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Study Guide: Virology

1. What is meant by “viruses are the ultimate symbionts?”

2. Are viruses considered alive?
3. What is required for viral replication (reproduction)?
4. What is the structure of an individual viron?
5. What is a capsid?
6. What is a lipid envelope? How can this help increase the pathogenicity of viruses (may need to do some outside
research for this question!)?
7. What are the three basic shapes of viruses? What determines the shape of a virus?
8. What is a bacteriophage?
9. What is a lipid envelope? From where does it originate? What is the difference between naked and enveloped
10. Are enveloped or non-enveloped viruses typically more pathogenic? In other words: does the viral envelop
confer more or less pathogenicity to a virus? *This will require some external research/reading as it is not
addressed in the lecture.

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