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Our environment considered one of the most important and best thing that god has given to has, it is

made of land, mountains, forest and beautiful scenery that we must protect, nurture and enrich. Our
environment plays a major role in the existence of life on earth and it helps human beings as well
animals and other living things to develop and grow. Everything comes in our environment, the food we
eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and it’s provide all things that we need to live our life on
earth. Almost our daily needs is coming from our environment. Without environment we cannot survive,
so we should keep our environment safe and clean to ensure the life possibility in the future. It is the
responsibility of each and every one of us all over the world.

Nowadays, due to some bad and selfish activities of the human beings our environment gradually
increasingly changing if we compared our environment before, you can see the difference between then
and now. Before, man had good relationship with the mother earth, we are abundant in natural
resources, trees, fresh air, beautiful scenery and clean water. But now, since humans developed cities
and industries the modern lifestyle has changed, they been using the natural resources out of the limit
that’s why due to the manifestation of man our nature is slowly vanished and destroyed. The seas that
abundance in natural resources are completely damaged due to the incessantly use of dynamite in
fishing. The harmful smokes emitted by vehicles and Industries Company are polluting the natural air
which affects our health. Killing many species for their own use, thousands of species are extinct
because their habitat is gone. The continuous cutting trees in our forest may cause of landslides and
floods. Our forest protect us from the heat of the sun, from the wind, cold and rain if we continue this
kind of manifestation in our forest we will suffered in different natural disasters. The improper throwing
wastes from water can cause of water pollution and also throwing garbage anywhere can cause floods.
We can notice the abnormal behavior of the seasons, we can feel the excessive heat, typhoon,
earthquake and different natural disasters that may affect our lives. We cannot deny the fact that there
has a lot of changes in our environment and day by day there has different manifestation happens in our
nature. Human interference has brought nature close to destruction. If we continue our manifestation in
our environment we are keeping our lives in danger as well as existence of life in the future. We should
know our limitation in our mother earth because this environment is not our own it is god creation that
should value and take care of it.

Therefore, manmade environment affects the natural environment. Through deforestation,

urbanization, industrialization and pollution our environment is being destroyed. Human manifest
nature. Our mother earth is in danger and our lives is in danger. We must take an oath together to
protect our natural environment to keep it safe as usual forever. We must unite as a universal one to
save our mother earth and our lives.

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