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咸菜豆腐汤 Preserved

Green Mustard & Bean
Curd Soup 1. 将材料 A 放入锅里煮滚,改用小火煮
材料: 1 小时。
2. 加入 B 料,再次煮滚约 5 分钟。试
2liters 水
500g 排骨, 斩块, 川水
1 块烧猪骨,随意
200gm 咸菜,切大片 Method:
2 粒水酸梅 1. Put all ingredients A into a pot and
½小匙白胡椒粒,拍碎 bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer for 1
B: hour.

2 块水豆腐,1 切为 4 2. Add B and bring to boil again. Cook for

another 5 minutes. Taste and serve hot.
2 粒番茄,切块

2 liters water
500g spare-ribs, cut into pieces,
1 piece roasted pork bone, optional
200g preserved green mustard, cut
into big pieces
2 preserved wet plums
½ tsp white peppercorns crushed
2 pieces soft bean curds, cut into 4
pieces each
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
½ tsp chicken stock granules
莲藕花生汤 Lotus 做法
Root & Peanut Soup
1. 将鸡块放入半锅滚水中,烫 3 分钟,捞起洗
½ 只鸡, 切块
200g 花生,浸泡 3 小时
煮 2 小时至花生软,加入适量盐调味,洒上葱
300g 莲藕,切片
40g 大头菜,洗净,切片
1 条红萝卜,去皮,切块
10 粒红枣,去籽 Method:
3 公升水 1. Blanch chicken pieces in ½ pot of boiling water
for 3 minutes. Dish up and rinse.
2. Put all ingredients into a stock pot and bring to
Ingredients: boil over high heat.
½ chicken, cut into pieces Lower the heat and cook for 2 hours till peanuts
150g peanuts, soaked 3 hrs. are soft. Add salt to taste. Sprinkle spring onions
on top as garnishing. Dish up and serve.
300g lotus root, sliced
40g da tou chai, washed, sliced
1 carrot, peeled and cut into
big pieces
10 red dates, seeded
3 liters water
Salt to taste

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