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Is writing important in?

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the
imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” ― Sylvia Plath

Creativity. That can mean a lot of things. From art and style to communication and
solutions. Endless topics and ideas on which you can build on, Its a key to life. We may
not realize it , but we are much more capable than what we think we are. We don’t see it
as clear sometimes but the more we use our own style the more we embrace our self in
our true artistic selves.

If it wasn’t for writing, the world would not be the way it is right now. We came a long
way because of writing. I can go on with many examples of why writing made us
knowledgeable and created us the way we are.

Just think about it. What would we have done if we didn’t know how to write? How
would we communicate our knowledge and build off each other? Back then, scientists
would write about discoveries and knowledge about the world. If it wasn’t for those
writings, how would we have discovered the many facts that we know about the world
today? A lot of what we know now were once written in a book, the very first time it was
exposed to the world. It should be very clear by now that writing is very important.

Writing saved us having to work 10x harder. Appreciate writing because it's a really
civilized way to communicate and display. It shouldn’t be something that you dislike. We
write every day, whether it's at school, work or just texting your friends.

I write to communicate, work and build knowledge off it. Writing back then was
something that not many people knew how to do. For that reason, those who did knew
had an advantage to excel. This is why writing is worth it. Writing is something this world
cannot go with out since it only helps us grow

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