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Cassidy Cushman


Due: 08 October 2019

06 October 2019

HomeLife vs.SingleLife

Everyone talks about moving out when they graduate finally being free and making your

own rules, But some teenagers might wonder is it all worth it? Some might say it is others not so

much. Each pathway has its own benefits and consequences and different ways to go. Like living

in your childhood home or starting fresh with an apartment. So let's debate Living at home vs

Alone in an apartment, and see which topic truly reigns supreme by weighing in on three topics

responsibility, monthly bills, and overall freedom.

Everyone has been doing chores since the beginning of time, Parents use chores as a way

to teach us responsibility. But as you get older you are required to have more responsibilities like

cleaning the house. You also might have to do the weekly grocery shopping and various other

errands. Another chore would be your and other family member's laundry. Also cooking your

parents have probably told you to “cut the vegetables” or “take this out of the freezer”. Because

you’re old enough to live on your own parents expect you to pull more weight around the house.

Paying your bills is simple when you decide to live at home, most parents pay for the

mortgage/rent, cable, and utilities. Most college kids or young adults at home pay for their car

payments. Some don’t even pay that but they do have to pay for their gas to go places. Money to

go out with friends or buy clothes/makeup. Also, you pay for subscriptions such as Netflix, Hulu
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or HBO. Some people even pay for their pets such as vet bills and food. Overall you save a

significant amount of money and you can go out more.

Freedom, living at home doesn’t always mean you have a lot of freedom just because you

graduated high school and enrolled in college. Parents still see you as a child, you're technically

still an adolescent because you are choosing to stay home and not be completely independent or

some simply can’t afford it. So you might still have a curfew or your parents might still tell you

no when you want to go out. Some parents aren’t like this but others are, so you can’t always go

out till all hours of the night because your parents said no. So you lose that sense of being an

adult when you turn eighteen and as you get older that mentality doesn’t exactly change.

Congratulations you’ve decided to move out welcome to the world of responsibilities ahead

because you have an apartment to take care of. Your parents don’t come to clean you and anyone

you live with have the task of keeping the place clean. Washing dishes and more importantly

doing your laundry. Unlike living at home where you do it sometimes you have to do it all by

yourself if you live alone. You also have to deal with any animals or broken TVs/ appliances, so

you can’t just let someone else take care of it.

You pay for everything, so you need to get a job that pays well so you can support yourself

and send your bills out on time. When you live at home it's very different you don’t keep track of

any of that stuff. You pay for your own rent and internet and if somethings breaks you pay to fix

it. Another thing you need to consider is paying for doctor’s appointments when you get sick.

Especially if you don’t have health insurance so its very important to get a good-paying job with


Living alone means you have the freedom to go wherever whenever you want, you don’t

have to answer to anyone really. Which differs from living at home because you have to answer
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to your parents. You can go hang out with friends or stay in and do homework its completely up

to you. This is the main reason people want to move out and by independent, because everyone

wants to be in control of their own choices and lifestyles.

Both lifestyles have their own benefits and downsides but when crunching the numbers so to

speak, you need to look at your job and finances to see which one you can truly afford. Living at

home and barley paying any bills but you lose the freedom or paying all of your bills and having

your freedom. You weigh in on the three topics that were listed in this essay ( Responsibilities,

Monthly Bills and Freedom) and choose which path suits you to the best.

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