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Dear First Semester Nursing Student,

First and foremost, congratulations for being accepted to the UArizona CON! That is a huge
accomplishment and you should be so proud of yourself. I know firsthand how difficult the
process was and how competitive it was as well. Good news! None of that matters now because
you and your classmates are all on the same exact page. There are many emotions that you are
probably experiencing as you embark on this new journey. I want to give you some personal
advice that I wish I would’ve known when I was in your shoes as a new nursing student.
1. Remember to breathe: You will soon realize how quickly nursing school can become
overwhelming with frontloading and tons of information. Objectives that never seem to
end and assignments in a long line of due dates one after another. Exam after exam, I can
still remember my stress levels. Breathe. One thing at a time! Nothing has to be done all
at once and time management is your best friend. Don’t get caught up in comparing
yourself with other classmates’ schedules and deadlines. Focus on your own pace and
remember to stop and take a breather anytime you feel increasingly overwhelmed.
2. Study Hard + Diligently: Nursing school is 2 years. You can either see that as a long
journey or a surprisingly short one. No matter how you see it, it flies by. I don’t say that
lightly either. Each semester comes and passes and before you know it you will be in my
shoes, writing your letter to another lucky individual starting your same journey. What I
am trying to get at is that, this is going to be a hard but amazing time for your studies.
You need to work hard and study often. Time is of the essence! The library or your
favorite coffee shop will become your best friend. Many of my classmates that struggled
at times didn’t take enough time to study hard and diligently. It’s a decision that is hard;
it was for me when I was torn between going to a friend’s party over studying for a big
Monday exam. PSA: I never regretted picking to study hard over a party when my grade
reflected my efforts. Of course, take breaks and go out with friends! I am not encouraging
you to miss all social events whatsoever. Find a healthy balance!
3. Love your professors and their guidance: Each semester I found myself building close
relationships with my professors in order to help myself and my sanity. There is no such
thing as a teacher’s pet in nursing school. Your professors want you to succeed and will
help you do that even more so when you take the time to build good relationships with all
of them. I never saw my professors as just professors like I did during prerequisites; they
become your friend, a role model, and sometimes like another mom/dad! Email
professors for help, use their time and your own time wisely! They are the backbone of
the CON. All my professors made my semesters 100x better.
4. Don’t be discouraged: There is no way to sugar coat it; nursing school is hard. The first
time I took an exam for my nursing foundation course, I remember everyone walking out
upset or even in tears. All normal because the exams are not what our brains are used to.
Nursing exams take a few tries to get used to, but you will get there and you will do
amazing! If after the first exam you take, you don’t feel content or you begin to feel
discouraged, stop and remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can! Speak kind
thoughts to yourself!
All in all, those are the four main points I have for you. Side notes include making good
friendships and taking care of your mental health. Your nursing friends will be the only ones
who understand your schedule and struggles. Love them and keep them close. Take breaks. Go
on hikes with your siblings or other friends outside of nursing school. Take care of yourself and
your overall mental well-being. You can do this! You already proved that by getting accepted.
Lastly, reach out to me whenever you have questions or concerns about anything
(, I am more than happy to help you! Best of luck in this new
journey, trust the process, and believe in yourself every day!

With love,

Gabriela R. Munoz Chavez

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