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Funerary Cones

Unattested in the Corpus ofDavies and Macadam (Annex 1)

Jaume VIVÓ and Salvador COSTA

("i· November 16. 1997)

Since the publication in 1957 of the Corpus of Egyptian Funerary Canes of N. de

G. Davies and M. F. L. Macadam • contrary to what could be expected, very few
unattested copies have appeared and been published by various authors. A full accountof
those authors was cornpiled by G. T. Martin and C. N. Reeves 2 in 1987, and by J. Yivó
and S. Costa3 in 1994, on the occasion of the publication of two new unattested funerary
The present work consists of two parts. In the first part, we include all those pieces
erroneously considered as unattested. and which were in fact already present in Davies
and Macadam 's work. In the second part we list all those eones actually considered as
unattested .
Our interest is focused basically on grouping those pieces in a first annex to the Corpus
(Annex 1), with the purpose of providing a continuation of the task carried by Davies and
The search and compilation of new unattested eones, which will undoubtedly appear in
the new excavations undertaken at the Theban necropolis, will in a way enhance the
exhaustive work carried out by Davies and carefully published by Macadam for future

* We are grateful for the information and collaboration given. as well as tor giving us the permission tor
the publication of some of the funerary eones to Mrs. M. Dolinska. Gallery of Ancient Art. Muzeum
Narodowe, Warsawa; Mr. M. L. Bierbrier. Assistant Keeper of The British Museum, London: Mr. J.-L.
Chappaz, assistant conservateur of the Musées d'art et d'histoire d ~ Geneve: Mrs. A. P. Thomas, Senior
Keeper of Human History, Bolton Museum and Art Gallery, Bolton and Mr. Cl. Traunecker. Directeur de
l' lnstitut d'Égyptologie. Strasbourg.
1 N. de Garis DAVIES and M. F. Laming MACADAM. A Corpus of lnscribed Egyptian Funerary Cones.
Part 1, Plates. Oxford 1957.
2 G. T. MARTIN and C. N . REEVES. « An Unattested Funerary Cone », GM 95 ( 1987), 63-65 figs. 1-3.
3 J. VIVÓ POSADA and S. COSTA LLERDA. «Un nuevo cono funerario inédito en el Corpus de Davies &
Macadam», AutOr 12 ( 1994), 228-229.
60 Jaume VIVO and Salvador COSTA BSÉG 22 ( 1998)

Canes supposedly unattested

a) Cone (fig. 1) that appeared in the publication of R. L. MondandO. H. Myers4 , and
considered as unattested by Martín and Reeves 5, belonging toa person called Ndm ' head
ofthe warehouse of Akheperenre' (Tuthmosis 11).
In the Corpus of Davies and Macadam we find with number 193 a cone (fig. 2) similar
to the one published by Mond and Myers, having as the only difference the name of the
owner. Macadam interpreted the name as '~-b~w (Abau); name formed by A. H. Gardiner
signs 0.29 and G.29. the latter he reads in plural.

Fig. 1: After Mond & Myers. Temples. pi. 197 (9) Fig. 2: After Davies & Macadam. Co1pus. 193

We believe that the interpretation of

Macadam is due to an erroneous reading
produced by a defect in the manufacturing of
the matrix or possibly by the impurities due to
the . roughness of the material used in the
manufacturing ofthe eones.
Instead of Giudiner signs 0.29 and G.29. we
think they actually are the signs M.29 and G.l7
read as Ngm, thus concluding that Mond and
Myers cone is the same one that appears in the
Corpus with number 193 .
Nedjem was also the owner of the cone
number 232 of the Corpus (fig. 3) where it Fig. 3: After Davies & Macadam.
appears with the title of ' head priest lecturer of Corpus. 232
Akheperenre' (Tuthmosis nr
4 R. L. MOND andO. H. MYERS, Temples ojA rmant, London 1940, pi. CVII (9 ).
5 G. T. MARTIN and C. N. REEVES. GM 95 ( 1987). 64 n. 2.

That both eones belong to the same person, called Nedjem, is confirmed also by the
findings of H. Gauthier between February 18 and March 16, 1918, in the area of Qurnet
Murai, around the tomb of Amenemopet (TT 276) there he found thirty-four copies of
the cone number 193, together with fifty-two of type 232. Mond and Myers found, as
well, during their excavations at Armant, severa! eones of both types 8
The eones found by Mond and Myers are kept at the University College and have been
studied by H. M. Stewart , who reads the name ofthe owner ofboth eones as Nedjem.
Differing from the opinion of Gauthier 10, and Macadam and W. Helck 11 , who see in
these eones two different persons called Nqm and '1-b1w we agree with Stewart, that it is
the same person called Nedjem, owner of the eones 193 and 232.

b) Cone (fig. 4) found by R. L. Mond and W. B. Emer/ 2 in well 3 of the tomb of

Djehutmose TT 342 at Sheik Abd ei-Qurna during the excavations of the season 1925-
26. and considered as unanested first by T. G. H. James 13 and later by Martin and
At first it is surprising that a cone found in 1925-26 and published in 1927, would not
be included in the Corpus, which appeared thirty years later. The publication of Mond
and Emery evidently would be known by Macadam.
lt is very possible that the drawing Mond and Emery made is not totally exact, due
most likely to the bad state of the inscription of the ooly cone found (fig. 4), where the
title s.~ jhw scribe of the canle can be read, which actually does not appear anested in
any other cone.
lf we examine closely the Corpus we will see that the cone number 589 (fig. 5) has a
very close resemblance to the current unit.
In the facsimile reproduction made by Davies and Macadam we can see that the
inscription is al so in a poor state of preservation. On the left si de we can read part of the
title s5 f¡sb ... 'accounting scribe of .. .' which with other examples found in the Corpus
we can only complete as s5 bsbjt 'accounting scribe ofthe grain' . 15

0 N. de G. DAVIES and M. F. L. MACADAM. Corpus: in the index as well as in the tilles. Macadam reads

herc the name of the owner of the cone as N{lm.

7 H. GAUTHIER. « Cónes funéraires trouvés il Thebes en 1917 et 1918 ». BIFAO 16 (1919). 183-185 (11-

11 1).
8 R. L. MOND and 0. H. MYERS. Temples of Arman/. London 1940. 116 (P.I446-1451. P. 1458).
pi. CYII (8 and 9).
9 H. M. STEWART. Mummy Cases and lnscribed Funerary Cones. Warminster 1986. 58-9 ( 100-1 0 1).

JO H. GAUTHIER. BIFA O 16. 184 (111): " ... la tombe de ce personnage (Nedjem) devait etre dans le
voisinage de celle d'Áa-biou, probablement plus au nord et a l'étage supérieur." .
11 W. HELCK. Materia/ien =ur Wirlschafisgeschichle des Neuen Reiches. Wiesbaden 1961-1970. 90. 98.
12 R. L. MOND and W. B. EMERY. « Excavations at Sheikh Abd el Gurneh 1925-26 ». AAALiv 14 ( 1927).
23 fig. 15.
13 T. G. H. JAMES.« Reviews ».JEA 45 ( 1959). 115-6.
14 G. T. MARTIN and C. N. REEVES. GM95 (1987). 64 n. 2.
15 N. de G. DAVIES and M. F. L. MACADAM, Corpus. as for example in the eones number 66. 67. 507.
62 Jaume VIYÓ and Salvador COSTA BSÉG 22 (1998)

Fig. 4: After Mond & Emery. AAA Liv 14. 23 (lig. 23) Fig. 5: Alicr Oavies & Macadam. Corpus. 589
Due to the resemblance of the two eones and for the aforementioned, we can suppose
as a work hypothesis that the cone of Mond and Emery and the cone of Macadam present
the same inscription. lt would be about a person called Nebneteru, 'accounting scribe of
the grain', owner at the same time of the cone number 582 of the Corpus of Davies and
Macadam .

e) In 1976 16 Lydia Collins published the notes of the

excavations performed by Sir Robert Mond at Thebes in the
years 1904-6. In that article appear a series of inscriptions
among which three texts stand out. and Martin and Reeves
think that they are three funerary eones unattested in the
Corpus of Macadam.
The ínscnption of figure 6 corresponds to figure 38 of
Collins publication. which as she very well says, happens to
be a brick and not a cone. That would explain its not
inclusion in the Corpus of funerary cones 18 •
This brick comes from the tomb of Paser (TT 106) at
Sheik Abd e1-Qurna, who held the post of vizier during the
reign of Sethos and Ramesses 11 .

d) The inscription of figure 7 of Collins publication, refers

to a funerary cone (fig. 7) which the author describes as: Fig. 6: After Collins. JEA 62.
fig. 38
"Square cone of Userhet, Steward of the Estate, son of ... u

16 L. COLLINS. « The private tombs at Thebes: Excavations by Sir Robcrt Mond. 1905 and 1906 ». J/:.".4
62 ( 1976 ). 36. tig. 38.
17 G. T. MARTIN and C. N. REEVES. GM95 (1987). 64 n. 2.
18 L. COLLINS. JEA 62 ( 1976). 36.

and the Lady Su ...," and which she does not identify with any cone from the Corpus,
thus identified as unattested by Martin and Reeves20 .


Fig. 7: 1\ticr Collins . .1/:·A 62. tig. 7 Fig. 8: After Davies & Macadam. Corpus. 406
lf we carefully look at the
inscription, which is incomplete, we
see a great similarity with the cone
number 406 of Davies and Macadam
(fig. 8), whose inscription is complete.
Taking into consideration the
observation of Stewart , we think it
happens to be the same cone. The
mentioned piece comes from the tomb
TT 47 that belonged to Userhet, who
was the overseer of the royal harem
during Amenhotep Ill 's reign.

e) In Stewart's study of the funerary

eones of University College, pi. 25 he
reproduces a cone (fig. 9) which we
identify as the one that appears in
figure 59 of Collins publication (fig.
10) which she describes as: "cone with
Fig. 9: Alter Stewart. Mummy Cases. pi. 25

19 L. COLLINS, JEA 62 (1976). 34.

20 G. T. MART1N and C. N. REEVES. GM 95 (1987). 64 n. 2.

21 H. M. STEWART. Mummy Cases. Warminster 1986.77 (156).
64 Jaume VIVÓ and Salvador COSTA BSÉG 22 ( 1998)

unidentifiable inscription".22 Up to this moment we have attested only two copies of this
cone, one kept at University College and the other one at Ashmolean Museum, which
most likely is the one reproduced, with some differences, in number 134 ofthe Corpus of
Davies and Macadam (fig. 11}, as Stewart23 suggests very well.



Fig. 10: Aficr Collins. JEA 62. tig. 69 Fig. 11 : After Davies & Macadam. Corpus. 134
f) In a recent article by Susan Redford,
about two excavation campaigns at the
tomb TT 188 of Parennefer. she announces
the finding of severa) funerary eones
emphasizing the presence of one she
claims belongs to the owner of the tomb.
This cone, in quite a bad state of
preservation. is considered by the author as
unattested, but observing carefully the
published photograph. one can observe
that it happens to be the cone number 469
of the Corpus of Davies and Macadam
(fig. 12), which belongs to Pabasa of the
XXVI dynasty. owner of the tomb TT 279
at Asasif and not to Parennefer of XVIII
dynasty as the author says.
Fig. 12: Atier Davies & Macadam. Corpus. 469

22 L. COLLINS.JEA 62 ( 1976). 39.

23 H. M. STEWART. Mummy Cases. Warminster 1986. 79 ( 161). pi. 25.
24 S. REDFORD. << Two Field-Seasons in the Tomb ofParennefer. No. 188 at Thebes ». KMT 6:1 ( 1995), 68.

Unattested eones. Annex to the Corpus ofDavies and Macadam

Next we include a list of all the funerary eones published by different authors, which
from 1957, year of the publication of the Corpus, can be considered as unattested in the
work of Davies and Macadam.
Our interest líes mainly in putting all these eones together, which are now dispersed in
different publications. grouping them in a first annex to the Corpus.
Due to the fact that up to the moment only fourteen pieces have been published, the
criteria we followed for its cataloguing is based exclusively on the year they were first
published . An index of names and titles has been added at the end of this article with the
purpose offacilitating their location.
In 191 O É. Chassinat published a text about a
funerary cone which. along with others. for reasons that
we do not know, was not included in the Corpus. In
C hassinat' s drawing (fig. 13), this cone appears only
with two lines oftext. In the lower one there seems to be
the name of the owner Sn-n[r. We think that maybe it is
a fragment of a cone. and that the hieroglyphic signs may Fig. 13: Alter Chassinat.
BIHO 7. 160
not be reproduced exactly.
Due to the fact that the whereabouts of this piece are unknown and that we have not
had access to it to check the inscription reproduced by Chassinat, we have thought it
opportune to mention it but without considering it for the moment as a cone unattested to
the Corpus .

A.Ol Amenlwtep16 (fig. 14)

Cone kept at: The British Museum.
London (BM 65189)
Bibliography: T . G. H. JAMES. « Re-
views », JEA 45 ( 1959),
116.fig. I.
Translitera/ion: ( 1) s ~ nsw tpy n Jmn (2)
Translation: "First king's son of Amun.

A.02 Ka... (fig. 15)

Cone kept at: lnstitut d 'Égyptolog ie de Fig. 14: Afler James . .JEA 45. 116 (tig. 1)
I' Université de Strasbourg

25 É. CHASSINAT, « Quelques cónes funéraires inédits >>. 8/FAO 7 ( 1910). 160 (XIV).
26 Amenhotep was the owner of the con e 276 of the Corpus of Davies and Macadam. and also probably
of the cone 166 as M. DEWACHTER suggests. «Les 'Premiers Fils Royaux d'Amon ' , compléments et
remarques ». RdÉ 35 ( 1984). 83-86.
66 Jaume YIVÓ and Salvador COSTA BSÉG 22 ( 1998)

(Str. 393)
Bibliography: A. HEYLER, «Note sur les cónes funéraires a propos du récent corpus
de Davies-Macadam », Kemi 15 ( 1959), 84-85, pi. XIII (fig. 1).
Translitera/ion: (2) jmJ[ly br ( 1) .Tnpw (3) Wsjr KJ ... ( 4) ...
Translation: ·'One revered before Anubis. The Os iris Ka ........

Fig. 15: By .1 . Vivó from sketch ofCI. Traunecker Fig. 16: Alicr Pomorska. Roc::Or 29. pi. 2 ( 12)

A.03 Tuy (fig. 16)

Cone kept al:
Bibliography: collections polonaises ».


A.04 Amenemhet (fig. 17)

Two eones kept at London and
Cone kept al: The British Museum (BM 65190)
Bibliography: T. G. H. JAMES. « Reviews »,
JEA 45 (1959). 11627 ; J. VIVO.
« Two Amenemhet funerary
eones», BSÉG 21 ( 1997), 81 -83,
fig. 1-2.
Cone kept at: Prívate collection, Geneva

Fig. 17: Alier Vivú. BSÉC 21. 83 (tig. 2)

,"\.ru,l.1.l).Q.5 C . - ::\
T. G. H. James could only read thc namc of its owncr: ~ :!lt ~

Bibliography: R. HARI, «Un Cóne funéraire inédit », CdÉ 47 (1972), 76-81, figs. 1-2.
Transliteration: (1) jm3!;zy !Jr Wsjr s3wty pr f:uj (?) (2) Jmn-m-/:131 mr !Jrw sntf nbt pr (3)
Mryt jn srn!J ( 4) NbJnn-sw
Translation: "One revered before Osiris, guardian of the treasury (?), Amenemhet,
justified. His wife, mistress of the house, Meryt. By their son, to
perpetuate their name, Nebanensu."

A.OS Yam (fig. 18)

Two eones loealized by W. J. Murnane
Bibliography: W . J. MURNANE, «A Hitherto Unpublished Funerary Cone ». GM 19
( 1976), 39-40, fig. l.
Transliterar ion: jmy-r sff3wtyw .13m
Translation: "Overseer oftreasurers. Yam."

A.06 Meryptah 28 (fig. 19)

Cone kept at: Musée National de Céramique. Sevres (MNC 22702 )
Bibliography: M. DEWACHTER. «Un nouveau type de eones funéraires », RdÉ 32
(1980), 140-141.
Transliteration: ( 1) jm3[ly(t) (2) !Jr Wsjr nbt pr (3) Mryt-Ptf¡ ( 4) m3rt !Jrw
Translation: "One revered before Osiris, mistress ofthe house Meryptah. justified."

fA'~, o ~

<::::=;:. ¿;
C) D
--,' 1

o~ -""' ~
l ~q~~J1 , '

Fig. 18: After Murnane. CM 19. 40 (fig. 1) Fig. 19: After Dewachter. RdÉ 32. 140a

28 This cone is identical to the one that appears in the Corpus of Davies and Macadam under number
416, although it presents all the signs written from left to right, contrary to the one in the Corpus. lt seems
that Macadam could not confirm the existence of the cone represented in the Corpus and he included it
directly the way it appears in the work of G. DARESSY, « Recueil de eones funéraires >>. MMAF 8. 1er fase., Le
Caire 1893, 291(200), 313. We have not been able either to verity its existence in any museum, so it is
possible that the cone that appears in the Corpus does not exist and so would have to be substituted by the
cone from Sevres.
68 Jaume VIYÓ and Salvador COSTA BSÉG 22 ( 1998)

A.07 Djehutynejer 9 (fig. 20)

Two eones kept in private collections. Geneva
Bibliography: J.-L. CHAPPAZ, « Fichier permanent des Antiquités égyptiennes (et
égyptisantes) des collections privées romandes 11 », BSÉG S ( 1981 ), 86
(057). 95; R. HARI, «Un troisieme Djehoutynefer, directeur du
trésor? », Orientalia 5212 ( 1983), 230-2. tab. 111 .
Translitera/ion: ( 1) sS nsw (2) jmy-r pr bd l)bwty-nfr (3) bmtf nbt pr Mry[t]
Translation: "King's scribe, overseer of the treasury, Djehutynefer. His wife, the
mistress ofthe house, Meryt."

A.08 Hem/ 0 (fig. 21)

Cone coming from excavations in Thebes
Bibliography: M. F. MOSTAFA. « Erster Vorbericht über die Arbeiten im Grab des
M ah u (Theben 11° 257) », ASAÉ 70 ( 1985). 205-206, pi. JI (b ).
Translitera/ion: ( 1)jmy-r .~nwrv hsbjt (2) 11 Smrw Mbo,v S.~ (3) Hmlv mr brw]
Translation: ''Overseer of the two granaries. accountant of grain of Upper and Lower
Egypt. scribe. Hemy, justified."

Fig. 20: After Chappaz. BSÉG 5. 86 Fig. 21: After Mostafa. AS,1É 70. Taf. 2(b)

A.09 Amenemnebtaui (fig. 22)

Cone kept at: The Oriental Museum . University of Durham. (lnv. 1984.17)

29 Djehutyneter was the owner of thc tombs TT 80 and TT 104. and the eones number 492 (see R. HARI.
Orienta/ia 5212 [1983], 232 and Sh. WHALE. Thefamily in the Eighteenth Dynasty ofEgypt [A.C.E. Studies
1]. Sydney 1989, 170-175) and number 176 of the Corpus of Davies and Macadam (see A. GHAFFAR SHEDID,
Stil der Grabmalereien in der Zeit Amenophis 'I/. Un tersuch an den thebanischen Grabern Nr. 104 und Nr.
80. Mainz 1988. 174-185, Taf. 66. d).
30 Th is cone was found in the pit 11 of the tomb TT 256 by the Egyptian Antiquities Organi sation in

Bibliography: G. T. MARTIN and C. N. REEYES, « An Unattested Funerary Cone »,

GM95 {1987), 63-65, fig. 1-3.
Transliteration: ( 1) sJw Jmn-m-nb-tJwy (?) (2) sntf nbt pr Ybi
Translation: "The guardian. Amenemnebtaui(?). His wife, the mistress of the house

A.lO Qenna (fig. 23)

Three eones coming from the Theban excavations31
Bibliography: J. KONDO, « lnscribed funerary eones from the Theban Necropolis »,
Orient 23 ( 1987), 71-2. fig. 5 (3 ).
Translitera! ion: ( 1) jmJtzy lzr W~jr (2) sS srt n /:lm nfr tpy (3) n .Tmn QnnU) mr ( 4) [lzrw
lyr llfl" r?]
Trans/ation: ''One revered before Osirís. secretary of the high priest of Amun.
Qenna.justified [with the great god] ."32

Fig. 22: Alter Martin & Reeves. GM 95 (tig. 3) Fig. 23: After Kondo. Orient 13. 70 (tig. 5 [3])

A.ll Huy (Amenhotep son of Hapu/' (fig. 24)

Cone kept in a prívate collection. South Texas
Bibliography: Ch. C. VAN SICLEN III and D. P. RYAN, « Egyptian Antiquities in South
Texas. Part 1: Funerary Cones »,VA 7 (1991), 47 (FC 7).
Transliteration: ( 1) UmJby lzr] (2) Wsjr jry prt sS nsw /fw-(3 )-y n /fwt-/:lrt-(jb) ( 4) m Jr lzrw
Trans/ation: "(One revered before] Osiris, hereditary prince, king's scribe, Huy of
Athribis, justified."

31 These three eones were found by the archaeological mission of the University of Waseda in the inner
court of the tombs TT 128 and TT 129 and show thc same inscription as number 433 of the Corpus of Davies
and Macadam, but with the signs written from right to left.
32 See the cone number 433 of the Corpus of Davi es and Macadam.
33 In addition to this cone Amenhotep has another three types included in the Corpus of Davies and
Macadam with numbers 1O. 40 and 65.
70 Jaume VIVÓ and Salvador COSTA BSÉG 22 ( 1998)

A.12 Name uncertain (fig. 25)

Cone kept in a prívate collection. South Texas
Bibliography: Ch. C. VAN SICLEN III and D. P. RYAN, « Egyptian Antiquities in South
Texas. Part 1: Funerary Cones », VA 7 ( 1991 ), 51-52 (FC 15).
Translitera/ion: ( 1) Um~b]y br (2) [Wsjr]jb~ (3) n Jmn jmy-r pr (n) /fwt-lfr (4) [ ... ] m3'
Translation: "[One revered] before [Osiris], the dancer of Amun. steward of Hathor,
[ .... ], justified."

Fig. 24: After Van Siclen & Ryan. r A 7. 47 (FC 7) Fig. 25: After Van Siclen & Ryan. r .-1 7. 51 (FC 15)

A.13 Ramose (fig. 26)

Cone kept in a prívate
collection. Barcelona
Bihliography: J . YIVÓ POSADA and S.
nuevo cono funerario
inédito en el Corpus de
Davies & Macadam »,
Au/Or 12 (1994), 228-
Translitera/ion: ( 1) J:¡ry mrw n .Tmn (2)
R'-ms m3' brw
Translation: "Foreman of weavers of
Amun. Ramose, justi-
fied." Fig. 26: By J. Vivó

A.14 Djehuty (fig. 27)

Cone kept at: Bolton Museum and Art
Gallery, Bol ton ( 1920.1 0.6)
Bibliography: J. VIYÓ and S. COSTA, «A
New Funerary Cone in the
Bolton Museum », BSÉG 19
(1995). 97-100.
Translitera/ion: ( 1) jmy-r Jnr n .lmn (2) l)hwty
hmtf(3) My
Translation: "Overseer of the storehouse of
Amun, Djehuty. His wife,

Fig. 27: After Yivó & Costa. BSÉG 19. 99

Index of names

13m jmy-r sd~wtyw A.05

Yf¡í, f. nbtpr A.09
J mn-m-nb-t511'Y S~W A.09
Jmn-m-hlt s5wty pr /:Id(?) A.04
Jmn-htp s5 nsw tpv n .lmn A.OI
My. f. A. l4
Mryt, f. nbtpr A.04
Mry[t], f. nbtpr A.07
Mryt-Pt/:1, f. 11btpr A.06
NbJnn-sw A.04
Rr-ms J:¡ry mrw n.lmn A.13
Jjwy jry prt, sJ nsw A. ll
/jm[y] jmy-r Jnwty, /:lsb jt 11 Smrw MJ:¡w, sJ A.08
Q1111 ~ sJ Jrt n J:¡m 11fr tpy 11 Jm11 A. lO
KL A.02
Twy A.03
l)hwty jmy-r J11r 11.lmn A.l4
1)/:lwty-nfr sJ nsw, jmy-r pr /:Id A.07
Name erased jb~ n.lmn, jmy-r pr (n) Jjwt-Jjr A.l2
72 Jaume YIYÓ and Salvador COSTA BSÉG 22 ( 1998)

Index of titles

jb3 n lm11 Name erased A. l2

jmy-r pr (n) ljwt-Hr Name erased A.l2
jmy-r pr J:uj 1)/:lwtv-nfr A.07
jmy-r sg3wtyw .nm A.OS
;my-r Sl1r 11 Jmn l)hwry A. l4
jmy-r Snwty Hm[v] A.08
jry p't ljwy A . JI
11btpr Ybí, f. A.09
nbtpr Mryt. f. A.04
nhtpr Mry[t] , f. A.07
nbtpr Mryt-Pt/:1, f. A.06
hry mrw 11 .1m11 R'-ms A.l3
hsb jt 11 Sm'w M/:rvl' Hm[y] A.08
si 11sw rpv 11 .lmn .lmn-htp A.OI
s3w .lmn-m-11h-t?wy A.09
s3wty pr M(?) .lmn-m-/:13t A.04
SS Hm[v] A.08
ss 11sw Hwy A. ll
sS nsw /)/:lwty-11fr A.07
sS S't 11 hm 11[r tpy 11.lmn Qnn i A. lO

Ronda Sant Antoni, 22, pra l.

E-08001 Barcelona (Espagne)

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