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Venereal disease due to free sex without a condom

Here are some lists of venereal diseases that can be transmitted through free sex:

1. Chlamydia

medicine for vaginal fungal infections

Chlamydia (chlamydia) is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis which is usually transmitted
through contact with the mouth, vagina, penis, or anus during sexual intercourse. Chlamydia not only
infects the genitals, but can also infect the eyes and cause eye-tight inflammation (conjunctivitis) if
infected vaginal or sperm fluid is affected by the eye.

Chlamydial infection is recorded to have infected around 131 million people globally per year. This
number is only a rough estimate, because chlamydia generally does not show typical symptoms so
people may not realize they have contracted the disease. Even if symptoms show, chlamydia is often
misunderstood as another common disease, characterized by pain in the genitals and vaginal discharge
or discharge from the penis.

Usually, there are several other symptoms that can appear within one to three weeks from the time of
transmission. If you find some of the following symptoms, immediately consult a doctor:


Swelling in the vaginal or testicular area. Sometimes it hurts

Pain in the lower abdomen

Vaginal fluid is not normal

Abnormal discharge from the penis

Pain when pee

Pain during sexual intercourse

Bleeding after sex

2. Gonorrhea
itching on the penis

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that most often occurs after chlamydia. This disease is
caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea which usually moves from one person (infected) to another
person through contact with the mouth, vagina, penis, or anus during sexual intercourse.

Gonorrhea has the following signs and symptoms:

Pain or heat sensation when urinating


Frequent urination

Sore throat

Pain in the genitals

swelling or redness of the pee hole in men

3. Syphilis

symptoms of penile cancer

Syphilis or lion king is a disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. These bacteria infect the
skin, mouth, genitals and nervous system after contact with the mouth, vagina, penis, or anus during
sexual intercourse. Syphilis can cause permanent keruskakan in the brain, nervous system and other
organs, including the heart. The number of people affected by syphilis is indeed not as much as
chlamydia or gonorrhea, but still includes a lot.

Some common symptoms of syphilis, if they appear include boils in the genitals, anus, and / or mouth
(which heal within 5 weeks); and fever, headache, joint pain, loss of appetite, sore throat, spleen glands
in the armpit, thighs or neck swelling to a rash on the penis, vagina, or mouth and palms and feet. This
stage can last for years.

But like other sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis usually does not produce typical symptoms until
damage to the brain and heart arises within 10-40 years after the first infection. Transmission of syphilis
can be prevented if detected early. Immediately consult if in your groin area rashes appear.
4. Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a venereal disease

Genital herpes is a disease caused by the herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV 2). Usually marked by runny bumps
on the genitals. In fact, these bumps can also attack the anus or mouth. This can occur due to anal sex or
oral sex. Viruses usually die quickly outside the body. So, it is impossible for you to get infected by sitting
on the toilet or using a used towel. In the United States, one in six people aged between 14-49 years
must have experienced this disease.

Just like chlamydia, some people who get this virus do not know that they are infected because the
patient does not feel any symptoms or signs. But there are some symptoms and signs that can appear,

Pain or itching in the genital area or buttocks

Small red lumps or watery bumps (resilient)

If the leech breaks, then a wound appears

Scabies appears if the wound has healed

Pain when urinating

Swollen lymph nodes in the groin, headache, muscle aches and fever

The four diseases above are the diseases most often transmitted through free sex. But that does not
mean that only these four diseases can be transmitted through unprotected sex. Some other diseases
that are also quite often transmitted through free sex are condyloma akuminata, hepatitis B and C, HPV.

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