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Energy Policy 38 (2010) 667–672

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Supply-cost curves for geographically distributed renewable-energy

Salvador Izquierdo, César Dopazo, Norberto Fueyo 
Fluid Mechanics Group (University of Zaragoza) and LITEC (CSIC), Marı́a de Luna 3, 50018 Zaragoza, Spain

a r t i c l e in fo abstract

Article history: The supply-cost curves of renewable-energy sources are an essential tool to synthesize and analyze
Received 24 July 2008 large-scale energy-policy scenarios, both in the short and long terms. Here, we suggest and test a
Accepted 20 September 2009 parametrization of such curves that allows their representation for modeling purposes with a minimal
set of information. In essence, an economic potential is defined based on the mode of the marginal
Keywords: supply-cost curves; and, using this definition, a normalized log-normal distribution function is used to
Renewable energy model these curves. The feasibility of this proposal is assessed with data from a GIS-based analysis of
Cost-supply curve solar, wind and biomass technologies in Spain. The best agreement is achieved for solar energy.
Geographic information system & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction resource can be seen in Fig. 1, and a schematic of the marginal

supply curves is plotted in Fig. 2. Aggregated variables are denoted
Energy planning is paramount for government agencies and by capital letters and marginal ones by lower-case ones.
supranational bodies due to its relevance for the economy and for Considering the aggregated supply-cost curve (Fig. 1), we
the environment. Among the portfolio of technologies to produce observe that in the limit of zero energy production it can be
electricity, those based on renewable resources arise as one of the modeled with sloping straight line (horizontal in a limiting case),
key ingredients in the prevention or mitigation of climate change which is called the short-term aggregate potential supply (STAS),
and their deleterious effect on the biosphere (WMO and UNEP, and defines the minimal cost. At the opposite end, in the limit of
2007; NPG, 2007). Prospective studies on renewable energy the technical potential supply (i.e. the maximum energy pro-
potentials should focus on two different, but related, aspects: duced) the curve tends to be vertical; this is the long-term
the analysis of the spatial and temporal distribution of these aggregate potential supply (LTAS). In the supply-cost curve, there
resources, leading to their aggregate technical potential supply is a especially significant point, the ordinate of which we will term
(as, for example, in Hoogwijk, 2004); and the evaluation of the the characteristic (representative) cost of the technology, and the
environmental and economic impact of renewable-energy tech- abscissa the economic potential. This point will be further defined
nologies. In this paper, we analyze the curves of cost vs potential below.
supply (called, for simplicity, supply-cost curves), and also the The dashed line depicted in Fig. 1 (to be read on the secondary
curves of land occupancy vs potential supply (supply-land curves) ordinate axis to the right) is often approximately the same for land
that can assist in the evaluation of these impacts, e.g. by using occupancy and for power installed, as the later is usually linearly
them in short- or long-term energy-environment-economy mod- related to the occupied land in large-scale studies like the present
els for the analysis of the actual potentials of renewable-energy one. This is more so the more homogeneously distributed the
technologies. Supply-cost and supply-land curves will be jointly resource is. Land-cost and power-cost curves have often a similar
referred to below as, simply, supply curves. shape to the supply-cost one.
Supply curves, especially the supply-cost one, are often used in These curves allow for the assessment of economic potentials,
global (de Vries et al., 2007; Hoogwijk, 2004) and regional or and thus they can aid in the definition of criteria for the
country analyses (Schneider et al., 2007; Dornburg et al., 2007; implementation of deployment-fostering policies, such as feed-
Daniëls and Uyterlinde, 2005) of energy-policy scenarios for both in tariffs or tax benefits. A parametrization of these curves can
short- and long-term horizons. The basic structure of the therefore help in the research of future energy scenarios for the
logarithmic aggregate supply curves for a renewable-energy development of new energy policies. These scenarios are often
obtained through modeling for its use in energy-environmental-
economic models (Jebaraj and Iniyan, 2006).
 Corresponding author. Tel.: + 34 976762153; fax: + 34 976761882. This paper researches the structure and parametrization of
E-mail addresses: (S. Izquierdo), such curves; it has the following structure: first the hierarchical (N. Fueyo). methodology applied to building the supply-cost curves for four

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
668 S. Izquierdo et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 667–672

year. The results reported in this work are based on a detailed

calculation of the physical potential for each of the renewable
energies considered. For wind, it entails the simulation of the
weather in Spain for a whole year with a resolution of 10 km and
1 h. The data thus generated allow the compilation of an annual
wind-speed distribution at each 200 m  200 m pixel, which will
be later used to calculate the technical potential (Fueyo et al.,
2009b). For solar technologies, the physical potential is calculated
from the horizontal irradiation, which is estimated using well-
established procedures (Duffie and Beckman, 1991; Lorenzo, 1994;
Goswami et al., 1999): first, the monthly extraterrestrial radiation
is computed based on the geometry of the Sun–Earth system;
then, a monthly clearness index is computed for those locations
Fig. 1. Proposed relationship for the aggregate supply curves. Left axis: cost (——): for which hourly meteorological data from meteo stations are
right axis (——): occupied land and installed power. available; monthly irradiation maps are created by an ordinary
krigging interpolation on a 200 m  200 m grid of the clearness
indexes and the correction, with the interpolated clearness field,
of the values of the extraterrestrial radiation (see for example
Izquierdo et al., 2008); and, finally, the influence of hourly
shadows on monthly values are taken into account via geome-
trical calculations with a digital terrain model. For energy crops,
we consider five possible species at each location (viz, Brassica
Carinata, Cynara Cardunculus, Populus Nigra, Eucalyptus Globulus
and Miscanthus). For each species we assess their feasibility at
each location as a function of the local climate and soil (EEA,
2000); and a local productivity is calculated for each of the
species. The species with a larger energy yield at each location is
Fig. 2. Proposed relationship for the marginal (——) and aggregate supply-cost selected.
(——) curves. The geographical potential of each renewable resource restricts
the locations where the energy-conversion can be deployed to
different renewable technologies is briefly described in Section 1; exclude those zones reserved for other uses, typically human
in Section 2 a definition of an economic potential is proposed; in settlements, roads, rivers, lakes, beaches and their influence areas,
Section 3 a log-normal model for normalized supply curves is and protected areas such as National Parks.
suggested. Finally, some conclusions are drawn and some The technical potential further takes into account collection
proposals for future work are made. and conversion efficiencies for transforming the resource into
In this study we consider four different renewable technolo- electricity; these can be a function of geographical (e.g. orogra-
gies, viz: (i) concentrated solar thermal (CST) with parabolic phy) or climatic (e.g. temperature, irradiance or humidity)
trough, following the model by Broesamle et al. (2001); (ii) conditions. In the case of wind, for instance, a characteristic wind
centralized photovoltaic (PV) with fixed modules; (iii) on-shore turbine and wind farm is chosen and deployed in the geographi-
wind energy (wind), see Fueyo et al. (2009b); and (iv) energy cally viable sites. The potential electrical energy generated (the
crops for electricity production via combustion (biomass); in technical potential) is calculated using the local wind-speed
brackets, we have indicated the short name that will be often used distribution calculated for the physical potential and wind farm
below to refer to each technology. The area of study is Spain, and wind turbine characteristics. Models with a similar degree of
including the Canary and Balearic islands; the overall surface area detail are employed to estimate the electricity generation from
of the country is 504; 030 km . The geographically distributed solar (PV and CST) technologies, and from the combustion of
information is handled with the aid of a geographical information biomass from energy crops. The result is in every case a local,
system (GIS). A spatial resolution of 200 m  200 m is used for technical potential supply pi for the technology at pixel i, that,
solar and wind, and 10 km  10 km for biomass. This results in when aggregated over the territory, yields the overall technical
about 15 million pixels for meteorological data, and for solar and potential supply.
wind technologies; and 5000 pixels for biomass. The economic potential adds to the analysis the generation
We use a hierarchical methodology to pre-process data and costs, while the implementation potential considers manufactur-
generate the supply curves; this methodology is partially based on ing, installation or social-acceptance constraints. Supply-cost
the work by Hoogwijk (2004). For each renewable-energy source curves are usually employed as a basic tool in the analysis of
or technology, it comprises the determination, in five successive the economic and the implementation potentials. Such curves are
steps, of (i) the physical potential; (ii) the geographical potential; constructed by estimating the specific cost of the technical
(iii) the technical potential; (iv) the economic potential (which is potential supply pi, and then plotting the total production in the
the main focus of this work, and the step where the supply curves order of increasing costs. In this work, the specific cost (i.e. per
are generated); and (v) the implementation potential. These two unit energy) of the electricity potentially generated in a pixel is
last potentials, which are sometimes overlooked, are an essential calculated using an economic model that considers both annui-
part of a complete assessment of the deployment prospects. The tized investment costs and operating and maintenance ones. Thus
present paper addresses the economic one; implementation
ci pi ¼ aIP Pi þ GE pi þ GP Pi ; ð1Þ
issues, which are so much policy dependent, are not, however,
considered. where I is the specific investment cost per unit of potentially
The physical potential is indicative of the total amount of power installed; Pi is the potentially power installed in the pixel;
energy contained in the renewable resource (e.g. solar irradiation, GP and GE are the annual O&M costs, respectively, per unit of
wind or available biomass) in the area of study and during one potentially installed power and per unit of potentially generated
S. Izquierdo et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 667–672 669

Fig. 3. Log-normal fitting of the normalized marginal supply-cost curve for four renewable energies in Spain.

energy; a is the investment annuitization coefficient. The ordered The aggregate potential Pe at this characteristic marginal cost can
supply-cost curve will be referred to below as the marginal be regarded as an intrinsic, characteristic economic potential of
supply-cost function pðcÞ. Its integral, which will be denoted PðcÞ, the technology:
is the aggregate supply-cost function; PðcÞ is therefore the total Z ce
electricity that can be generated at a specific cost smaller than c. Pe  Pðce Þ ¼ pðcÞ dc: ð3Þ
All the input data in Eq. (1) are expressed in 2006 monetary units,
and have been taken from the following references: wind (MITYC, This characteristic economic potential Pe is therefore, as
2005a), solar PV (MITYC, 2005b; ASIF, 2006), concentrating solar expressed in Eq. (3), the total amount of electricity that can be
thermal (SolarPACES, 2007; MITYC, 2005c), biomass combustion generated at a cost smaller than the characteristic one ce .
(Ragwitz et al., 2003). More information about the procedure for Analogously, a characteristic land occupancy Le and the char-
building the supply-cost curves can be found in Gómez et al. acteristic installed power Pe can be defined.
(2010). Additionally, examples about the evaluation of the The marginal supply-cost curves for some of the renewable
economic impact using these supply-cost curves are described technologies may not be as smooth as the ideal one; this is often
by Gómez et al. (2009) and by Fueyo et al. (2009a). due to the interaction between geographical constraints and
technical issues. This is illustrated in Fig. 3 for the actual supply-
cost curves for four renewable energies in the whole of Spain. In
some cases, e.g. biomass in the figure, the lack of smoothness can
2. Economic potential: definition
hinder the calculation of the mode. To circumvent this difficulty,
in this work the marginal supply-cost curve pðcÞ is first smoothed
When analyzing ab initio the potential supply and the cost of a
to eliminate the noise, and then the mode is obtained by searching
renewable energy, several difficulties arise. First and foremost, the
for the maximum in the smoothed curve. For the smoothing we
technical limit (see Fig. 1) alone is not indicative of economic
use a five-point averaging of the pðcÞ data (i.e. a point in the curve
feasibility. Second, it is difficult to assign a typical or characteristic
is averaged with the two adjacent ones on each side) because it is
cost of the technology: the minimum cost of the STAS (Fig. 1) may
easy to implement, effective and has a good computational
not be representative of a large fraction of the technical potential.
performance; but other methods such an FFT smoothing can be
Therefore, a proper comparison of several technologies with
different supply-cost curves requires the definition of a homo-
geneous characteristic cost.
Ideally, the definition of such characteristic costs should be 3. Models for supply curves
intrinsic to supply-cost curve; it should be applicable to all
technologies; should be clearly defined, leaving no room for Models are presented in this section for the marginal supply-
discretionary assignments; and it should be easy to compute. cost curve pðcÞ and for its aggregate counterpart PðcÞ, and for the
Fig. 2 is a schematic of the shape of the marginal supply-cost aggregate supply-land LðPÞ and supply-power curves PðPÞ.
pðcÞ (continuous line) and the aggregate supply-cost PðcÞ (dashed
line) curves. On the basis of the former curve, a characteristic
3.1. Supply-cost model
marginal cost ce can be defined as the most frequent cost, or the
statistical mode:
An assumed-shape distribution is adopted to model the
ce ¼ mode½pðcÞ: ð2Þ marginal supply-cost curve in terms of normalized (or dimension-
670 S. Izquierdo et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 667–672

less) variables; specifically, a log-normal function is used. Log- Table 1

normal functions are ubiquitous in nature and in social and Log-normal fitting parameters for the marginal supply-cost curves.
economic sciences (Limpert et al., 2001); other functions, such as
Three parameters One parameter
an inverse-gamma one, may be tested.
The normalized (dimensionless) variables (denoted by an CST
overbar) are the potential supply, that is normalized with the A 2:11204 7 0:01908 2
marginal economic limit pe : m lnð1:567897 0:01579Þ lnð1:5Þ
s 0:676917 0:0066 0:66058 7 0:0352
p w2 =DOF 0.00125 0.00132
p ðcÞ ¼ ; ð4Þ
pe R2 0.97519 0.97384

and the marginal cost c, normalized using the minimum cost cmin PV
and the characteristic marginal cost ce : A 1:95782 7 0:01084 2
m lnð1:50761 7 0:00895Þ lnð1:5Þ
c  cmin s 0:656377 0:00394 0:65475 7 0:0021
c¼ : ð5Þ
ce  cmin w2 =DOF 0.00029 0.00031
R2 0.99066 0.98989
In terms of these normalized variables, the three-parameter log-
normal function is Wind
A 2:26831 7 0:01813 2
A 2
=2s2 m lnð1:358267 0:0137Þ lnð1:5Þ
p ðc; A; m; sÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi e½lnðc Þm ; ð6Þ
2psc s 0:85043 7 0:00769 0:83796 7 0:00746
w2 =DOF 0.00381 0.00687
where A is a parameter related to the amplitude, m is the R2 0.95415 0.91718
logarithm of the mean and s is the logarithm of the standard
deviation. The cumulative distribution function derived from Eq.
A 1:76181 7 0:03649 2
(6) is m lnð1:478597 0:03409Þ ln(1.5)
   s 0:67647 0:01519 0:69513 7 0:00757
A lnðcÞ  m
P ðc; A; m; sÞ ¼ 1 þ erf pffiffiffi s ; ð7Þ w2 =DOF 0.00969 0.01086
2 2 0.86755 0.85094
where erf is the error function.
Considering the normalization made, the mode of the marginal
distribution equation (6) is given by can be tested by confirming that fitted parameters fulfill Eqs. (8)
c e  mode½p ðc; A; m; sÞ ¼ ems ¼ 1; ð8Þ and (9). Furthermore, these parameters are approximately the
same for the four technologies considered.
and the corresponding maximum marginal potential is, substitut- To validate the use of a single fitting value for all technologies,
ing in Eq. (6): we have chosen to set A ¼ 2 for all of them. Considering the
A 2
=2s2 mathematical restrictions derived for the normalized log-normal,
p e  p ðc e ; A; m; sÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi em ¼ 1: ð9Þ
Eqs. (8) and (9), the other two parameters should be m  lnð1:5Þ
and s  0:65. A new fitting is performed where fixed values A ¼ 2
These two definitions, Eqs. (8) and (9), represent two
and m ¼ lnð1:5Þ are taken and s is fitted and compared to evaluate
restrictions for the three parameters A, m and s. Therefore, the
the suitability of using a common value for the single remaining
generic log-normal distribution chosen to fit p ðcÞ has a single free
parameter. Results in Table 1 indicate that s can be approximated
parameter due to the normalization imposed; the discussion in
by 0.65 for all technologies.
Section 4 indicates how to select the most appropriate value for
The single p ðcÞ function for all four technologies is, thus
the free parameter.
2 2
p ðcÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi e½lnðc =1:5Þ : ð11Þ
3.2. Land- and power-supply model 2p0:652 c
This leads to the following the aggregate supply-cost curve:
For the normalized land occupancy L ¼ L=Le vs P we propose 2   3
to use a second-order polynomial: c
6 ln 1:5 7
2 P ðcÞ ¼ 1þ erf 6 7
4pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi5: ð12Þ
L ¼ a þ bP þ gP : ð10Þ 2  0:65
However, if the analysis is restricted to the (normalized) range
P A ½0; 1 then the simpler linear expression L ¼ P is accurate This is a rather remarkable result: Eq. (11) is a general
enough, as will be shown in Section 4. approximation for the marginal supply-cost curve in Spain of
For the normalized aggregate power installed P ¼ P=Pe the any of the renewable-technologies examined (wind, solar thermo-
same approach can be applied. electric, solar photovoltaic and cultivated biomass). In Fig. 3 the
equation obtained is plotted with actual data for each technology
from the GIS economic analyses for Spain. The w2 values in Table 1
4. Fitting and discussion reveal that the log-normal hypothesis for the distributions can be
held as valid for all the technologies, the error in the fitting
In order to fit the expression proposed in the previous section increasing with decreasing values for R2. The worst fitting
to the normalized data obtained from GIS, we initially assume that corresponds to the cultivated biomass data set, due to the
restrictions on Eqs. (8) and (9) are not applied. Thus, we start by fluctuating nature of the data. It should be also noticed that the
finding the three parameters for the log-normal fitting of p ðcÞ wind cost is overpredicted in the lower range using the present
using a least-squares method. In Table 1, the resulting best-fitting parametrization; however, the fitting error is smaller than for
parameters and their values for a 95% confidence band are biomass (as confirmed by the resulting regression coefficient, see
presented; additionally, the w2 statistic and R2 regression Table 1). It should be noted that our model uses a geographically
coefficient are shown. The suitability of the log-normal model uniform spacing for the wind turbines; further work would be
S. Izquierdo et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 667–672 671

Fig. 4. Erf fitting of the normalized aggregate supply-cost curve.

needed to investigate whether dispensing with this simplification

would have an effect on the shape of the cost–production curve.
The aggregate function, Eq. (12), is plotted in Fig. 4.
It is worth remarking that log-normal distributions are often
applied for the description, in the context of geostatistics, of the
spatial distribution of resources, see for example Wackernagel
(2003); although here a spatial econometric study is performed,
the geostatistic methodology is closely related. It is generally
considered that a log-normal distribution appears in the asymp-
totic limit as the result of the multiplication of a large number of
independent, identically distributed variables; see, for example
Anselin (1988), Vose (2008) or Limpert et al. (2001). (Analogously,
the normal distribution results from the sum of independent
variables.) This central limit theorem has been applied success-
fully in several fields of knowledge (Kiss et al., 1999; Melbourne
and Hastings, 2008; Šizling et al., 2009) in order to justify the first
principles that rule spatial log-normal behaviors. In the present
work, the cost-supply curve is computed as a hierarchy of
potentials restricted by several performance and loss factors
which multiply the primary physical potential. These factors are Fig. 5. Normalized aggregate supply-land curves.
either constant, or are strongly influenced by the topography and
meteorological conditions and therefore follow a probability Table 2
distribution function. The multiplication of these factors that Parameters for the second-order-polynomial fitting of the normalized aggregate
supply-land curves.
ultimately influence the supply-cost curve may be the reason
behind its log-normal shape. R2 a b g
The second fitting proposed is a simple linear one for LðP Þ
valid up to the economic potential, which is often sufficient since CST 0.99955 0.00764 0.77641 0.18106
it usually exceeds the implementable potential; within this range PV 0.99968 0.01022 0.81511 0.13710
Wind 0.99902 0.06004 0.33246 0.66375
the errors are in average less than 7% for CST, 4% for PV, 35% for
Biomass 0.99068 0.06987  0.01732 0.79840
wind, and 20% for biomass. In Fig. 5 LðP Þ curves are plotted for the
four technologies. It can be noticed that, beyond the characteristic
point ðL; P Þ ¼ ð1; 1Þ the curves diverge substantially from this density (i.e., the power installed per unit area) is approximately
linear behavior. This indicates that, from this point, more land is constant.
increasingly needed to increase the potential energy production For higher accuracy, a second order fitting can be used, albeit
by one unit. This is because the new locations added have a the parameters are technology-dependent. In Table 2 results for
decreasing resource quality. Potentially installed power and land- the best fitting parameters are indicated, as are also the regression
use are directly related, as the model used assumes that the power values, which are all better than 0.99.
672 S. Izquierdo et al. / Energy Policy 38 (2010) 667–672

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WMO, UNEP, 2007. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. World Meteor-
this pre-processing. This work was partly funded by the Spanish ological Organization and United Nations Environment Programme. URL:
Government under Project ENE2007-67217/ALT. /http://www.ipcc.chS.

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