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Name _________________________

Date ____________

Reflection Rubric: Implementation of During Reading Strategy

Objective: Given audiovisual content covering during reading strategies, teachers should be able to assess their implementation of strategies among
students within their classrooms with 90% accuracy according to the rubric.

Not Not effective Moderately Effective Effective Highly Effective

Criteria Observed 70% 80% 90% 100% Total
0% Score

Process and Plan No blog Minimal explanation of the Moderate explanation of the Clear explanation of the Fully comprehensive
of entry process of implementation of process of implementation of process of implementation of explanation of the process of
Implementation the strategy. the strategy. the strategy. implementation of the strategy.
of the During
Reading Strategy Blog includes anticipated Blog includes anticipated Blog includes anticipated Blog includes anticipated
external variables and a plan to external variables and a plan to external variables and a plan to external variables and a plan to
40% of total optimize implementation. optimize implementation. optimize implementation. optimize implementation.

Assessments of No blog Self and two peer blog Self and two peer blog Self and two peer blog Self and two peer blog
the entry assessments are minimally assessments are moderately assessments are clearly assessments are well-supported
Implementation supported by research, or prior supported by research, or prior supported by research, or prior by research, or prior
of the knowledge, or skill regarding knowledge, or skill regarding knowledge, or skill regarding knowledge, or skill regarding
During Reading implementation of strategy and implementation of strategy and implementation of strategy and implementation of the strategy
Strategy its impact student performance its impact on student its impact on student and its impact on student
in relation to the variables. performance in relation to the performance in relation to the performance in relation to the
50% of total variables. variables. variables.

Spelling, Numerous major errors in Some major errors in spelling, Few major errors in spelling, No major errors in spelling,
grammar, and No blog spelling, grammar, and grammar, and punctuation grammar, and punctuation grammar, and punctuation
punctuation entry punctuation

10% of total

N.B. Include citations for research

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