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1 can condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
1 sachet of powdered unflavoured gelatine (preferably color yello)
½ cup of sugar
½ liter of water
4 pcs. Egg
Caramelized sugar
1 can fruit cocktails
1 tsp vanilla flavour
Mold or llanera

Beat the eggs and mix the milk, sugar and stir sugar is completely dissolve in a large bowl. Then set

In a large sauce pan, pour ½ liter of water and add powdered gelatin. Stir well.

Over lowest heat, bring the mixture to a near boil (do not boil) and pour in the egg and milk mixture. Stir
well (just slightly cook the eggs, but be careful not to turn it into cooked scarmmbled eggs. Whisk it
continuously and don’t let it come to a boil. After 2-3 minutes, remove from heat. Add flavouring you
prefer like a drop of vanilla essence and mix well to incorporate.

Pour the mixture into a llanera with fruit scattered fruits allow to cool

Remove from llanera and place on serving plate.

Pour caramelized sugar to copy the caramelized leche flan appearance

Serve and enjoy.

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