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Lab #7 ENG 220-001

Name: ____________________ Date: _________________

LCR Circuits

Learning objectives of this experiment is that students will be able to:

● Measure the effects of series resonance

● Validate the formula for the resonant frequency
● Identify resonant for series circuits

Equipment, and Components

● DC power supply
● Signal generator
● Ohmmeter
● Oscilloscope
● Breadboard
● Resistor (½ W): (1) 100𝛺
● Capacitor: (1) 0.01𝜇𝐹
● Inductor: (1) 0.01 H

When the reactances XL and XC are equal but opposite in phase, the resonant effect exists
between them. For any value of a series inductor and capacitor, one frequency will cause an
oscillating or resonant effect where equal and opposite reactances cancel each other for a net
reactance of 0 ohms. On either side of (above or below) the resonant frequency 𝑓, the net
reactance is either capacitive or inductive, depending upon which component has more
reactance. With a net reactance of zero, the current is maximized and the circuit impedance is
minimized. As a basic rule, larger values of L and C result in lower resonant frequencies. And
smaller values of L and C result in higher resonant frequencies.

The formula for determining the resonant frequency of a series LCR circuit is:

In the circuit of Fig.27-1, XL and XC are equal at about 16 kilohertz as the formula shows.
In Fig.27-2,the responsive curve is shown for the circuit in the previous figure.
The curve is based on the resonant rise in circuit current where I = V/R at resonance. In the
schematic,the low value of r is the resistance of the inductor coils.
However, the circuit could have a resistor R of a greater value and it would have no
Effect on the resonant frequency. In either case it is an LCR series circuit.

Bandwidth, Net Reactance, and Circuit Q

The bandwidth of a circuit is the band or range of frequencies that has not lost more than one-
half of the max power. This is an industry standard for half-power, or 3 dB. The dB is an
abbreviation of decibel and equals 10 times the logarithm of a ratio (power 1: power 2). The
percentage value is derived from that definition of 3 dB. Therefore, any frequencies which are
less than 70.7 % of the max voltage are not within the bandwidth BW because they are less
than one-half the power (watts) of the max or peak value.
Because of the canceling of XC and XL (180 degree out of phase), the net reactance is 0
ohms and the series circuit impedance is minimum at the resonant frequency. Excluding any
resistors in series, only the coil’s dc resistance r (in ohms) remains.

Therefore Z = r at 𝑓r. Also. circuit current is in phase with the signal generator
voltage and therefore, the circuit phase angle is 0 degrees at resonance. Because the
voltages across L and C are out of phase with the generator voltage and each other,
the individual voltage across either L or C will be much greater than the applied
voltage(Vin) of the signal generator. This is called the resonant rise in voltage.

With the circuit stimulated by the signal generator, any change in its frequency
will cause the circuit to move off resonance. If that were to happen the opposite
reactances (180 degrees) still cancel, but some net reactance will remain. For example, if the
frequency decreases from the resonant frequency, then XC is the net or greater
reactance. However, if the frequency increases, above resonance, then XL, will be the greater
net reactance. And if either reactance is 10 times greater than the other
the circuit can be characterized as capacitive or inductive at some frequency.

The quality Q of a resonant circuit can be determined by the sharpness of the resonant
rise in voltage across the component: L or C. The circuit Q is calculated as XL / rcoil, where the
greater the ratio, the higher the Q of the circuit and the sharper the resonant rise effect. X L is
used, and not XC, because the dc resistance of the coil is the limiting factor in producing
maximum current since no resistor is in the circuit. Also, the greater the L/C ratio, the greater
the circuit Q. When L is increased and C is decreased, a higher Q is produced for any given
resonant frequency. Q can also be measured as Q = Vout / Vin, where Vout is equal to the voltage
across L or C and Vin equals the generator voltage at resonance only. Because resonant circuits
are used primarily to tune to specific frequencies, the Q of a circuit can be an important factor in
designing and testing series LCR resonant circuits for the greatest outputs.

Refer to the circuit of Fig. 27-1. The formulas for BW and Q result in these values:
BW = 𝑓r÷ Q = 16 kHZ/100 = 160 Hz
Q = XL / r = 1 kHz/10 = 100


 Built the RLC circuit and calculate the resonant frequency, 𝑓r,. Record this value
and the values of L and C in the first row of table 1.

 Adjust the signal generator voltage to 800 millivolts p-p and set the frequency to
60 % of the calculated 𝑓r. Measure the p-p voltages across each component (L-C-R) and
record the results in table 1
 Find the step size for 10 linear steps: subtract the frequency 𝑓1 from 𝑓r and
divide the difference by 10. Calculate your step size and record the step size in table 1.
Also, record the values for 𝑓2 through 𝑓20 in table 1. But do not record the values of 𝑓r in
the column. Now you should have 10 frequency steps (𝑓1 to 𝑓10) below and 10 steps (𝑓11
to 𝑓20) above the calculated resonant frequency.
 Beginning at 𝑓1, slowly adjust the input frequency to the next step, 𝑓2, and
measure the p-p voltages across each component (L-C-R). Record the values in table 1.
 Measure and record the p-p voltages across each component (L-C-R). When you
get to the calculated value of 𝑓r , adjust the signal generator so that the max voltage
appears across the components. This is the measured value of 𝑓r because circuit current
is maximum. Record the frequency 𝑓r (measured) in the column and the values of p-p
voltage across the components. Maintain the applied voltage across points A and B for
all measurement steps.
 Refer to table1. Adjust the frequency to 100 and 500 hertz and to 1. 100, 200,
and 500 kilohertz. At each frequency, measure and record the voltages across R,L, and
 For each step, calculate the circuit current as I = VR / R. Record in table 1.
 Calculate and record the values of XL and XC at 𝑓r . Record in Table 2.
 Calculate the Q of the circuit at the resonant frequency using measured values of
Vin / Vout (Vout = Vc at 𝑓r ). Also, calculate circuit impedance Z and record all values in
table 2.
 Create a response plot of your circuit. Plot frequency versus circuit current. Label
the bandwidth (70.7% of maximum current on either side of 𝑓r or resonant frequency) in

RLC circut

Name:______________________ Date:_____________

Experiment: LCR Series Circuits

Table 1 (Vin = )
𝑓r = Hz L= C=

Frequency steps VR p-p VC p-p VL p-p I = V/R (mA)














𝑓r (meas.)=














Table 2:
𝑓r =
XC = XL= Q= Z=



1. What happens to circuit impedance and circuit current at 𝑓r ?

2. What happens to voltages across L,C, and R at 𝑓r ?

3. Could other values of L and C result in the same 𝑓r ? Explain your answer.

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