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Oil Derivative Company


Oil Derivative Company is a different company that will have the ability to fulfill the oil
requirements for long period of time and will prove profitable for us even after sixty years when
oil will be ended. The major goals of this company is to fulfill the oil requirements through other
oil derivatives in the Kuwait and to get the profit out of it and to get the oil through different
gases so that the oil requirements fulfill even after the end of the oil and the company will still
enjoy the same or even better flow of the profit in the future. Oil Derivative Company will be the
excellent corporation in the Kuwait that will specifically concentrate on fulfilling the
requirements of the oil in the Kuwait and this specialty will prove profitable for the company.

This will be a unique kind of company in the Kuwait that will have the different nature of work
of making oil from different derivatives so they have no rival in the industry as we will introduce
this unique concept in the Kuwait. We also have the strength to cope effectively with the
potential rivals that may enter this industry after the end of the oil as an alternative of their
business. We will have the first mover advantage that will also benefit us in this industry and we
can also maintain a specific market share till the time of new entry of the competitors in the
industry and this will act as our competitive edge in the industry and will guarantee our market
leadership in the future. The first mover advantage also will familiar us with the pros and cons of
this industry that will help us in identifying the various threats and opportunities along with the
various issues of the industry that will assist us in timely identification of the issues and early
resolution of the problems. It will also ensure the greater brand recognition in the industry and
the greater loyalty of the clients. We do not have the competitor in the industry but in the coming
time all these competitive edges will help us to cope effectively with the potential rivals.
Oil Derivative Company will deal in domestic and the global markets and will fulfill the
requirements of the oil of different regions of the world. At domestic level we will fulfill the
need of the oil of the Kuwait and will provide oil to different cities of the Kuwait even after sixty
years when the oil will end and we will do this with the help of different gases that are used in
deriving oil and will fulfill the need of the oil in artificial manners. At international level we will
also operate in different continents of the world. We will provide oil and oil derivatives to the
European Zone, Asian Region, and African Continent and also to the American region. The
countries where we set our self is the china, India, Pakistan, Canada, Hong Kong, Bangladesh,
Oman, America, Turkey and other countries of the world. The most lucrative zone for the Oil
Derivative Company is the Asian and European zone where the industries are in the need of the
nonstop supply of the oil and oil derivatives so we can established ourselves their because of
high opportunities in those regions. We are aiming to get the global leadership in this industry
due to its unique nature and high demand in the different markets of the world.

As far as society is concerned it is not harmful for the society. Oil Derivative Company does not
attack the norms and customs of any society including the domestic and the international
societies of the world. We will not use any sign and slogan that will discourage any race or hurt
any customs and norms of the society. In reality Oil Derivative Company will prove beneficial
for the society as it will create many jobs and employment not just in Kuwait but also in various
other regions of the world as we need special engineers, staff and other technical people that will
get the opportunity to work with us and earn a handsome amount that will raise their living
standard. The Oil Derivative Company will fulfill the requirements of the oil of the various
regions of the world that will also in the favor of the society so we can say that our Oil
Derivative Company will be beneficial for the society so will be accepted by the society without
any difficulty and problem.

Oil Derivative Company is an environmental friendly company. No doubt we are using different
gases for the production of the oil but we will have the industrial zone far away of the residential
areas so there is no harm to the environment and health of the society is also secure in the
presence of the Oil Derivative Company. Oil Derivative Company will have the proper disposal
of the waste products and we will not just put the waste products in the sea and river water as
done by the various other oil companies and we will follow completely the environmental
friendly rules and regulations and will take good care of the security of the environment. The
government also makes specific laws for the security of the environment and we will completely
follow all those rules for the safety of the environment as it is our first priority to provide the safe
and secure environment.

Outline of Website of Oil Derivative Company:

1. Home Page:
Welcome Message of the Oil Derivative Company
Slogan, Name and Logo of the Oil Derivative Company
2. Profile of the Oil Derivative Company:
History, Mission, Vision, about us
Values, Organizational structure, Job title
3. Products and Services of the Oil Derivative Company:
Marketing Strategies, description of the goods and services of the Company
Professional growth
Community Involvement
4. Media Approach:
New and Events
Media tools
5. Contact us:
Social sites
Telephone Number
6. FAQ:
The questions along with the answers that are frequently asked by the clients

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