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This article introduces us to a new innovation called the Shampoo bars. Shampoo bars
are shampoo in solid form without the plastic packaging. It is slowly getting into fame as
sustainability is becoming a trend to a lot of people especially millennials and those from
Generation Z.

The article by Unwrapped Life tackles about the 8 advantages as to why shampoo bars
are better than normal shampoo. The number one reason to do the switch is that it is package
free. This article is very effective in making their readers feel scared and guilty by the amount
of trash, especially plastic bottles, that we are producing by the minute which is a million plastic
bottles. It also mentioned more statistics regarding plastic bottle use, production, and projected
increase by 2021.

I hugely agree with the use of shampoo bars. I am an avid supporter of sustainability
and being able to lessen my waste for the sake of our environment. I do believe in Climate
Change and I want to be able to do my part step by step in trying to minimize my waste as well
as partake in programs that would be of benefit to our environment. Having a choice of using
shampoo without plastic package or packaging whatsoever is a great choice as we have such a
big problem with pollution and garbage especially in the Philippines where very few plastic
bottles are recycled.

Other than that, the article also mentioned that shampoo bars are better than normal
ones because it is more concentrated unlike normal shampoos that has water as their main
ingredient. Making shampoo bars able to be used for a longer period of time than an 8 ounce
bottle of shampoo.

Other advantages given by this article are it being small and lightweight making it better
for travel, space-saving, and shows minimalism. It is also multi-purpose as they can be used in
washing your body, your pets, and clothes.
Generally, this is a really good product as mentioned above for all of its advantages.
Although as I was reading the article, there are some points I would like to raise as to why it is
hard to switch from normal shampoo with plastic bottles to shampoo bars.

First is that it is more expensive than usual shampoos. Especially in the Philippine set-
up where most Filipinos buy sachets instead of bulk shampoos, because it is cheaper at that
moment. In a country where the economy isn’t that advanced or good, people would still
prioritize being able to afford something than being able to lessen their trash.

I also noticed upon searching for shampoo bars that there is an option of tin cans with
the shampoo bars. I would like to raise this as an issue, although I do believe that the tin cans
are important for travelling with the shampoo bars, nonetheless tin cans are also wastes in the
future. If not used a lot of times, it is not worth it, just like the deal with metal straws.

Lastly, there are only a few places to access these shampoo bars and is not really
accessible to the general public. These are the things that I thought of as the disadvantages of
this product, nonetheless I still think it is a great product and would want to try it as soon as


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