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McGill Biology Students Union Telephone: (514) 398-6415

Stewart Biology Building E-mail:

1205 Docteur Penfield, Room W2/4
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1B1

MBSU Meeting Minutes

Date: October 1, 2007

Time: 5:30 pm
In Attendance: Nathalie, Anil, Dragan, Mike, Dian, Ben, Renee, Laura H, Ralph, Mike,
Camille, Kevin, Jordan, Niel, Tiffany, Samia.

Object: General Meeting

The following topics were discussed this meeting;

So Far;

-We ordered pizza.

-NTCs: Some have done a good job and some have done only an ok job. Everyone
should be on track by this week, and the first four weeks should be out by the end of this
week. Start uploading regularly and on time.

Events coming up;

-First Samosa sale is next Wednesday. It will be in Leacock. Should sell out by 2
30. One dollar for each samosa. Everyone be there. SIGN UP IF YOU HAVEN’T
-Bake sale for the 31st of October: hopefully we will get that date.
-Dian will decide on a Pie toss date.


-Jordan’s suggestion:
- Peer tutoring. Basically a weekly peer review conference. BIOL 200 a and b and
for 215. Conferences organized by students. Conferences will have structure and
students will go through notes and quizzes. Informal. Like a study group. In
response to Lasko’s peer tutoring request. What about 112? Could be done the
same way. Help focus in on what the group doesn’t understand and then bring that
forward to the TA.
Jordan will type up a semi formal proposal for Lasko. Kevin will see if people
will get payed.

- Kaplan MCAT review session: Door prizes. Yes we’ll do it.

-Maybe after or before the review session a couple of those who have written the
MCAT can come and talk about their experiences. Dates: After mid terms. Book
West 4/12 conference room with Susan Gabe.
-Need to start advertising.

General Assembly: Renee Dian Samia, Ben, Kevin

Curriculum Committee: Jordan, Kevin, Mike,
Undergraduate Committee: Jordan, Ben, Kevin, Laura H

-Grad Mosaic and Jostens: Renee will find everything out tomorrow.

-We will not be purchasing SUS Varsity tickets, instead we will help advertise.

Office cleanliness: No more milk.

-Once we find the broom Renee will sweep on Fridays after free Bagels.
-Laura H will get in touch with the janitors to come in.

-Meetings will now be every two weeks. That means we have to keep in touch through
-The next meeting will be two weeks from now.

-Clothing: Keep up our graphical design. We also would like to sell McGill sweatshirts
with the word Biology on them. Red and white sweat shirts. Mike/Ralph will contact the
gym. Check price before we order.

-Jason Chan has our lab coats and will bring them back.

-Samia: needs writers: Everyone should write a blurb and introduce themselves.
Especially execs. Write what you are going to do this year. Jordan will write a poem.

-Ben will make a Biology Facebook group.

-Kevin will work on getting us that email list.

-Kevin needs to contact McGill Africa.

-Dian needs a logo for reaching Africa. Dian will try to do one herself.


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