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The Problem


Being late to school is natural especially if those faraway places and especially also if the student walked

in cause of poverty. Tardiness is one of the most common causes that affect the lives of the high school


Tardiness has already become a habit of the high school students of Oas Polytechnic school. Most of them

come to school, attend their classes and scheduled appointments not on time. They all have their own

reasons; traffic, working slow, waking up late, etc.

Most of the students in Oas Polytechnic School, are even residents of BF Homes. Some are even residing

in the Oas Village, and still, they are arriving late.

They are residents who have been probably living in the village, or subdivision all their lives, who should

have already put into the usual problems they would encounter when they go to school. Many teachers

get disappointed, but up to now, the students are still unaware of what they are doing. Poverty also is one

reason why some students late to enter for lack of money. Not given a fare and they forced a student to

walk to school and why many students not attending school.

According to the Global Post, arriving to school and classes on time is important, but sometimes even the

most punctual students find themselves running behind schedule. Tardiness is measured differently

depending on the organization, but technically anyone who arrives to class after its official start

considerate tardy. What Is Absenteeism and Tardiness?

At 8:00 am, first period starts. As you write your startup on the board, you look around the room.

You only have four students present. As the period goes on, students start to filter in but some It

come later in the day, and some don't come at all.

You know this is detrimental to your students, and today we're going to dive into some of the

details about how absenteeism and tardiness negatively affect their development

What Are the Effects of Tardiness Among Students? is important to keep tardiness to a minimum

because students who habitually arrive late to class are disruptive. When a student arrives to a

class after the lecture has already started, the teacher is forced to either stop lecturing to adjust

the attendance sheet or make a note to adjust it later. For other students, the distraction of a

student getting to their seat, taking out their books and writing utensils and shuffling papers takes

away from their learning experience. For these reasons, tardiness should be discouraged as much

as possible.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

Being always present in class and getting to school on time are two of the crucial determining

factors of a student’s success, not just as a student but as a person who will be managing his/her

own life in the future. Given the importance of being punctual, this study aims to explore and

find out the factors that affect the punctuality of O.P.S students. In this chapter, we will be

discussing about the background of our study.


As Opcians students, we are expected to perform well with excellence in everything that we do,

most especially in the academic aspect. One factor that dictates the quality of performance of a

student is his/her punctuality that is, getting to school on time or being tardy

According to: Stacy Zeiger (2010) Schools stress the need for students to get to school and class.

The most essential learning time of the day for the students lies in the morning, specifically

between 8:00 to 9:30 AM. It is because the students are most mindful and observant of this time

of the day. It is also the reason why the most important lessons and subject matters are discussed

during this time. So when students are late or are not present during this time of the day, they,

in effect, miss out most of the important lessons to be noted and learned. every time the class

many learn so him avoid being late to class because each time waste is important for example

late-right come to class, you wasted time because late to arrive right at school so a necessary the

earlier prerequisite school. 3

Due to the fact tardiness has been giving negative effects on the students nowadays, the most

important thing to do is to develop a firm, consistent and functional policy that addresses late

students. There must be defined sanctions and penalties for late students. They should be

punctual in their own meetings and classes to avoid students to think that being late is just alright

since even the authoritative persons are doing it. They should as well teach it and integrate it in

every lesson. It must begin with the parents of the students and the government must take part

as well. Transportation must be improved in order to avoid students getting stuck in traffic or

encountering other obstacles down the streets. Some schools have already started finding

solutions that would effectively minimize and/or eliminate tardiness among students. One of the

solutions made by some schools is implementing tardiness policies, wherein they take steps in

approaching the students and parents for them to solve the problem.




Chapter III


Research Method

the reseacher will use descriptive method to validate the reseacher's understanding about the
Tardiness in Oas Polytechnic School. interview method will be used to collect the information
base on the perceptions in the new result.
Respondents of the study

The respondent of the study are students who’s tardy in Oas Polytechnic School.
The Reseacher’s will use an survey questioner in gathering the data in understanding the
Tardiness in Oas Polytechnic School.

the reseachers will gather information about the Tardiness from the Oas Polytechnic School of
Ilaor Norte Oas Albay to be used in the prevention of Tardy . the respondents to gather more
data about the tardiness. then, the reseachers will prepare the Approval letter to be signed by
the Principal of Oas Polytechnic School to let the reseachers distribute the survey questionaire
to the Students of Oas Polytechnic School after getting the informations, the reseachers will
analyze and interpret the results.

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the summary of the findings of this research, the conclusions derived
from these findings and the researchers’ recommendations for future researches of similar


This research studied the tardiness of Opcians students, the reasons and factors behind
and correlations between course and year level.


Out of the 30 respondents, 12 of them are tardy. This implies that 40% of the sample is tardy.
Furthermore, without considering margin of errors yet, 40% of the students in Grade 10 are
more likely tardy than punctual.

Chart Title






Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 Statement 4 Statement 5

Srongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

based research with the highest percent of statement 1 is to Disagree with 40% followed by agree
with 30% and the third category is strongly Disagree with 16% and the lowest is the strongly agree
with 13%.

the statement 2 is high than agree strongly agree. the agree is in 40% and 26% strongly agree and
in the third category are the disagree on 20% and the lowest is at 13% strongly agree.
This statement 3 we see the highest is agree with 33% and the next disagree with 33% and third
is strongly disagree with 23% and the lowest strongly agree with 16%.

This statement 4 is highest is to agree with 53% and followed is strongly agree with 23% and
the third which is strongly disagree with 16% and the lowest is disagree with 6%.
the statement 2 is high the strongly agree with 43% agree and the second with 26% and the
third is strongly disagree 16% and the lowest is 10% disagree.

“Effects of Tardiness and how will you solve the problem with regard to

base would research the most reason is the effect on academic performance and
being low on test results and activities.
and the second is mostly to avoid being late for class is to wake up early and
avoid at night watching TV.

Chapter V


This chapter indicates the summary, conclusion and recommendations

formulated for this study.


This study looks into the causes and solutions of Tardiness to the students of Oas Polytechnic
School in Ilaor Norte Oas Albay.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions.

1.What is the academic performance of the students in their first subject because
of their tardiness?
2.What are the behaviour of the students and teachers toward tardiness?
3.How does the school take action concerning the students discipline on tardiness?
4.What are the possible problems that might be encountered by the students
outside the school that cause them to become tardy?
5.What are the necessary solutions that can help students to arrive at school on


This study aimed to formulate and test the following hypothesis.

1.There is no significant relationship between students’ academic performance

and behaviour towards tardiness.
This research made use of descriptive method of research, descriptive in a sense
that the information that was gathered and analyzed from the respondents was based on the
ideas and opinion.


Trough proper examinations, It was revealed that students as the responsibility in waking up
early to attend class. Students who are responsible enough in attending to school on time is
benefits for them to have higher Grades and make their academic performance better. Aside
from that it will reflect to their personality of how disciplined and responsible they are.
Motivation is usually the most important step to stopping lateness because so many students
see no reason to be on time. Convincing students that on-time behavior is an essential skill,
often generates more change than any other approach.
It is our responsibility to school early as students now in high school that we that we know right
from wrong so we can learn to wake up early to avoid being late for class because it can cause
the students especially the subjects and tests so now rational that we as family studies we must
follow the rules for the good of all.

Students have problems with lateness for many reasons including distractions, cultural
differences, skill deficiencies and poor motivation. To most effectively build on-time behavior,
identify and address the source of the lateness. For example, an High school student may be
late because she lacks adult help to wake up and prepare for school each day. Her problem may
be best modified by giving her skills to plan a wake-up-and-get-ready schedule for arriving on


S.Zeiger.(2010)The Impact of Tardiness on school success [online].


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