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Harmony Rhythm Balance

Proportion Emphasis Movement

Pattern Unity/Variety Utility

Ink painting has been an integral
part of Chinese literati culture for
thousands of years, and for thousands of
years, the paintings have remained
relatively the same. It has only been
within the last one hundred years
that contemporary artists have begun
elevating the style beyond its traditional
origins, incorporating new mediums and
concepts that make the paintings
applicable to a modern context.

Japanese Painting is one of the

oldest and most highly refined of the
Japanese visual arts, encompassing a wide
variety of genres and styles.


Traditionally, Korean art has borrowed

heavily from the aesthetics of both Chinese
art and Japanese art, using similar
concepts, motifs, techniques, and forms.
But despite this close association with
the characteristics of traditional Chinese art,
Korean artists have over the centuries
developed a distinctive style of their own.
The unique character of Korean art lies in its
understated simplicity and spontaneity,
together with a feeling of harmony with


Fernando Amorsolo’s “The Making of

the Philippine Flag” and Napoleon Abueva’s
sculpture with the same subjects have
something in common. Both works of art,
although revered for their outstanding
craftsmanship, have perpetuated the
misleading idea that our first flag was made
by three grown-up women.It doesn’t help that
our history books are rife with information that
put more emphasis on the flag itself than on
the three women who turned Aguinaldo’s
sketch into a tangible reality.No mention of
their struggles to polish the flag’s minute
details, nor of the fact that one of them was a
child who could have spent her time
playing patintero, and that their roles as
flagmakers were more important than we give
them credit for.


The Rizal Monument (original title: Motto

Stella, Latin, "guiding star") is a memorial in Rizal
Park in Manila, Philippines built to commemorate the
executed Filipinonationalist, José Rizal.
The monument consists of a standing bronze sculpture of
Rizal, with an obelisk, set on a stone base within which his
remains are interred. A plaque on the pedestal's front reads:
"To the memory of José Rizal, patriot and martyr, executed on
Bagumbayan Field December Thirtieth 1896. This monument
is dedicated by the people of the Philippine Islands."

The Baroque started in the early 17th century in Italy as a new artistic style after the
Renaissance. It was promoted by the Catholic Church to show its power, in response to the
Protestant Reformation, and it became known for its abundance of ornaments and the
combination of different arts.
Baroque architecture was brought to the Philippines archipelago by the Spanish, during the first
years of the 16th century. This style developed there during the 17th century and most of the
18th century. It was a colonial architecture, so it took many references from Spanish Baroque
architecture and therefore we see some similarities between the Philippine style and Baroque
architecture of the Spanish colonies in the Americas.


Tinikling is a traditional Philippine folk dance which originated during the

Spanish colonial era. The danceinvolves two people beating, tapping, and sliding
bamboo poles on the ground and against each other in coordination with one or
more dancers who step over and in between the poles in a dance.

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