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Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67

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Application of next generation semiconductor based sequencing for

species identification and analysis of within-species mitotypes useful
for authentication of meat derived products
Anisa Ribani a, 1, Giuseppina Schiavo a, 1, Valerio Joe Utzeri a, Francesca Bertolini a, b,
Claudia Geraci a, Samuele Bovo a, Luca Fontanesi a, *
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences (DISTAL), Division of Animal Sciences, University of Bologna, Viale Fanin 46, 40127, Bologna, Italy
Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, 2255 Kildee Hall, 50011, Ames, IA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, we tested the Ion Torrent next generation semiconductor based sequencing technology for
Received 7 January 2018 meat species identification in several highly processed and complex meat products and meat derived
Received in revised form broths (a do € ner kebab, a beef/pork pate
, a meat based filling of tortellini, one instantaneous granular
26 February 2018
preparation of broth stock made by meat and two ready to use meat broths from different producers).
Accepted 22 March 2018
Available online 24 March 2018
The detection protocol included the sequencing of targeted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) regions
amplified with universal primer pairs and a bioinformatic pipeline designed to interpret sequencing
results. Six libraries were sequenced producing a total of 1,363,351 filtered reads. Data mining detected
expected and unexpected meat species in the analysed products. Pork was identified in the kebab and
Meat species identification Bubalus bubalis DNA was identified in the beef/pork pate . For products for which the precise meat species
Mitotype ingredient information was not available, it was possible to obtain it. Human contamination based on
mtDNA human detected reads could be useful to evaluate the hygienic level of highly processed products.
NGS Mitochondrial haplotypes (mitotypes) were identified for several mtDNA-species combinations
providing another level of information useful for the authentication of meat derived products. This work
defined a methodological framework to establish assays using this sequencing platform for routine
species identification in complex and highly processed food.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction species of origin in meat based and derived products, with appli-
cations also in other fields, including forensics (Fontanesi, 2017).
Purposely complete or partial substitutions of species in meat The identification of the species of origin in meat preparations is
products driven by economic advantages (i.e. frauds) and accidental mainly based on the differences that can be detected at the level of
and uncontrollable mislabelling or mixings of meat from different biological components. Species-specific information useful for an-
species (derived by errors occurring in the production plants or imal species discrimination can be retrieved from proteins or
over different steps of the production chains), raise many concerns. peptides, from some metabolites and from DNA (Fontanesi, 2017).
Their implications are related to food safety and security, product DNA has been extensively used for species identification in
marketing and consumers’ acceptability, lifestyle, religious and different food products because i) it can be easily extracted from
ethical issues (Ballin, 2010; Fontanesi, 2009, 2017). Therefore, the most biological matrices, even after cooking or other physical
identification of the species of origin of the products is becoming a treatments due to its general high stability, and ii) it is possible to
very relevant aspect in meat science. Many efforts have been made capture sequence differences using PCR based assays. These
to develop analytical methods and assays able to identify the methods usually include an amplification step of targeted DNA
containing species-specific sequences and the analysis of the
amplified region with different approaches that have in common,
as final step, the separation of DNA fragments by gel electropho-
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Fontanesi). resis (i.e.: species-specific PCR, based on the presence or absence of
These authors contributed equally to this work. amplification from targeted species; PCR-RFLP, based on the use of
0956-7135/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67 59

restriction enzymes that cut DNA palindromes; PCR-fingerprinting platform for species identification in complex meat derived
techniques, including PCR-RAPD, PCR-AFLP, PCR-SSCP, PCR-DGGE, matrices. The detection protocol included the sequencing of tar-
high resolution melting, which produce species-specific DNA pat- geted mtDNA regions amplified with three different universal
terns using several methods; PCR-FINS, based on Sanger primer pairs and a bioinformatic pipeline designed to interpret
sequencing of amplified products; Mafra, Ferreira, & Oliveira, 2008; sequencing results. In addition, this study described the possibility
Fajardo, Gonza lez, Rojas, García, & Martín, 2010; Rodríguez- to identify within-species mitotypes, adding another level of in-
Ramírez, Gonz alez-Cordova, & Vallejo-Cordoba, 2011; Fontanesi, formation useful for the authentication of food products derived
2017). The targeted DNA assays usually amplify informative mito- from meat species.
chondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments [i.e. 12S, 16S, cytochrome b and
cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes or the D-loop region] which are 2. Materials and methods
flanked by conserved sequences across many species that are used
for the design of universal PCR primers, with intervening regions 2.1. Analysed products
that contain species-specific sequences used for species identifi-
cation. Species-specific PCR are designed as end-point PCR or Six different products were investigated in this study: one
quantitative real time PCR without the need of gel-electrophoresis commercial do €ner kebab preparation; one beef/pork pate ; one
separation of the amplicons (Fontanesi, 2017). All these methods meat based filling of tortellini; one instantaneous granular prepa-
can usually detect one or few species at the time. Therefore, the ration of broth stock made by meat; two ready to use meat-based
choice of the assays is quite difficult when more than one species is broths from different producers. More details on these products,
expected or when there is no at priori information on the presence including their declared ingredients and origin, are reported in
of species in mixed and processed meat or in derived products like Table 1. These products represent highly processed meat prepara-
meat broth. To overcome the poor multiplexing detection potential tions derived or potentially derived from different species.
of these methods, microarray detection systems have been
designed to discriminate on the same chip, at the same time, 2.2. DNA isolation
mtDNA amplified fragments belonging to several species
(Chisholm, Conyers, & Hird, 2008; Cottenet et al., 2016; Iwobi, A total of 0.5 g or 0.5 ml for each of these products was used for
Huber, Hauner, Miller, & Busch, 2011; Peter, Brünen-Nieweler, DNA extraction. DNA was isolated using the Wizard® Genomic DNA
Cammann, & Bo €rchers, 2004; Teletchea, Bernillon, Duffraisse, Purification kit (Promega Corporation, Madison, WI, USA) following
Laudet, & Ha €nni, 2008; Wang, Zhu, Chen, Xu, & Zhou, 2015). the manufacturer's instructions for DNA isolation from cell cultures
These systems are more informative than simple PCR based assays and animal tissues. The quality of the extracted DNA was assessed
but are still limited by the construction bias of the tool that can using the Nanophotometer P-330 instrument (Implen GmbH,
detect only species for which probes are already included on the München, Germany) and by visual inspection on 1% agarose gel
chip. electrophoresis in TBE 1X buffer after staining with 1X GelRed
Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have changed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (Biotium Inc., Hayward, CA, USA).
the way in which DNA can be analysed. These technologies have
increased of several orders of magnitude the sequencing 2.3. PCR
throughput. Their advantage in the context of species identification
relies on the possibility to combine in a single step the generation of Amplicons from the selected products were obtained using
species-specific information from the produced short sequence three universal primer pairs that have been already shown to
reads with limitless multiplexing potential and the possible relative successfully amplify many different vertebrate species (Table 2).
quantification of the detected species by counting reads matching These primers were designed in conserved regions of the 12S and
the same target specific sequence (even if, in many cases, this 16S mitochondrial rRNA genes (Bertolini et al., 2015; Karlsson &
estimation might depend by the experimental design and technical Holmlund, 2007; Kitano, Umetsu, Tian, & Osawa, 2007; Ribani
procedures). The large potential and flexibility of NGS is obtained et al., 2018). PCR amplifications were obtained using a 2720 ther-
through bioinformatic analysis of the produced sequence data mal cycler (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) in a total reaction
(Bertolini et al., 2015; Pabinger et al., 2014). Among the commer- volume of 20 mL. PCR mix components were: 2X of the Kapa HiFi
cially available benchtop NGS platforms that can be used for species HotStart ReadyMix PCR kit (Kapa Biosystems, Boston, Massachu-
identification, it is possible to mention Roche 454, Illumina and Ion setts, USA), 10 pmol of each primer and 50 ng of template DNA. The
Torrent technologies (Bertolini et al., 2015; Goodwin, McPherson, & amplification profile was the following: an initial denaturation step
McCombie, 2016; Tillmar, Dell'Amico, Welander, & Holmlund, of 3 min at 98  C; then 35 cycles of 20 s at 98  C, 15 s at the primer
2013). Ion Torrent technology is based on the detection of small pair specific annealing temperature (Table 2), 30 s at 72  C; and a
pH modifications that occur during the sequencing phase and that final extension step of 1 min at 72  C. Results of the PCR amplifi-
are captured by semiconductor chips accommodating millions of cations were evaluated visualizing the obtained fragments by 2.5%
reaction micro-wells that produce sequence reads (Rothberg et al., agarose gel electrophoresis in TBE 1X buffer after staining with 1X
2011). A few reports have tested the Ion Torrent Personal Genome GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (Biotium Inc., Hayward, CA, USA).
Machine (PGM) sequencing platform for species identification in Quantity and quality of the amplified fragments was estimated
food products (i.e. Carvalho, Palhares, Drummond, & Gadanho, using a Nanophotometer P-330 instrument (Implen GmbH).
2017; Giusti, Armani, & Sotelo, 2017; Mun ~ oz-Colmenero,
Martínez, Roca, & Garcia-Vazquez, 2017). We recently evaluated 2.4. Ion Torrent sequencing
this technology for species detection in DNA mixtures of meat
species and for species identification in dairy products (Bertolini The amplified fragments were purified with ExoSAP-IT® (USB
et al., 2015; Ribani et al., 2018). Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA). Six libraries (one for each
In this study, we tested the usefulness of this NGS technology for product) were prepared for sequencing with the Ion Torrent PGM
animal species identification in several highly processed and (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). Each library was based on amplicons
complex meat products and meat derived broths. The study defined of the three primer pairs obtained for the same product. The li-
a methodological framework to establish assays based on this NGS braries included end-repaired and barcoded amplicons (200 ng of
60 A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67

Table 1
List of products analysed in this study and their declared ingredients.

Library Product Labelled meat ingredients Declared origin Other ingredients

1 €ner kebab preparation

Do Unknown Unknown Unknown
Beef/pork pate Beef (25%), pork (20%), pig lard Produced and Lactose and other components (rice flour, wheat fiber,
packed in Italy guar gum, monosodium glutamate, sodium nitrate)
3 Meat based filling of tortellini Pork (derived from meat, dry cured Produced and Grana Padano cheese, milk serum and other
ham and mortadella), small fraction packed in Italy components (salt, sugar, wheat flour, sodium citrate,
of beef spices)
4 Instantaneous granular Extract of meat (unspecified Produced and Lactose and other components (salt, monosodium
preparation of broth stock species) packed in Italy glutamate, sulphur dioxide, soybean, extract of
made by meat vegetables, onion, sedan, garlic, tomato, anti-oxidants)
5 Ready to use liquid meat based Extract of unspecified meat (0.07%), Produced and Eggs, milk, vegetables (leek, tomato, carrot), yeast
broth (producer A) extracted of beef (0.04%), extracted packed in Italy extract, salt, natural flavor of sedan, spices, extra-virgin
of chicken meat (0.04%) olive-oil
6 Ready to use liquid meat based Extract of unspecified meat (0.2%), Produced and Vegetables (onion, sedan, tomato, carrot), yeast extract,
broth (producer B) extract of beef (0.04%), extract of packed in Italy salt, natural flavor
chicken meat (0.04%)

Table 2
Universal PCR primers pairs used for DNA amplification of the 12S and 16S targeted mtDNA regions.

Primer pair name/mtDNA region PCR primers (50 -30 ): forward and reverse Annealing T ( C) Size of the amplified fragment (bp)a References

12S_Ki CCCAAACTGGGATTAGATACCC 59 215e219 Kitano et al. (2007)

16S_KH GACGAGAAGACCCTATGGAGC 59 112e114 Karlsson and Holmlund (2007)
16S_Ki GCCTGTTTACCAAAAACATCAC 62 244e245 Kitano et al. (2007)
The size of the amplified regions is different in the considered species. The range is reported.

amplified DNA) produced with the Ion Xpress™ Plus Fragment Li- 2.5.2. Species identification
brary and Ion Xpress™ Barcode Adapters 1e16 kits (Thermo Fisher Trimmed reads were aligned to pre-built reference sequences of
Scientific Inc.). The Ion Library Quantitation kit (Thermo Fisher the three amplified mtDNA regions of a customized database of
Scientific Inc.) was used for the qPCR analysis carried out with the vertebrate species that was constructed for this study. Sequences of
StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher Scientific more than 500 species were included in the database, according to
Inc.) for the quantification of the prepared libraries. Then, the six their potential relevance as ingredients or possible accidental
barcoded and quantified libraries were pooled together at the same contaminants of meat products (all farm animals, the most com-
concentration and submitted to clonal amplification by emulsion mon mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, including game
PCR with the Ion PGM™ Hi-Q™ OT2 kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific species and endangered species). Alignments were based on bwa
Inc.). Sequencing was obtained in an Ion Torrent PGM (Thermo v.0.7.11 (Li et al., 2009) using the aln algorithm with default pa-
Fisher Scientific Inc.) using the Ion PGM™ Hi-Q™ Sequencing kit rameters or using a quality score of the alignment Qm > 30 (Li &
and an Ion 318 v2 chip (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.) following the Durbin, 2009). Among the tested algorithms of previous works
manufacturer's instructions. (Bertolini et al., 2015; Ribani et al., 2018), aln performs better to
discriminate close homologous sequences (Li & Durbin, 2009).
Thus, aln was selected in this study considering the sequence
2.5. Next generation sequencing data analyses closeness of the analysed mtDNA regions of many meat species
(Ribani et al., 2018). Bam files were obtained using Samtools soft-
2.5.1. Data processing ware v.0.1.16 (Li et al., 2009). In addition, all reads were analysed
Data were processed as previously described (Bertolini et al., using BLASTþ v. 2.2.30þ (
2014). Briefly, reads produced from the Ion Torrent sequencing executables/blastþ/2.2.30/) against all mtDNA vertebrate se-
run were first processed with the Torrent Suite v.4.6 on the Ion quences available in GenBank (
Torrent Server (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). Then, obtained FASTQ nucleotide/; November 15, 2017). Bioinformatic analyses were run
files were quality checked using fastqc tool (http://www. using Galaxy platform (Goecks, Nekrutenko, Taylor, & Team, 2010) Pre-processed reads and considering matches with identity  99% over  90% of the
were subsequently attributed to the six libraries according to their length of the sequenced read.
barcodes and were then filtered by eliminating polyclonal and low- Other parameters useful to call reads were obtained from the
quality sequences (Q < 20). Then, sequences of the adapters, of the experiment of Ribani et al. (2018) that was carried out in parallel
barcodes and low quality 30 -ends were trimmed from the filtered with the Ion Torrent run of the current study (see below). Reads
reads. After these automatic processes, reads were then trimmed were attributed to one species if: i) at least two nucleotides
from the PCR primer sequences at 50 and 30 end using the trim differentiated it from another species (over the considered read
function of HOMER. Retained reads were at least 2/3 in length of the sequence); and ii) the proportion of reads assigned to a species was
expected size of the amplicons produced with the three primer higher than the product of the error rate of the Ion Torrent
pairs. sequencing for the amplified fragments, calculated on the number
Next generation sequencing data were deposited in the EMBL- of nucleotide differentiating two closely related species. The
EBI European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) with the project accession average error rate for the considered amplicons has been already
number PRJEB25178.
A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67 61

defined for different species: 0.051 for the 16S_KH fragments; 0.022 Torrent run. These reads were approximately equally distributed
for the 16S_Ki and 12S_Ki fragments (Ribani et al., 2018). In addi- among the six barcoded libraries (ranging from 15.4% for library
tion, as reported in our previous work (Ribani et al., 2018), we 5e18.4% for library 6 (Table 3). Raw reads were filtered according to
adopted the threshold of 0.2% as the proportion of the number of the size and sequencing quality. After these processing steps, a total
reads assigned to a species (over all reads of that amplified region of 1,363,351 reads (44.7%) remained for further analyses. Of the six
within the considered library) to call the presence of a species in libraries that were analysed, library 1 retained only 32.5% of the
the analysed product. This conservative threshold was defined to reads and library 4 retained 61.1% of reads. The filtered reads were
overcome the potential problems derived by laboratory accidental assigned to the three amplified fragments with the following pro-
DNA contamination of meat animal species and by spurious bio- portion: 426,924 (31.3%) were of the 12S_Ki fragment, 686,587
informatic algorithm assignment of reads to non-correct species (50.3%) belonged to the 16S_Ki fragment and 250,840 (18.4%) were
(Ribani et al., 2018). Therefore, this threshold identified the limit of from the 16S_KH region. The lower proportion of reads obtained for
detection based on the number of reads assigned to a meat species. the 16S_KH region over all filtered reads indirectly confirmed the
Evaluation of human DNA accidental contamination in the lab- lower efficiency of amplification of this primer pair, compared to
oratory environment that run the Ion Torrent sequencing experi- the other two pairs for the amplification of mammalian DNA
ment was already evaluated by Ribani et al. (2018). Briefly, the (Bertolini et al., 2015).
experiment of Ribani et al. (2018), who sequenced amplicons
derived by artificially prepared DNA pools constructed using cattle,
3.2. Meat species identified in the analysed products
buffalo, goat and sheep DNA, showed that the number of reads
matching the three human targeted sequences ranged from 0 to 4
The number of reads of the three investigated mtDNA regions
over a total of 40,000e160,000 reads per library, providing an es-
assigned to different mammalian or avian species for each analysed
timate of the proportion of reads derived by contaminating human
product is reported in Fig. 1. Results obtained using aln software
DNA in the laboratory environment. This evaluation is below the
(with mapping quality Qm > 30 and without a mapping threshold)
threshold of 0.2% of reads assigned to a species to call the presence
and BLASTN analysis are included for comparison. Fig. 2 shows the
of that species in the analysed products. Therefore, as a conserva-
distribution (in percentage) of reads of the three mtDNA fragments
tive approach, we used the same threshold of 0.2% to consider the
attributed to different species as determined by BLASTN. The dis-
presence of contaminating human DNA of the investigated
tribution of reads assigned to species as obtained by aln software
(with mapping quality Qm > 30 and without a mapping threshold)
is reported in the Supplementary Material (Figure S1 and Figure S2,
2.5.3. Identification of mitochondrial haplotypes respectively). Complete data are reported in Table S1 of the
The identification of within-species mitochondrial haplotypes Supplementary Material.
(i.e. mitotypes) from the sequenced reads was obtained as follows. Analysis of the reads obtained from the do €ner kebab, for which
First, the GenBank database was queried with the reference se- meat species ingredients was not known, indicated the presence of
quences for each species that were identified in the analysed meat from two main species (cattle and chicken) confirmed with
products (i.e. >0.2% of reads) using BLASTN to identify mitotypes the three amplified mtDNA fragments (using all three bioinformatic
for the corresponding regions already deposited in the nucleotide methods) even if with different estimated proportions. The 16S_KH
database and derived by other studies. Then, to overcome the and 16S_Ki fragments showed a similar percentage of reads of the
problem of sequencing errors in defining mitotypes (that in any two species, whereas reads of the 12S_Ki fragment were mainly
case had to be already represented in the GenBank database), only assigned to chicken. Unexpectedly, all three fragments and bio-
mitotypes whose read proportion was higher than the sequencing informatic analyses reported also the presence of pork. Reads from
error rate for that specific fragment (Ribani et al., 2018), over all pig were just above the 0.2% threshold for two of the amplified
reads assigned to that species, were considered. Then, within- regions (12S_Ki and 16S_KH) and were about 10% for the 16S_Ki
species mitotypes were identified using aln alignments with fragment. No other meat species showed at least two regions with
scripts to automatically retrieve different mitotype sequence in- more than 0.2% of assigned reads.
formation (defined by BLASTN analysis as described above) on the Reads of the beef/pork pate  library indicated the presence of
aligned reads. The EMPOP database, version 3.0, release 11 (https:// three meat species: cattle (Bos taurus), buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and; Parson & Dür, 2007), was queried to identify the pig (Sus scrofa). The proportion of reads of the two Bovidae species
mtDNA derived bio-geographic origin of the human contaminating was similar for all three mtDNA regions and bioinformatic ap-
DNA based on the identified mtDNA haplotypes. proaches (7e11% cattle; 32e44% buffalo), accounting, on the whole,
for about 41e55% of all reads of this library. Close inspection of read
3. Results alignments to the reference buffalo and cattle sequences confirmed
that the bioinformatic pipelines assigned correctly the sequences to
3.1. Ion Torrent reads these two species. Buffalo meat was not indicted in the product
label as a component of this pate . Reads assigned to Sus scrofa were
A total of 3,052,478 raw reads were obtained from the Ion about 40e55% over the total (except for the BLASTN analysis of the

Table 3
Number of sequence reads produced from the six analysed libraries.

Library Product Total no. of Filtered 12S_Ki Filtered 16S_Ki Filtered 16S_KH No. of total
raw reads reads reads reads filtered reads

1 Do€ner kebab preparation 501397 309493 21951 173305 186190

Beef/pork pate 469847 141934 40305 242542 257631
3 Meat based filling of tortellini 518667 113503 46299 145167 452820
4 Instantaneous granular preparation of broth stock made by meat 520911 140464 112868 272425 358069
5 Ready to use liquid broth based on meat (producer A) 481005 131017 82186 181462 394665
6 Ready to use liquid broth based on meat (producer B) 560651 94784 47689 222685 438409
62 A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67

Fig. 1. Number of reads (y axis) obtained from the six libraries and for the three analysed mtDNA regions (12S_Ki, 16S_KH and 16S_Ki) that were assigned to different species by aln
(using Qm30 and default parameters; blue and orange bars, respectively) and BLASTN (grey bars; x axis). Species reported are only those for which some reads were assigned using
at least one of the methods (mtDNA region and/or bioinformatic approach) applied in this study. Species are indicated with the following acronyms: BT, Bos taurus (cattle); BB,
Bubalus bubalis (buffalo); GG, Gallus gallus (chicken); HS, Homo sapiens (humans); LE, Lepus europaeus (hare); OC, Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit); SS, Sus scrofa (pig). (For inter-
pretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67 63

Fig. 2. Proportion of reads of the three analysed mtDNA fragments (12S_Ki, 16S_KH and 16S_Ki), obtained from the six libraries, assigned to different species with BLASTN.

16S_KH that were about 23% of all filtered reads). The meat species ingredients of the second ready to use liquid
Reads produced from meat-based filling of tortellini for the broth based on meat (from producer B) was more complex than
three amplified fragments indicated that this product contained that of the broth of producer A. Cattle (indicated in the label of this
meat from pig only. The small fraction of the declared beef or dairy product) was the meat species that accounted for the largest
cattle cheese components of the tortellini meat mixture (Table 1) number of reads for all three mtDNA amplicons (from about 30 to
did not contribute to the detected species in this product. All three 65%, depending by the amplified fragment and applied bio-
mtDNA fragments did not identify Bos taurus as reads assigned to informatic method). Pig accounted for about 4e14% of reads and
this species did not trespass the 0.2% threshold (reads assigned to rabbit reads were from about 0.2% to 1.4% over the total of reads.
this species were about 0.1%). It could be possible that the pre- Chicken (mentioned in the label of this product) accounted for
defined limit of detection could be too stringent for this product. about 5% of reads obtained for the 12S_Ki and 16S_KH regions (two
Meat species (not precisely declared in the label; Table 1) out of three fragments, as the 16S_Ki reported a very low number of
identified in the instantaneous granular preparation of broth stock reads).
made by meat were: 1) pig, that accounted for about 2/3 of all reads
(for all three amplified regions and bioinformatic methods); 2) 3.3. Identification of human DNA contamination
cattle (5e9% of reads for all three targeted mtDNA fragments and
bioinformatic analyses); 3) rabbit (about 1e3% of reads for all three The universal primers used in this study also amplify with high
amplicons and bioinformatic approaches); and 4) chicken (about efficiency the human corresponding mtDNA regions (Bertolini
2% for two out of three mtDNA regions). et al., 2015; Karlsson & Holmlund, 2007; Kitano et al., 2007).
Bos taurus accounted for the largest number of reads in library 5 Therefore, considering that in the parallel experiment (that shared
(derived from a ready to use liquid meat-based broth - from pro- all steps at the same time, from DNA extraction to library prepa-
ducer A). Aln and BLASTN analyses reported about 84e98% of reads ration and PGM run) we were able to exclude the accidental human
obtained from all three primer pairs assigned to this species. Aln contamination of the laboratory environment (Ribani et al., 2018),
software using Qm > 30 as matching criteria reported, for all three we used the number of mapped reads on the human mtDNA se-
analysed regions, about 20% of reads assigned to this species. This quences as a parameter useful to evaluate the level of human
reduction of percentage might be due to the performances of the contamination in the analysed products. The minimum number of
alignment algorithm that excludes from all mapped reads the reads to identify human contamination was the same used to
alignments below the Qm30 threshold (Ribani et al., 2018). Rabbit declare the presence of meat species (i.e. >0.2%) for at least two out
reads were identified in two of the three amplified regions (12S_Ki of three amplified regions.
and 16S_Ki) over the 0.2% level. Aln Qm30 for the rabbit 12S_Ki Among the investigated products, the beef/pork pate  and the
fragment reduced the number of reads probably caused by poor meat based filling of tortellini did not shown any human contam-
alignment quality due to competitive mapping with hare se- ination. For these two products, the number of reads assigned to
quences. This might be deduced from the results of BLASTN that, in human mtDNA sequences was lower than the adopted background
turn, cleaned the situation and did not assign any read to Lepus spp. level (i.e. 0.2%), suggesting absence of contamination (or limited
This liquid broth was expected to be derived from pig meat (0.04%, contamination) of human origin on these meat preparations. The
according to the indication of the product label; Table 1) but the do€ner kebab preparation reported human reads over the indicated
results we obtained did not support the presence of this meat threshold for two out of three mtDNA fragments, i.e. 16S_KH (just
component at the adopted stringency in terms of number of reads. above the threshold) and 16S_Ki (with high proportion: >30%). All
A less stringent threshold (i.e. 0.1%) would have identified the three meat derived broths showed human contamination
presence of this species. confirmed by all three mtDNA regions and bioinformatic methods.
64 A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67

About 2e4% of reads obtained from library 4 (derived by the mitotypes were identified in the 16S_Ki region (represented by 114
instantaneous granular preparation of broth stock made by meat) and 37 entries, respectively; Table 4). The 12S_Ki region mitotype
were mapped on human mtDNA regions. Human reads were about that was present in 12 GenBank entries and the 16S_Ki mitotype
1e2% (with 8e9% for the 16S_Ki using the aln software without observed in 37 GenBank entries were the sequences that we
quality filtering or BLASTN analysis) in library 5, obtained from the detected in the pate meat product.
ready to use liquid broth of producer A). The most contaminated Three rabbit mitotypes were identified in GenBank for the
product appeared the ready to use liquid broth of producer B (li- 12S_Ki mtDNA region (reported in three, one and one entries,
brary 6). Reads assigned to human mtDNA were from about 17 to respectively; Table 4). Reads derived from the three meat broths
56% (depending by the primer pairs and bioinformatic analysis). (the granular preparation of broth stock made by meat and the
ready to use liquid broths based on meat from the two producers),
3.4. Identification of species-specific mitotypes from Ion Torrent were mainly assigned to the most frequent form (mitotype 1) and
reads to mitotype 2 already present in GenBank.
Two possible human 16S_Ki mitotypes were retrieved from
Next generation sequencing data from mtDNA fragments could GenBank (Table 4). These two mitotypes were identified in all
identify within species mitochondrial haplotypes (i.e. mitotypes). sequenced products for which the human contamination was
To overcome the problem derived by sequencing errors, we >0.2% of reads, even if with different proportions. The presence of
considered reliable mitotypes only those already reported in Gen- different proportions of these two mitotypes in the analysed
Bank database and that their proportion among the sequenced products indirectly excludes that the human contamination in the
reads was higher than the sequencing error rate defined for that sequenced food matrices derives from the laboratory environment.
specific fragment (Ribani et al., 2018). BLASTN analysis carried out In that case, we would have expected uniform human mtDNA
against GenBank deposited sequences (derived by other studies) haplotype distribution across samples, considering also that lab
with the reference sequences of the three mtDNA regions (for all personnel carried only one of these haplotype (data not shown).
species, for which we declared their presence in the investigated Even if the covered mtDNA fragment region has a limited infor-
products), identified a few mitotypes for some of the mDNA frag- matively, using EMPOP database we obtained some information on
ment/species combinations (Table 4). the probable ethnicity of the human DNA contamination. Haplo-
Among the possible seven porcine mitotypes of the 16_Ki re- types 1 and 2 were present in 65.8% and 29.6% of human mtDNA
gion, only two (the haplotypes represented by the highest number fragments deposited in this database with high frequency in Eu-
of deposited entries: 7 and 47, respectively) were identified in all ropean and American populations (haplotype 1: 61.1% and 100% of
analysed products (including the broth from library 5, for which it the mtDNAs from these populations) or African and European
was not possible to declare the presence of pig meat according to populations (haplotype 2: 71.4% and 34.9% of the mtDNAs from
the 0.2% threshold; Table 4). Their proportions across samples was these populations).
different suggesting a different origin or contribution of different
pigs with these two mtDNA haplotypes to the analysed products. 4. Discussion
This different proportion of porcine mtDNA mitotypes in the ana-
lysed products would also exclude cross contamination among the A few NGS approaches have been recently applied for species
analysed products. identification or for the detection of other signatures useful for the
Mining GenBank mtDNA buffalo sequences, three possible authentication of food products, demonstrating the powerful po-
mitotypes were identified in the 12S_Ki region (represented by 69, tential of these DNA sequencing methods. For example, NGS tech-
45 and 12 sequence entries, respectively) and two possible nologies have been used for species identification in complex or

Table 4
Summary of mitotypes identified for different species and mtDNA fragments based on entries already reported in GenBank database.

Species Fragment Mitotype IDa Accession numberb Occurrence in databasec No. of readsd

Library 1 Library 2 Library 3 Library 4 Library 5 Library 6

Sus scrofa 16S_Ki 1 KX982632 7 2404 28973 56112 57458 e 7164

2 EF545576 1 e e e e e e
3 MF183225 47 3532 26403 57309 83563 e 11802
4 AF304200 1 e e e e e e
5 KJ193222 1 e e e e e e
6 AY574047 1 e e e e e e
7 DQ274110 1 e e e e e e
Oryctolagus cuniculus 12S_Ki 1 AY292691 3 e e e 1916 51 117
2 FM164771 1 e e e 39 36 56
3 FM164772 1 e e e e e e
Bubalus bubalis 12S_Ki 1 KX758295 12 e 26892 e e e e
2 KX758396 14 e e e e e e
3 KX758402 69 e e e e e e
16S_Ki 1 KX758402 114 e e e e e e
2 KX758295 37 e 35100 e e e e
Homo sapiens 16S_Ki 1 KM101984 169 10697 e e 577 528 76769
2 AF382008 76 10330 e e 5736 1426 2513
Mitotype progressive number (ID).
GenBank accession number of sequences taken as example for the different mitotypes.
Number of entries already deposited in GenBank having the same sequence of the indicated mitotypes.
Number of reads identified in the different libraries attributed to the corresponding mitotypes. The number of reads reported in the table is slightly different from the total
number of mapped reads of the same species due to the capturing information of the bioinformatic scripts that were used to discriminate reads matching different mitotypes.
The numbers are reported only for the species for which reads trespassed the 0.2% threshold applied to declare its presence in the evaluated library.
A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67 65

highly processed seafood products (Abbadi et al., 2017; De Battisti supervised spurious bioinformatic alignments of the reads, labo-
et al., 2014; Giusti et al., 2017; Giusti et al., 2017; Park et al., ratory background DNA contamination and might consider the
2012), for the characterization of food species in candies (Mun ~ oz- need of an internal confirmation of the results. On the other hand,
Colmenero et al., 2017), for species detection in dairy products the use of at least two and not all three fragments to call a species
(Ribani et al., 2018) and for the determination of the botanical might reduce the false negative results derived by PCR failure or
origin of honey (Utzeri et al., 2018). Species identification in meat low efficiency in the amplifications for one of the three regions. It is
products has been approached by Ripp et al. (2014) using whole well known that PCR results and efficiency of some PCR primers
DNA sequencing of sausage DNA using Illumina sequencing plat- could be affected by inhibitors derived by complex food matrices
forms. We recently evaluated a next generation semiconductor- that cannot be completely eliminated during the DNA extraction
based sequencing platform for the detection of meat species in steps (i.e. Demeke & Jenkins, 2010; Hellberg, Kawalek, Van, Shen, &
DNA mixtures (Bertolini et al., 2015). In this study, we applied this Williams-Hill, 2014).
sequencing technology for species identification in complex and In addition to the two out of three fragment criteria, we added,
highly processed meat matrices and derived products using a tar- as additional level needed for declaring the presence of a species,
geted mtDNA approach based on different fragments amplified the confirmation of the results by the BLASTN. BLASTN was able to
with three universal primer pairs. eliminate some spurious results as in the case of the hare DNA. Its
These methods can identify, at the same time, all animal species presence in library 5 (derived from a ready to use liquid meat-based
that are present in the analysed products, including unexpected broth, producer A) identified with the aln software was not
species that were not suspected to contribute to or to contaminate confirmed and reads reattributed to the rabbit species.
the products. Therefore, NGS methods can be applied to complex Unexpected meat species were identified in some products that
and highly processed food products that underwent several phys- we analysed. For example, the do €ner kebab for which we did not
ical treatments and preparation steps. In addition, mining know the declared meat species ingredients (and thus it was used
sequencing data with appropriate bioinformatic pipelines and us- as a blind test in our study) reported the presence of pork. Ac-
ing customized databases, it is possible to extract other information cording to the typical origin and characteristic of this product, pork
that is contained in the obtained sequences that might be useful to should not be present. It seems however that contaminating pork is
trace, without any extra efforts or costs, the food origin by detecting quite common in these products, including western halal
intra-species variability (that in our study was investigated at the commercialized preparations (Soares, Amaral, Oliveira, & Mafra,
mtDNA level). This information could be also useful for forensic 2013).
investigations. The beef/pork pate  reported the presence of buffalo (Bubalus
We already evaluated several technical aspects, parameters and bubalis) DNA. This result was not expected as the substitution of
bioinformatic algorithms to produce and analyse sequencing reads beef with buffalo meat is not a common fraud. The identification of
obtained with the Ion Torrent platform and assign them to refer- Bubalus bubalis species is not easy as most end-point or quantitative
ence animal species (Bertolini et al., 2015; Ribani et al., 2018). In this real time PCR methods designed to identify beef cannot discrimi-
study, we took advantage from what we previously determined as nate closely related species and thus the presence of buffalo DNA is
sequencing error rate of the three mtDNA fragments tested in this not usually recognized. Buffalo meat could be considered a by-
study, background noise (including the level of laboratory back- product of the buffalo mozzarella production chain and this
ground DNA that run the experiment) and limit of detection might be one possible explanation of the presence of buffalo meat
(considered using the percentage of reads assigned to a species in highly processed products. Further studies are needed to eval-
with the 0.2% threshold) determined by the combined sensitivity of uate the frequency of buffalo meat in highly processed beef labelled
the sequencing technology and bioinformatic methods to identify a products and the origin of this possible fraud or accidental mixture
species from the produced reads (Bertolini et al., 2015; Ribani et al., of Bovidae species.
2018). This conservative threshold could be re-evaluated according All three broth preparations analysed in this study reported
to the results that we expected on a few products for which the 0.1% general indications on the presence of undefined meat species. Two
threshold could have detect declared minor components in li- of them declared in the label, at least in part, the animal species
braries 3 and 5. The bioinformatic pipeline relied on the results of from which they were produced. We identified that the instanta-
the aln algorithm that was already shown to perform better for neous granular preparation of broth stock made by meat was
species identification discriminating closely related sequences derived by four different meat species (cattle, pig, rabbit and
(Ribani et al., 2018). The introduction of BLASTN analyses against chicken). The label of the ready to use liquid meat based broth from
the GenBank vertebrate mtDNA sequence database further producer A reported the presence of the pig species at a very low
extended the possibility to identify many different species. In this level. However, read analysis did not identify this species, probably
study we compared the results of this algorithm with the outputs of due to the complete absence of material from the pig despite the
BLASTN to add another computational method and validate what information present in the label. The other ready to use liquid meat
obtained with aln software whose sensitivity might discard a quite based broth (from producer B) resulted to be derived from four
large number of reads (reducing the number of useful information) species (cattle, pig, rabbit and chicken). The rabbit was not declared
if stringent alignment quality criteria are applied. This is the case in the label of this product even if meat extract of unspecified meat
that we observed in library 5 (derived from a ready to use liquid species was declared (Table 1).
meat based broth, producer A) where reads attributed to Bos taurus Analysis of reads produced from the six libraries did not identify
dropped drastically if aln Qm30 was considered. This might be due the presence of horse DNA or the presence of any other species than
to the possibility that some true cattle reads could be also aligned those described (for example we did not identified the presence of
(with similar score) to reference sequences of other close species sheep or goat DNA) suggesting that, despite the analysed products
having high sequence identity, preventing the use of these reads for could be potentially derived from different species, the results
unique species identification. We also used an internal validation indicted that only a limited number of species were present. A more
approach to declare the presence of a species based on the same extensive study on many other products should be carried out to
results obtained by at least two out three concordant mtDNA re- have a precise evaluation of the frauds and accidental contamina-
gions amplified and sequenced for each product. These criteria tions of undeclared species in meat derived products.
made it possible to overcome the problems derived by un- Another interesting result was the presence of human DNA
66 A. Ribani et al. / Food Control 91 (2018) 58e67

contamination in four out of six products. This parameter could be possibility of unsupervised spurious bioinformatic assignment of
related to the hygienic level over the production chain or of the reads to the wrong species. The tested method, that combined data
processing plants (Ribani et al., 2018). It could be also affected by derived by three universal primer pairs with a customized bio-
the degree of human manipulation of the products. Mun ~ oz- informatic analysis to assure internal validation of the results,
Colmenero et al. (2017) reported a quite high level of human DNA might be useful for routine applications to identify expected and
reads from an Ion Torrent NGS analysis designed for species iden- unexpected species not only in meat products but also in other
tification in candies. They interpreted this result as derived by animal derived products. An additional level of information could
external contamination inadvertently acquired during or after be obtained by detecting mitotypes from the produced reads. The
candy processing and transferred later to the products resulting in empirical definitions of the limit of detection and of the level of
less degraded DNA than true ingredients, so constituting a better human DNA contamination might need further improvements.
template for PCR analyses of the targeted mtDNA products (Mun ~ oz- Once these matters are set up, the described NGS approach might
Colmenero et al., 2017). The do €ner kebab and all three broths constitute an analytical system that could become a reference
showed human contamination. In particular, one ready to use broth method for meat species identification in food products to detect
(from producer B) reported a worrying level of human contami- frauds and accidental contaminations. This NGS method could be
nation confirmed by all three mtDNA regions. In general, the high integrated to identify other components (i.e. plant species)
proportion of human reads in the liquid broths compared to other included in meat preparations.
meat products could be due to the fact that the level of meat species
DNA in the liquid preparations might be lower than that in solid Conflict of interest
products. Therefore, this diluted presence of meat species DNA
could have some effects on the amplification efficiency and thus on The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
the relative proportion of human reads in these libraries.
It is however worth to mention that species identification with Acknowledgements
the NGS approach evaluated in our study is not quantitative. The
number of reads attributed to different species roughly respects the This work was developed as part of the GRIFFA research pro-
proportions derived by the sequenced DNA (Ribani et al., 2018). gram and was supported by University of Bologna 2017 RFO funds.
This proportion might depend by the amplified fragment under its
specific analytical conditions, that would reduce the stability of the Appendix A. Supplementary data
results (in terms of consistency of the proportion of reads) across
PCR products. Several aspects, including different DNA quality and Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
quantity and different amplification efficiency in different species,
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