic patients.87 Each
milliliter of K2PO4 contains 3 mmol of phosphorus and 4.4 mEq
Central nervous system Irritability of potassium. Typical replacement therapy provides approxi-
Confusion mately 1 g of phosphorus per day. Monitoring of patients for the
development of hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia, and hyperphospha-
Dysarthria temia is required while intravenous phosphate is administered,
Seizure especially in patients with renal insufficiency. Patients with DKA
Coma are initially hypophosphatemic. However, no studies have shown
Cardiovascular Cardiomyopathy significant benefit to routine phosphate therapy in DKA.91 Risks
Depressed myocardial contractility of routine treatment with phosphate include hyperphosphatemia,
Arrhythmias renal failure, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia. In patients
Respiratory Acute respiratory failure with severe malnutrition or significant hypophosphatemia,
Depressed myocardial contractility replacement can be considered, but never administer more than
Gastrointestinal Ileus, dysphagia 60 mmol/day without reason.
Hematologic Depressed levels of
2,3-diphosphoglycerate and
adenosine triphosphate
Leukocyte dysfunction KEY CONCEPTS
Platelet dysfunction ■ Asymptomatic electrolyte abnormalities can usually be
Renal Acute tubular necrosis corrected slowly, but those abnormalities that cause profound
Metabolic acidosis mental status changes or life-threatening arrhythmias require
Hypercalcemia immediate correction to avoid cardiac arrest or seizures.
Endocrine Insulin resistance ■ Intravenous calcium should be used only for hyperkalemic
Hyperparathyroidism emergencies, defined as the following: widening QRS; sine
wave; cardiac arrest believed to be due to hyperkalemia; or
rapidly evolving electrocardiographic changes, from normal to
development of tall peaked T waves and loss of the P wave.
Acute, rapid rises in serum potassium concentration are rare
Patients with hypophosphatemia may present with nonspecific but may be seen in tumor lysis syndrome, rhabdomyolysis, or
complaints including joint pain, myalgias, irritability, and depres- massive hemolysis.
sion. Severe hypophosphatemia can be manifested as seizures, ■ After the critical decision about administration of calcium has
arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, insulin resistance, acute tubular been made, a beta2-agonist, insulin and glucose, normal
necrosis, rhabdomyolysis, and acute respiratory failure. saline, and bicarbonate (if the patient is acidotic) can be
given to shift potassium intracellularly.
■ In treatment of hypokalemia, it is critical that the physician
Management also replace magnesium sulfate, in addition to potassium, or
the patient will excrete most of the infused potassium in the
Therapy for hypophosphatemia is recommended as levels drop urine.
below 1.5 to 2.0 mg/dL, and therapy is essential as levels fall below ■ Low serum potassium levels reflect a much greater total
1.0 mg/dL. Because hypophosphatemia often is manifested with potassium deficit; correction of large deficits can require
hypokalemia, phosphate repletion is considered in conjunction several days.
with potassium administration. Oral phosphorous, 250 to 500 mg ■ Hypertonic saline should be reserved for severely
twice daily, can be given to stable or asymptomatic patients. Intra- hyponatremic patients (typically in the 100-110 mEq range)
venous preparations are available as sodium phosphate (Na2PO4 who present with coma, seizures, or focal neurologic deficits.
and NaPO4) or potassium phosphate (K2PO4 and KPO4), and rate Central pontine myelinolysis can occur if serum sodium
concentration is raised rapidly by more than 10 to  
of infusion and choice of initial dosage should be based on severity
12 mEq/day.
of hypophosphatemia and presence of symptoms. If the serum
phosphorus concentration is less than 1.5 mg/dL (0.48 mmol/L),
1.3 mmol/kg of elemental phosphorous (up to a maximum of The references for this chapter can be found online by
100 mmol) can be given in three or four divided doses in a 24-hour accessing the accompanying Expert Consult website.
Chapter 125 / Electrolyte Disorders   1651.e1

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