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Starting from the adventures of Nancy (Blake Lively) who sought a

nameless beach that she recognized through her mother's photo, she arrived at her
life-long destination. The beach does look very beautiful, and rarely people know
the place. Nancy also took her skateboard and started riding the waves rolling on
the deserted beach of my hitch. Without knowing one thing, the beach was not as
safe as he had imagined
But not only contains tension, this film is also filled with interesting family
dramas that are listened to. Nancy, who went on an adventure, actually ran away
from her study program as a nurse. He fought with his father, after the departure
of his mother who died of an illness. His hobby of surfing becomes his way of
treating the stresses experienced in his life. But then the incident experienced by
Nancy finally also changed his mindset about family.

In the middle of the reef Nancy is accompanied by a bird named Steven

Seagull. The bird also suffered an injury to its wings, so he could not fly. Luckily
Nancy understood the orthopedic problem she learned in college, and she
managed to treat the bird.
But the terrible part is not just being chased by sharks. The most terrible
part was when Nancy sewed a shark bite wound on her thigh. The audience
shuddered, many closed their eyes because they could not bear to see the scene.
There is also a scene that might upset the audience, when a drunkard tried to help
Nancy, but instead was killed by a shark.

In the end Nancy had to fight the Sharks alone. Thanks to the knowledge
he has about diving, and also his experience in the medical world, he managed to
survive the ferocious Sharks.

My opinion about this film A SHALLOWS :

This film is very good because this film contains content that teaches about
rising from adversity and animated images are very real and the storyline of this
film is very easy to understand

Recommendation why people should watch the movie :

Because this film teaches about the meaning of struggle after

experiencing failure and how to entertain yourself after experiencing deep
sorrow. This film also teaches how to never give up to be able to meet again
with his father and sister even though he is on the verge of death because he
wants to be torn to pieces but never to give up.


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