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Minh Lu

Professor Michelle Tubbs

ENGL 1301-127

Final Reflection

Back in Highschool, I have done a paper portfolio before, where you will have to print

out paper and glue in on big cardboard. You will have to fill the whole thing out and be able to

present in front of a lot of people. I remember we were doing about Latin Ameria history, and I

have to put my board in the library and talk about it for the whole day. This is the first time I’ve

done an E-portfolio, It’s really similar to the paper portfolio one. It’s where you still have to find

information or write a paper, and put in on the board, but here you can put in on a whole tab and

there’s no limit for it, where there is limit for a paper portfolio. Also, you can put different font,

pictures and variety of background images, unlike the paper portfolio, everything is limit and you

can only have 1 background color. But the e-portfolio is more complicated because you will have

to figure out how to put things on the page and how to add an essay and how to make it unique.

But with the help of my professor, I’ve figured out, she showed us step by step how to add a

background image and how to add text, just toy with the website a little bit and you will figure it

all out. It was a fun first experience, but basically, only you have to do is put all the works you

have been doing throughout the term on the e-portfolio.

Throughout the term, we have written a lot of essays, such as literacy narrative, profile

essay, and educational issue essay. Each essay we have done a lot of researches about on every

topics. First, for the literacy narrative, it was the first essay that I’ve learned about the writing

process where there is a step by step to write a complete essay. The first step is showing different
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strategies to plan out your essay, such as freewriting, brainstorming and etc. Next, you will draft

it out, you will base on your free writing and brainstorming you will write out an outline and

base on that you will get your first draft. After the draft, there is a peer response for this draft so

you will get comments and ideas from your peers. So you will get more ideas and comments on

what to put on and what to throw away for your essay to complete the essay. So this essay helps

us demonstrate knowledge from individuals and helps from your peers about the writing process.

The next essay was a profile essay, where you’re going to interview someone and talk about their

learning experiences. So to be able to do this essay you will have to develop and create your own

questions that will help you support and provide evidence to write about their learning

experiences. You will again do the same writing process as the previous essay to practice more

about those skills. But this essay taught us how to develop ideas with appropriate support, so we

can be able to give our interviewee about the correct question so we can write the correct essay.

The last essay is an educational issue, where you will find evidence on library databases that will

support your issue, In this essay, you will have to read a lot of articles, be able to understand and

persuade your readers about your stand on the issues. You will have to look up resources to back

up your evidence and support, to be able to persuade and convince your reader about your stands

on the issue. Because different articles will have different authors with different varieties of

texts. So this essay have taught us how to read, reflect, understand and be able to respond

critically to a variety of text. You have to use MLA format for all of these essays, so we have

been practicing a lot on this and be able to edit American English in an academic essay. Also,

you are writing for your professor and you have to learn your audience have to keep it,

professionals, write appropriately style for the audience.

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I have learned so much from this e-portfolio, it has shown me all the edited skills and

being able to figure stuff that I’ve never been encountering with. I got to learn to never give up

from this e-portfolio, learn to edit essay, background images,

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