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All You Need To Know About

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Found deep under the earth’s crust, made under extreme

temperature and pressure conditions come to birth a stone that
reflects like a lustrous stone. A Diamond.

Diamonds have always intrigued people with its existence itself.

People love to adorn it as it exudes immense power yet looks so
delicate. But, do you really know everything about Diamonds?
It’s okay to just think of it as a wonder of Mother Nature, but
science loves to explain the existence of everything. One such
thing is Diamond.

Today, let’s take some time and know all about Diamonds.

What is Diamond?

Diamond is the solid form of the element Carbon with all the
Carbon atoms arranged in a cubic crystal structure called the
Diamond Cubic.

Where are they found?

Since it needs extreme temperature and pressure conditions,

Natural Diamonds like Kimberlites/ Lamproites are usually
found near extreme heat areas like a volcanic mountain in a
large quantity or a meteor impact site in small size and small
quantities. They can also be washed away by water bodies and
deposited near riverbeds these are called placer deposits.

Many Diamonds in many countries are made synthetically

under similar pressure and temperature conditions called as
lab-grown diamonds. Diamonds are found in more than 35
countries with several large mines in South Africa.


1. They are the hardest element known to mankind with its

hardness on Moh’s hardness scale reaching a perfect 10.

2. It has high market value because of its lustre

3. Since it is hard, it does not get scratched.

4. Its compact structure makes it difficult to introduce

5. It has great thermal conductivity.


1. Because of its hardness, it can cut through things with ease

and is used in appliances like drill machines and even in
industrial pieces of equipment that aid cutting.

2. It is also used in Engraving tools to help engrave designs and

names in metal pots and jewellery.

3. For its lustre, it is cut optically well so that it can shine light
like a prism and look bright and sparkling and make a fine
addition in jewellery which has a high market value.

These are some basic things about Diamonds. The simplicity of

the Diamonds makes it so complex and amazing. If you are a fan
of diamonds, you might also want to give Diamond
Jewellery a try.

At Joyari, you can choose from over 2000 designs of Diamond

Jewellery with well-cut colourless diamonds with VVS Clarity
studded in BIS Hallmarked Gold Jewellery. Each Diamond is
unique in itself and will only be considered real with a certificate
of authenticity which is produced by a third-party lab. At Joyari
you get GSI certified diamonds so that you get the value of the
diamond if sold in future.

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