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7/1/2019 4 Ways Where Being Selfish Helps You To Succeed – The Ascent

4 Ways Where Being Sel sh Helps You

To Succeed
Charles Postiaux Follow
Feb 19, 2018 · 3 min read

Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash

Be Selfish

Only care about you and your life. This is a new concept that I’ve
recently discovered through a video of Gary Vaynerchuk.

Before that, I thought that being selfish was actually a bad thing.

“Life gives to giver and take from takers.” 1/5
7/1/2019 4 Ways Where Being Selfish Helps You To Succeed – The Ascent

This is the idea I had about selfishness.

But his point of view about being selfish is very interesting and changed
my way of seeing it.

Let me explain you this vision through 4 points:

Be selfish with your goals.

Be slefish about your goals.

Stay focus on your life and your dreams. You only live once and you
can’t spend too much time listening to other people’s dreams and

You have to use your time for working on your goals. Achieve daily
goals and work hard to make your long-term dream a reality.

Be selfish with your time.

Of course we want our time, but everybody’s wasting so many hours
doing dumb or useless things.

I don’t say you have to become a machine, it’s great to do dumb things
and get bored sometimes!

But if you really want to become successful, you have to be more selfish
with your own schedule.

Decide how you want to spend your 24 hours wisely and be selfish
about it because you won’t have 1 or 2 extra hours.

Be Selfish with your actions.

Go to the essential. Be selfish with your actions.

Don’t do actions that can be automated or that don’t have a big impact
on your goals.

You have to select the actions you’re doing each days of your life.

It is crucial if you want to be one day successful.

Multi-millions businesses (or any big goals you have in life) aren’t build
up without hard work. 2/5
7/1/2019 4 Ways Where Being Selfish Helps You To Succeed – The Ascent

Be Selfish with your relationships.

This one can be tricky.

Usually, when we’re talking about selfish relationship it is more seen as

a bad thing. With possessive people and stuff like that.

What I am talking about here is different from this idea.

You cannot be friends with everybody, and you have to select the best
relationships you are living.

You have to be selective. Choose the best. Cut off the losers and
complainers people from your life. Make choices.

Relationships are so valuable and nobody can live without them.

However, you have to be careful with whom you’re hanging out with.

The people you’re spending the most of your time with directly impact
your life, in a good and a bad way. Choose them well.

Being selfish is viewed for most of us as a bad thing.

But in this article, being selfish means being selective. And it is

essential if you want to become successful or to achieve your dreams.

We all have 24 hours and we have to efficiently decide how we are

going to use them.

Be selfish, decide well, your future depends on it. 3/5
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