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Society of Petroleum Engineer

Padjadjaran University Student Chapter



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Choose (X) The Correct Answer From the Questions Bellow!

1. A relatively impermeable rock, commonly shale, anhydrite or salt, that forms a barrier
or seal above and around reservoir rock so that fluids cannot migrate beyond the
reservoir is called?
A. Source Rock B. Cap Rock C. Reservoir D. Parrent Rock

2. What are the 2 most common reservoir rocks?

A. Sandstone and Carbonates C. Sandstone and Breccia
B. Carbonates and Breccia D. Shale and Carbonates

3. The proccess in which hydrocarbons move from one porous and permeable rock to
another is called?
A. Moving B. Preservation C. Dilution D. Migration

4. Siliceous environments, named for the silica-rich shells deposited in them. Where
does this environment occur?
A. deep-sea B. Delta C. Lacustrine D. Estuarin

5. Sedimentary layers (strata) and lava flows were originally deposited as relatively
horizontal sheets. This principle is known as Principle of?
A. Cross-Cutting B. Superposition C. Original Horizontality D. Fauna

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

6. Any feature that cuts across a rock or body of sediment must be younger than the rock
or sediment it cuts across. This principle is known as?
A. Cross-Cutting B. Superposition C. Original Horizontality D. Fauna

7. Dense, viscous mixtures of sediment and water in which the volume and mass of
sediment exceeds that of water known as?
A. Laminar Flow B. Turbulen Flow C. Turbidity Currents D. Debris

8. Gravity driven turbid mixtures of sediment temporarily suspended in water are called?
Turbidity Currents
A. Laminar Flow B. Turbulen Flow C. Turbidity Currents D. Debris

9. In which of the following sedimentary environments would you least expect to find
A. Deep Marine B. Alluvial Fan C. Shallow Marine D. Delta

10. When the particles move in a series of jumps, periodically leaving the bed surface and
carried short distances within the body of the fluid before returning to the bed again is
A. Rolling B. Walking C. Saltation D. Running

11. The tendency for variations in current velocity to segregate sediments on the basis of
particle size is called?
A. Fabric B. relief C. Partial D. Sorting

12. What is the common rock-forming mineral which is known as dolomite?

A. CaCO3 B. CaMg(CaCO3)2 C. NaOH D. MgCO3

13. The processes responsible for changing sediments into sedimentary rock are
compaction and?
A. Telogenesis B. Cementation C. Mesogenesis D. Eogenesis

14. Proses di mana terjadi presipitasi kimia pada pembentukan kristal baru, terbentuk
didalam pori-pori sedimen atau batuan yang mengikat satu butir dengan butir lainnya
A. Sementasi B. Kompaksi C. Litifikasi D. Replacement

15. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan aquifer?

A. Bagian reservoir minyak yang mengandung air
B. Bagian reservoir minyak yang mengandung uap
C. Bagian reservoir minyak yang mengandung panas
D. Bagian reservoir minyak yang mengandung mineral

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

16. Minyak yang terbentuk dari hasil penyulingan destruktif batu bara disebut?
A. CBM B. Coal oil C. Undefined Oil D. Ethilen

17. Suatu kejadian geology dimana permukaan laut naik relatif terhadap tanah dan garis
pantai bergerak menuju tempat yang lebih tinggi yang disebabkan karena
tenggelamnya tanah atau adanya cekungan tanah yang diisi air laut disebut?
A. Regression B. Eustasi C. Retrograde D. Transgression

18. What kind mineral that will be form after antracite ?

A. Quartz B. Cupper C. Illite D. Diamond

19. Mention one of type of subduction that happen in Indonesia ?

A. Oblique Subduction to Java
B. Frontal Subduction to Sumatera
C. Oblique Subductio to Sumatera
D. Frontal Subduction to Sulawesi

20. What is the unit of permeability?

A. Darcy / MilliDarcy B. Atm C. Psia D. Psig

21. Movement of the shoreline seawards as a result of sedimentation occuring at the coast
is called?
A. Retrograssion B. Progradation C. Regression D. Agraadation

22. What is the principal compound in limestone? CaCO3

A. CO3- B. NaOH C. CaCO3 D. MgCO3

23. What are the two types of microfossils which have shells made of CaCO3 (Calcium
A. Bivalvia B. Foraminifera C. Brachiopoda D. Zooplankton

24. Pergeseran atau penurunan mendadak dari suatu bagian lapisan tanah dari posisi
asalnya disebut?
A. Fold B. Joint C. Fault/sesar D. Depression

25. What Causes of Transgresive System Tract ?

A. Pogradation
B. Agradation

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

C. Eustasy
D. Retrogradational/Transgresive.

26. When the gravel-sized particle in coarse detrital rock are angular. What will be the
rock called?
A. Coarse Sandstone B. Breccia C. Shale D. Konglomerat

27. Why coal can be used as source rock and reservoir ?because..

A. Have coal matrix C. Have biogenic matter

B. Have Carboneous cement D. Have porosity

28. struktur geologi berbentuk lengkung yang terdiri atas batuan sedimen disebut?
A. Fault B. Joint C. Graben D. Fold

29. Hydrocarbon impurities Bellow, except!

A. Sulfur (S) B. nitrogen (N) C. oxygen (O2) D. Carbon (C)

30. Penyumbang Secondary Porosity terbesar pada Basement reservoir adalah?

A. Intracrystaline B. Weathering C. Fracturing D. Hydroothermal

31. This petrologist showed that, as magmas cool, two different series of silicate minerals
(SiO4) crystallize in predictable sequences. One series is the continuous
crystallization of plagoiclase feldspar. The other series is the discontinuous
crystallization of various ferromagnesian silicate minerals. Who is he?
A. James Hutton B. N.L Bowen C. Robert Hall D. Alfred Wegener

32. Look at the picture!

What kind of oil reservoir is that?

A. Saturated reservoir C. Unsaturated reservoir
B. Defined resrvoir D. Undefined reservoir

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

33. Menghasilkan product apakah hasil dari destilasi minyak bumi dengan suhu 0-50ºC?
A. Solar B. Bensin C. Gas D. Aspal

34. Hasil dari destilasi minyak bumi dengan titik didih 50-85ºC dan memiliki rentang
rantai Hidrocarbon dari C6 sampai C11 adalah?
A. Solar B. Bensin C. Gas D. Aspal

35. Hasil dari destilasi minyak bumi dengan titik didih 85-105ºC dan memiliki rentang
rantai Hidrocarbon dari C12 sampai C20 adalah?
A. Minyak tanah B. Solar C. Gas D. Bensin

36. Hasil dari destilasi minyak bumi dengan titik didih 105-135ºC dan memiliki rentang
rantai Hidrocarbon dari C21 sampai C30 adalah?
A. Minyak Tanah B. Bensin C. Gas D. Solar

37. Sebutkan alkana yang paling ringan?

A. Metana B. Etana C. Propana D. Butana

38. Pada umumnya komposisi dry gas yang paling utama adalah?
A. C2H4 B. C4H4 C. CH4 D. C3H6

PcLab (σ cos θ )Lab

39. Pc Re s =
(σ cos θ )Res Rumus tersebut digunakan untuk menghitung?
A. Tekanan Hidrostatis Resservoir
B. Tekanan Kapiler Mud
C. Tekanan Kapiler Reservoir
D. Tekanan Kapiler source rock

40. What kind of logging to explain wash out area ?

A. Gamma Ray C. Resistivity Log
B. Sonic Log D. caliper log

41. Mention 2 types of forces which is influenced on secondary migration!

A. Normal Force and Buoyancy Force
B. Buoyancy force and Capillary force
C. Capillary force and Normal Force
D. Capillary force and Darcy Force

42. What kind of log that using to calculate shale volume ?

A. Gamma Ray log C. Density Log

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

B. Neutron Log D. Sonic Log

43. What kind of log can be used to calculate of efective porosity ?

A. Gamma Ray log C. Density Log
B. Neutron Log D. Sonic Log

44. What kind of clay mineral thay using in oil base mud !
A. Kaolinit B. Illite C. Montmorilonite D. Smectite

45. What is the terminology of production performance analysis in a node/section of

production system, to determine well flow rate, based on inflow and outflow
performance relationship?
A. Nodal Analysis B. Drilling Analysis C. Aquitition D. Proton Analysis

46. 3 important factors affecting on designing ESP, except!

A. PI of the well C. Depth of Well
B. Casing & Tubing Size D. Static Liquid Level

47. Perbandingan antara tahanan listrik suatu batuan yang mengandung minyak dan gas
terhadap batuan yang jenuh dengan air formasi dinamakan...
A. Resistivity Index C. Acoustic Velocity
B. Formation Factor D. Cementing Factor

48. Komposisi utama gas terbesar yang terdapat di Indonesia yang terdapat di pulau Jawa dan
pulau Kalimantan adalah...
A. Carbon Dioksida B. Propane C. Methane D. Nitrogen

49. Komposisi dari gas alam di Indonesia yang terdapat di Pulau Jawa dan Kalimantan,
dimana gas tersebut menduduki posisi tertinggi kedua setelah Methane adalah...
A. Carbon Dioksida B. Propane C. Methane D. Nitrogen

50. Pada alat Flame Ionisatiton Detector Chromatograph terdapat bagian air support generator.
Di mana bagian pada alat ini berfungsi sebagai pensuplai udara kering. Udara kering hasil
suplai dari air support generator berfungsi sebagai...
A. Gas penekan
B. Gas pembawa
C. Gas contoh
D. Gas alam

51. Di dalam air formasi, jumlah dari ion bicarbnat , ion carbonat, dan ion hidroksit
dinyatakan sebagai..

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

A. Kesadahan tetap C. Kesadahan sementara

B. Total padatan D. Alkalinity

52. Yang termasuk dalam sifat-sifat dari rheologi lumpur, kecuali..

A. App. Viscosity
B. Plastic Viscosity
C. Yield Point
D. Viskositas

53. Fluida yang digunakan untuk injeksi dalam mempercepat pengukuran kapiler suatu batuan
dimana fluida yang digunakan harus bersifat non wetting adalah...
A. Merkuri
B. Nitrogen
C. Air Formasi
D. Oil Base Mud

54. Siapakah yang mengemukakan perumusan J-Fuction yang sekarang ini banyak digunakan
untuk menentukan sifat dari batuan reservoir?
A. Laplace
B. Laverett
C. Hendry Darcy
D. Thomson

55. What is the terminology of the sedimentary facies which is on border of continental
crust and oceanic crust?
A. continental margins C. Active Margins
B. passive Margins D. MOR

56. kinds of drilling mud, Except..

A. Oil based mud C. fresh water based mud
B. salt water mud D. Cloride Mud

57. IPA stands for?

A. Indonesian Petroleum Association
B. International Petroleum Association
C. Indonesia Petrologist Association
D. International Petrologist Association

58. CBM is the short for?

A. Coal Black Methane
B. Clay Bed Methane

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

C. Coal Bed Methane

D. Coal Bay Methane.

59. In what province did the Lapindo mudflow happen?

A. West Java B. East Java C. Central java D. Bali

60. Many people have claimed that R.P. Koesoemadinata is the father of oil and gas
geology of Indonesia for his great contributions. What is his fullname?

A. Raden Prajatna Koesoemadinata

B. Raden Prayitno Koesoemadinata
C. Raden Priyangga Koesoemadinata
D. Raden Prasetyo Koesoemadinata

61. API stands for?

A. Association Petroleum Institute
B. Association Petroleum International
C. Association Petrophysics Intsitute
D. American Petroleum Institute

62. IATMI stands for?

A. Ikatan Ahli Teknik Material Indonesia
B. Institusi Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia
C. Ikatan Ahli Teknik Mesin Indonesia
D. Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia

63. Berapa gallonkah 1 barrel?

A. 30 gallon B. 35 gallon C. 42 gallon D. 37 gallon

64. Berapa literkah satu gallon?

A. 3.5 liter B. 3.785 liter C. 4.00 liter D. 4. 785 liter

65. Berapa literkah satu barrel?

A. 168.90 liter B. 158.97 Liter C. 258, 97 liter D. 305.3 liter

66. Petronas is an oil company from?

A. Malaysia B. Singapore C. Spain D. USA

67. What is the petroleum's standard condition for pressure and temperature?
A. 60oF / 14,7 psia
B. 700F /14,7 psia
C. 600F / 21 psia
D. 700F / 21 psia

Society of Petroleum Engineer
Padjadjaran University Student Chapter

68. Where is the largest offshore oilfield located?

A. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia C. Russia
B. USA D. China

69. What basement type of makassar straits ?

A. Oceanic B. MOR C. Continental D. Spreading

70. What tipe of Bengkulu Basin in Arc termination ?

A. Backarc basin C. Foreland basin
B. Forearc basin D. Volarc basin

71. What is The biggest Oil and Gas Company in the world?
A. Exxon Mobil C. British Petroleum (BP)
B. PetroChina D. Saudi Aramco

72. What is type of reservoir in the biggest field (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)?
A. Sandstone B. Basements C. Carbonates D. Clay

73. What is type of reservoir in the Jatibarang Field?

A. Carbonates B. Sandstone C. Granit D. Volcanic Rock

74. Total is an oil company from?

A. France B. USA C. Spain D. Russia

75. Who is Father of The Petroleum Industry?

A. Abraham Lincol C. Robert Hall
B. Abraham Genser D. Robert Beart

Good Luck
Together We Will Go Further

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