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Karen Vasquez


4 reasons to write  

Writing is meaningful, there are many reasons why writing is important and 
is necessary for life. Writing is a way humans communicate with each other 
giving their own opinion about different topics trying to tell how they feel 
about something. Writing is important because you can share ideas with 
people , you are able to grow with new ideas, as well as helping your society 
Writing gives us information and knowledge about different things is not just 
the person reading that article that is getting information , but also the 
person writing is communicating its ideas to someone else through their 
writing. Writing is a way of communicating. I wonder if people think what 
others write is boring or if is boring for them?... 
Reason number one :   
Many people write to inspire others, some people have positive messages 
that people must see, like inspirational quotes they are written by someone 
who was inspire by that though and want other people to be inspire as well. 
By writing beautiful things you can change the way other people think about 
certain things. So do writing has an impact in our life ? well , yes writing is 
impacting our life everyday and that’s why we change our minds every 
minute. Writing for me impacted my life because i speak two languages and 
writing help me be more skills in that language and learn more from it. One 
quote that i found that i really liked was “ every secret of a writer’s soul , every 
experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works” - 
Virginia Woolf -. 
Reason number 2: 
Why must we write? We must write to get to know ourselves and people 
around us. To know what are our dreams. To have things organized. We must 
write to make our world and the world a better place. Writing can make an 
impact in the world. What happens if no one knew how to write? That would 
be terrible... ! writing helps us get ideas throughout the world. Like 
communicating inventions to what to improve to make better. 
Reason number 3 :  
I write because i must . Many people particularly students feel like writing is 
boring and is just necessary in order to get homework done and because is 
method that schools requires students to practice. It is a skill necessary for 
learning and to apply it in our future. Writing gives us better opportunities in 
life. Writing helps us grow mentally and helps us become more smarter. 
Writing gives a easier way of communicating by helping us making 
relationships with people around us. I write because my experience can help 
somebody else, people wants to share their experiences to other so people 
don’t make the same mistake. 
Reason number 4:  
Writing helps me get out of reality, many authors identify with this idea 
when writing books, writing helps them, they like to express their emotions, 
wishes, dreams, and inspirations . Getting out of reality sometimes makes 
you mind relax. And is entertaining reading stories that are not real like fiction 
stories. Writing allows to entertain others. Writing can be a stress reliever for 
people to read others funny stories. Writing helps many people to express 
themselves more than communicating with others and is more easy for them 
and they feel more free. 
In conclusion writing is important for everybody in order to understand the 
world around us more deeply. Writing is a way humans communicate and 
grow by sharing ideas and their experiences. Writing is worth for every 
person because it helps you become a better one.  

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