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Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

• Has a basic understanding of some • Has a reasonable understanding of many • Has a good understanding of many language–learning • Has a sophisticated understanding of
language–learning concepts. language–learning concepts. concepts. language–learning concepts.
Learning and the • Demonstrates a little of this • Demonstrates some of this • Frequently demonstrates this understanding when • Consistently demonstrates this understanding when
Learner understanding when planning and understanding when planning and planning and teaching. planning and teaching.
teaching. teaching.

• Has a basic understanding of some key • Has a reasonable understanding of many • Has a good understanding of key principles of •H
 as a sophisticated understanding of key principles
principles of teaching, learning and key principles of teaching, learning and teaching, learning and assessment. of teaching, learning and assessment.
assessment. assessment. • Can plan and deliver detailed lessons with good •C
 an plan and deliver detailed and sophisticated
Teaching, • Can plan and deliver simple lessons with • Can plan and deliver lessons with some awareness of learners’ needs, using a wide range of lessons with a thorough understanding of learners’
Learning a basic awareness of learners’ needs, awareness of learners’ needs, using a teaching techniques. needs, using a comprehensive range of teaching
using core teaching techniques. number of different teaching techniques. • Can design effective tests and use a range of techniques.
and Assessment
• Can use available tests and basic • Can design simple tests and use some assessment procedures to support and promote •C
 an design a range of effective tests and use
assessment procedures to support and assessment procedures to support and learning. individualised assessment procedures consistently
promote learning. promote learning. to support and promote learning.

• Provides accurate examples of language • Provides accurate examples of language • Provides accurate examples of language points taught • Provides accurate examples of language points
points taught at A1 and A2 levels. points taught at A1, A2 and B1 levels. at A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels. taught at A1–C2 levels.
Language Ability • Uses basic classroom language which is • Uses classroom language which is mostly • Uses classroom language which is consistently • Uses a wide range of classroom language which is
mostly accurate. accurate. accurate throughout the lesson. consistently accurate throughout the lesson.

• Is aware of some key terms for describing • Has reasonable knowledge of many key • Has good knowledge of key terms for describing • Has sophisticated knowledge of key terms for
Language language. terms for describing language. language. describing language.
Knowledge • Can answer simple learner questions with • Can answer most learner questions with • Can answer most learner questions with • Can answer most learner questions in detail with
and Awareness the help of reference materials. the help of reference materials. minimal use of reference materials. minimal use of reference materials.

• Can reflect on a lesson with guidance • Can reflect on a lesson without guidance • Can reflect critically and actively seeks feedback. • Consistently reflects critically, observes other
and learn from feedback. and respond positively to feedback. • Can identify own strengths and weaknesses as a colleagues and is highly committed to professional
Professional development.
• Requires guidance in self-assessing own • Can self-assess own needs and identify teacher, and can support other teachers.
Development needs. some areas for improvement. • Is highly aware of own strengths and weaknesses,
and Values and actively supports the development of other


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