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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Making media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

1 8 1 2 5 City College Norwich

Candidate number Candidate name

3 7 2 5 Courtney Holmes

Brief chosen:

Music Video and Online Website

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

Product 1

I intent to produce a three-minute music video for my pop artist Amelia Bell. The target audience is a
16-25-year-old mass market demographic with the emphasis on them being fun-loving.
My track is called ‘Teenager in Love’ and will reflect a fun, light-hearted narrative about youthful
relationships a younger audience can enjoy and relate to.
Through multiple fun, recognisable locations (such as arcades, the beach, etc.) the music video will be
visually interesting throughout whilst helping develop a dynamic, easy-to-follow narrative that tells
the story of teenage girls in love. Locations like the arcades convey energy and excitement through the
bright, colourful lighting that creates visually interesting scenes. These settings are recognisable to
target audience that will often go to similar places to have fun and therefore by using these locations in
my music video, it will connote the fun-loving atmosphere they often enjoy themselves.
A range of shots such as close-ups, establishing shots and birds-eye-view will ensure that the music
video isn’t static and fast pace cut scenes and action match cuts will keep a quick pace narrative that
creates an upbeat tone, following the typical conventions of a pop music video that many enjoy.
Further editing techniques such as bright pink tints, natural lighting and evening sunsets keep scenes
cohesive and simple whilst following the light, pretty nature of the music video throughout. Other
effects include a ‘retro 70’s’ VHS aesthetic younger people enjoy and often wish to express through
their choice of clothing, hair, etc. This will keep my music video visually interesting and appealing for

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
my audience.
Although my main characters are female, I will aim to represent two different social groups. My music
video will represent the divergent generation today through presenting a heterosexual relationship in
scenes in which Amelia is performing in her bedroom setting with pictures of her and another boy
spread around her bed, using romantic gestures within the pictures to connote their relationship.
However, the main narrative/relationship that is of focus throughout is between the two other
characters. Throughout the video, multiple scenes of them going on dates and having fun will be
shown, presenting one character as a young, teenage girl who is trendy and playful. The identity of the
second character is unknown to the audience conveyed through first-person shots and close ups that
only reveal things such as hands, feet, etc. This intrigues the audience as they understand that there is a
significance for this but are unsure why as the music video follows stereotypical pop genre
conventions that commonly present heterosexual relationships.
Amelia Bell will appeal to Sony Music as she reflects their other commercially successful artists such
as Camila Cabello that present stylistic, contemporary content that appeals to large, diverse audiences.
Due to Sony being mainstream and commercial, Amelia’s music video will have to appeal to a large
audience through her style and aesthetics that are popular to many whilst her messages of equality
build her brand identity being compassionate and unapologetic. Due to Amelia being a similar age to
the target audience, she can be seen relatable and trendy but also reflects Sony's ideologies of
presenting diverse, contemporary music to the masses.

Product 2

I am going to produce a website that promotes my artist, Amelia Bell whilst having features that enable
the fans to interact with her.
Multiple images of Amelia in soft, natural settings will help convey her youthful, aesthetic brand
identity whilst ‘retro 70’s’ typography and VHS effects connote a chic, artistic representation of Amelia
further identifying younger people who express these styles.
Amelia’s ideologies of individuality and diversity -focusing on the LGBT community- will be branded
across both products through the representation of homosexual relationships in the music video and
further iteration of this idea through the subtle rainbow hearts beside the artist’s username that promotes
her social media on the external webpage. Direct gaze and the use of close/medium shots convey a
young, unapologetic attitude that gives edge and style whilst the mise-en-scene of warm lighting, soft
colours and a pinafore dress still presents the artist as trendy and fashionable. This appeals to the 16-25-
year-old demographic that often shares these ideologies and tastes.
Further branding across the music video and website will be using a VCR OSD Mono Font that will
both feature in the music video and website, creating the ‘retro’ aesthetic that will be predominant
throughout both products. Amelia’s name will be clearly presented in a large, bold font at the top of the
website, followed by the track name in the familiar VCR OSD Mono typeface.
The website will also allow for audience interaction by having ‘behind the scenes’ footage including
questions for the artist and the process of filming, allowing the audience to ‘get to know’ Amelia.
Furthermore, the promotion of her social media (e.g.Twitter) shows her interaction with her audience.
An easily accessible menu bar will allow easy access to the hyperlink page that takes you to the video,
keeping the interest of the audience.
This will follow Sony Music’s ideals with modern, interactive design that many of their featured artists
such as Little Mix present through promoting their tour and merchandise whilst also promoting Amelia’s
brand identity to target a mass market audience.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of
the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)

By promoting the website at the end of the music video as it pans upwards revealing the end sequence
and the artist's website link, the audience have a clear understanding of where they can find further
content related to Amelia and her music through the use of words such as ‘exciting content’ that
encourages them to go to the website. Both my music video and website will also use themes and
cohesive settings/typography that are eye-catching to the audience, keeping them interested in both the
music video and website. Amelia’s presence throughout both through close-up pictures on the website
and multiple scenes of her singing in the music video will also promote her as the artist.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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