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Velasco, Erikka Louisse C.




Watch the video and complete the statements that follow:

Fractals – The Color of Infinity

1.) Three things that I significantly learned from the video clip

As I have watched the clip, I have learned that simple formulas can lead to complicated results. I
have also learned the meaning behind the Mandelbrot Set and Lastly, the discovery of the history of

2.) Three things that are still unclear to me

After watching the video, I still need thorough explanation about the fractal equation, the fractal
image compression technology, and the present ideas of color stealing using random iteration.

3.) I used to think that

Fractals does not have a major contribution in our everyday life. They are not necessary to learn.
However, after watching the documentary. I have come to realize that Fractals are not just only shapes
or geometric figures but we can also see Fractals in our nature.

4.) Three questions that I want to ask about the video clips

The tree questions that I want to ask are, thorough explanation regarding the Mandelbrot Set,
Fractals regarding Geometry and the applications of Mandelbrot Set.

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