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Journal of Marine Systems 18 Ž1999.


Pollution history of a tropical estuary revealed by combined

hydrodynamic modelling and sediment geochemistry
J.E. Andrews , A.M. Greenaway b,1, G.R. Bigg a , D.F. Webber c , P.F. Dennis a ,
G.A. Guthrie b
School of EnÕironmental Sciences, UniÕersity of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
Department of Chemistry, UniÕersity of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Department of Life Sciences, UniÕersity of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica
Received 31 July 1997; revised 27 April 1998; accepted 27 April 1998


Hydrodynamic modelling of water movement in Hunts Bay, a protected part of Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, shows that
depth averaged tidal flows are very low. In the northeast corner of Hunts Bay, water is essentially stagnant. Even under high
flow conditions, much of the Bay bottom water is ‘bypassed’ by buoyant, lower salinity surface flows. The muddy
sediments of Hunts Bay reflect these sluggish to stagnant conditions; sediment cores from the northeast corner of the Bay
contain progressively higher amounts of organic matter in their upper parts Ž; last 15–20 years sedimentation.. Combined
CrN ratios and stable carbon isotope compositions of this organic matter imply a sewage origin. Both lead and chromium
metal concentrations and enrichment factors relative to average crustal shales show geographically related patterns that
reflect hydrodynamic circulation predicted by modelling. In particular, metal concentrations and enrichment factors are
highest at the northern end of the bay, especially in the northeast corner. Modelling confirms that stagnant conditions would
occur in the northeast part of the bay even without the presence of a major causeway. The causeway may contribute to low
flow conditions, but is not the principal cause of organic contamination, which is simply an excessive input of sewage.
q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: pollution; sewage; estuary; modelling; stable isotopes; Jamaica

1. Introduction years, in this case, as the population of Kingston

City has grown. These contaminants have affected
Kingston Harbour, Jamaica, like many nearshore water quality and the diversity of benthic and water
waters around the world, has been impacted seri- column organisms ŽGoodbody, 1970; Wade et al.,
ously by anthropogenic contaminants for at least 30 1972; Webber, 1997.. There is clear evidence that
the principal problems are related to eutrophication
of the Harbour waters ŽMoore and Sander, 1982.,
Corresponding author. Tel.: q44-603-592536; Fax: q44-66-
linked to mainly riverine inputs of nutrients ŽN and
507719; E-mail: P. and organic matter—particularly sewage ŽWebber,
E-mail: 1997..

0924-7963r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 7 9 6 3 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 1 9 - 0
334 J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343

In this multidisciplinary study we integrate the mand ŽBOD., cause oxygen-stressed conditions that
findings of two separate studies on sediment chem- kill fish and benthic invertebrates ŽWade et al., 1972.;
istry ŽAndrews et al., 1993. and modelled water an important consideration since Kingston Harbour
circulation ŽBigg and Webber, in press. for Hunts is a traditional nearshore fishery ŽWade et al., 1972;
Bay, a restricted part of Kingston Harbour. This Webber, 1993a..
approach, using independently collected but comple- Phytoplankton community composition provides
mentary data, allows us to address: Ž1. the history of the most reliable index of water quality ŽWebber,
organic-pollution; Ž2. the underlying causes for the 1997.. This index shows significant deterioration of
observed pollution history, particularly in the north- water quality in parts of the harbour over the last 20
east part of the Bay where a causeway has been years, particularly in Hunts Bay. In 1992–1993,
suspected of affecting water flow; and Ž3. strategies values of BOD ) 75.2 mg ly1 were clearly indica-
for remediation. Hunts Bay is an apposite study site, tive of high organic pollution in the Bay, probably
representing not simply a polluted subenvironment untreated sewage ŽWebber, 1997.. It has been thought
of Kingston Harbour, but also a well constrained for some time that pollution problems in Hunts Bay
case history, relevant to other anthropogenically im- were exacerbated by construction of a causeway and
pacted tropical estuaries. road bridge in the mid 1960s that reduced the natural
2.5 km wide connection with the rest of Kingston
Harbour, to a narrow channel about 200 m wide.
2. Hunts Bay, Kingston Harbour Recently, Andrews et al. Ž1998. used CrN ratios
and stable carbon isotope ratios Ž d13 C org . to identify
the principal source of organic matter reaching the
2.1. Geography
Hunts Bay estuary bed. They showed that the labile,
nitrogenous component of suspended particulate or-
Hunts Bay is a 2.2 km2 restricted embayment ganic matter ŽSPOM. in the surface waters is oxi-
ŽFig. 1. with an average water depth of about 1.5 m.
dized in the water column, or on the sediment sur-
The bay waters are very turbid Ž30–60 cm sechi disk face—but is not much altered once buried in the
reading., in part due to primary production ŽWade et sediment. Moreover, the d13 C SPOM is hardly affected
al., 1972.. The bottom waters are always saline by this water column oxidation, except in the north-
Ž) 20‰., although the surface waters frequently
east part of the Bay, where surface sediments appear
reflect freshwater inputs, principally from the Rio to have retained isotopically lighter lignin fractions.
Cobre ŽFig. 1., but also the Duhaney river and, Andrews et al. Ž1998. interpret their d13 C SPOM val-
during storms, Sandy Gully ŽFig. 1., a storm drain ues Žy20 to y25‰. to be a mixture of Ž1. in situ
for west Kingston city. Various industrial Žbrewery-, phytoplankton organic matter, Ž2. terrestrial river-
food processing- and leather tanning. and domestic borne SPOM, Ž3. terrestrial river-borne bottom sedi-
Žsewage. organic wastes are carried into the bay by
ment particulate organic matter ŽPOM. and Ž4. an-
these rivers and other small gullies which drain into thropogenic inputs—principally sewage. They also
the northeast corner of the bay ŽFig. 1; see also, showed that the sewage component is most abundant
Andrews et al., 1998; Webber, 1997; Bigg and Web- in the upper part of sediment cores from the north
ber, in press, Fig. 1.. and northeast parts of the Bay ŽFig. 1..

2.2. Organic inputs and water quality

3. Methods
The organic inputs cause high bacterial levels and
promote water column primary production Žalgal and
diatom blooms., leading to excessive oxygen con- 3.1. Modelling
sumption during microbial respiration of dead phyto-
plankton cells. These low oxygen conditions, exacer- The modelled information comes from a two di-
bated by sewage with high biochemical oxygen de- mensional finite-element model ŽBigg and Webber,
J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343 335

Fig. 1. Maps of ŽA. Kingston Harbour, showing location of Hunts Bay, and ŽB. Hunts Bay showing geographical features and sample sites.
One dot denotes a SPOM and surface sediment sample site. Two dots indicates where cores were also taken. PRs Port Royal,
CPRSs Causeway Bridge Port Royal side, CHBSs Causeway Bridge Hunts Bay side, RC s Rio Cobre mouth, RCŽ100 m. s 100 m
upstream of Rio Cobre mouth, FV s Fishing Village, MB s Mid Bay, DR s Duhaney River mouth, SG s Sandy Gully mouth, 3M s Three
Mile, NEB s North East of Bay.

in press. designed to examine the circulation of, and viding the geometry of the harbour into 4514 finite
particle trajectories within, Kingston Harbour, in- elements, and using the Galerkin finite-element
cluding Hunts Bay. Equations of motion ŽNinomiya method to construct a matrix equation linking the
and Onishi, 1991. were solved numerically by subdi- velocity and height fields of each of the 2415 nodes.
336 J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343

All model runs used the same tidal and wind forcing Chromium and lead were determined by flame
from a 7-day period, 7 AM Žlocal time., 28 August atomic absorption spectroscopy ŽAAS., after digest-
1993 to 7 AM, 4 September 1993. Seven river inputs ing 0.5 g of dried sample in 12 ml of aqua regia and
to Hunts Bay ŽWebber, 1993b. had significant dis- then in 12 ml HFrHCl Ž1:5., and then dissolving the
charge during high flow conditions, while at low residue in 1 mol dmy3 HCl and diluting to 100 ml in
flow only four of these were significant for mod- doubly distilled water. The 2 s precisions for Cr and
elling. Pb in uncontaminated samples were 7 and 1.5, re-
Modelling was validated using three tide spectively, determined on 6 repeated analyses from
gaugercurrent meter moorings. Comparison of the one sample ŽCr s 30.6 mg gy1 , Pb s 39.4 mg gy1 .,
modelled and observed tidal data is good ŽBigg and while in contaminated samples they were 42 and 43,
Webber, in press.. However, comparison of single respectively by the paired duplicate method of Tay-
depth current meter data with depth-averaged com- lor Ž1987., with mean Cr s 215 mg gy1 from nine
putations is less good—especially in parts of Hunts pairs and mean Pb s 381 mg gy1 from seven pairs.
Bay where the flow is dominantly two layer. The Aluminium was determined by instrumental neu-
modelled flow trajectories are thus representative of tron activation analysis ŽINAA. by the method of
bulk flow, rather than of the surface or of a particular Lalor et al. Ž1990.. Standard reference materials
depth. However, as has been verified observation- analysed along with the samples gave Al concentra-
ally, water flow in the upper, shallow, low salinity tions within "5% of certified values. A 2 s preci-
layer of Hunts Bay follows a similar path to the sion of 0.12 was determined by six replicate analyses
modelled bulk flow, but at much greater speed dur- on sub-samples from an in-house standard ŽAl s
ing high flow conditions. 7.14%..

4. Modelling, sedimentology and geochemistry—

3.2. Geochemistry
results and interpretation

Surface sediments Ž0–15 cm. and sediment cores During low river flows, depth-averaged tidal flow
were collected in December 1992 from sites shown in the majority of Inner Kingston Harbour is very
in Fig. 1 Žfull details in Andrews et al., 1998.. Total weak, - 1 cm sy1 ŽBigg and Webber, in press..
carbon and nitrogen concentrations were measured However, the impact of the Rio Cobre and Duhaney
on a Carlo Erba EA 1108 elemental analyser with a River are clear in Hunts Bay, especially under high
1s precision of "0.03 wt.% C and "0.0015 wt.% flow conditions ŽFig. 2a and b.. In the west part of
N Žfull method in Andrews et al., 1998.. The method the bay, water from the Rio Cobre recirculates ŽFV
of analysis of stable carbon isotopes Ž d13 C VPDB sample site, Fig. 1., rather than draining through the
scale. in carbonate carbon and total carbon is de- causeway channel. Under low flow conditions, dis-
scribed in Andrews et al. Ž1998. and Andrews et al. charge from the Duhaney River causes the main tidal
Ž1993.. The 2 s precision of "0.16‰ for carbonate circulation in Hunts Bay, although during the flood-
d13 C and "0.30‰ for total carbon d13 C, yield an ing tide, circulation is deflected into the northeast
experimental error for d13 C org Žcalculated as total corner of the Bay Ž3M sample site, Fig. 1. where
d13 C y carbonate d13 C. of 0.63‰ by the method of water flow is essentially zero. This is corroborated
paired duplicates ŽTaylor, 1987; n s 21 duplicate by field observations of flotsam, water surface scum
pairs.. Weight percent organic carbon ŽC org . and and floating algal mats which accumulate and are
organic carbon d13 C were calculated from the total trapped in this area Žsee also Green and Webber,
values by differencermass balance, respectively 1996.. The net movement of modelled week-long
ŽAndrews et al., 1998.. Weight percent C org corre- trajectories for particles at various points in Hunts
lates positively with wt.% total-N ŽAndrews et al., Bay are all small ŽFig. 2a., particularly in the north
1998., suggesting that total-N can be used to esti- east part, showing that pollutant transport will be
mate organic-N ŽHedges et al., 1986.. slow and contained within the Bay. For much of the
J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343
Fig. 2. Maps of modelled area, Hunts Bay-Port Royal area shown on Fig. 1A. Vertical and horizontal scales are in metres. Ža. Week-long trajectories with weak river inflow
Žcurrent Hunts Bay coastline.. Trajectories start from the large dot. Note that these are compiled from hourly results and so include both tidal and residual flow. Žb. Modelled
flow at near maximum flood tide with high river inflow Žcurrent Hunts Bay coastline.. The river inputs are shown by arrows perpendicular to the boundary.

338 J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343

year Hunts Bay is probably flushed only by diffusive face waters are swept out of the Bay, especially
processes with flushing times of several months or during major flood events, impacting both the inner
more. In addition, the large vertical salinity differ- and outer parts of Kingston Harbour ŽWebber et al.,
ence between the rapidly moving volume of fresh 1992; Webber, 1997., and parts of the nearby Hell-
river water and the salty bottom water in the Bay, shire coast and coral ecology ŽShurland et al., 1989;
means that in general, entrainment is relatively lim- Woodley, 1989.. However, in the southwest and
ited, the stratification being too strong. This means northeastern corners of Hunts Bay net flows are
that even during high flows, bottom sediments are trapped ŽSW. and low ŽNE., suggesting that these
not greatly disturbed. areas are not well-flushed, even during flood condi-
During high river flow conditions ŽFig. 2b. the tions ŽFig. 2b..
much stronger discharge of the Rio Cobre causes net These results suggest that Hunts Bay sediments
movement of particles from the central part of the should predominantly reflect deposition in quiet, and
Bay. Nutrient and particulate-rich lower salinity sur- in places, virtually stagnant water. This is confirmed

Fig. 3. Sedimentological log and downcore profiles in wt.% C org , CrN, d13 C org , Cr and Pb concentrations for the Three Mile site Ž3M on
Fig. 1.. Black shade denotes sulphidic sediment, while horizontal bars depict millimeter-scale laminae. Bivalve shells appear below 70 cm in
the sediment. The peak in C org between 30 and 40 cm is also present in the Cr and Pb profiles. A rough chronology Ždates. has been applied
based on a linear sediment accumulation rate of 2.6 cm yry1 derived from preliminary 210 Pb results from a duplicate core at the Three Mile
site ŽGreenaway, personal communication, 1998..
J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343 339

by sediment sampling and coring which shows that d13 C org of y25.0‰, similar to those from Rio Co-
Hunts Bay sediments are mainly muddy riverine and bre bottom sediment POM ŽAndrews et al., 1998,
marine suspended sediments, deposited in quiet wa- table 3. and typical values for degraded terrestrial
ter conditions ŽAndrews et al., 1998.. Occasional silt POM ŽBordovsky, 1965.. This suggests a change
and fine-sand laminae in the Rio Cobre and Sandy from fully marine conditions to sedimentation with
Gully mouth cores ŽRC and SG sites, Fig. 1. repre- increasing input of terrestrial organic matter in the
sent storm spate deposition. However, well-pre- early 1970s. Data from the upper 50 cm Žlast ca. 20
served lamination, particularly in the upper part of years. of the Three Mile core cluster between CrN
the Three Mile core ŽFig. 3. and the general lack of ratios of 10.5 to 13.5 and d13 C org of y23.5 to
macro fauna, demonstrate a lack of bioturbation. The y24.5‰ ŽFig. 3. reflecting increasing organic mat-
black muds at Žand to 10’s cm below. the surface are ter input from sewage in recent times ŽAndrews et
anoxic and sulphidic, and dissolved oxygen is gener- al., 1998..
ally low or absent at the base of the water column
ŽWebber, personal communication; Andrews et al.,
1998, table 1.. The laminated muds in the upper part
of the Three Mile core clearly represent deposition 5. Impact of the Hunts Bay causeway
under stagnant conditions ŽFig. 3. as predicted by the
modelling. The less distinct lamination below 60 cm, It is clear from the discussion above that: Ž1.
and a shelly horizon between 69–80 cm depth ŽFig. water circulation in Hunts Bay as a whole is slug-
3., appear to represent sedimentation and infauna gish; and Ž2., that the northeast area of the Bay is
before stagnant anoxic conditions prevailed. Prelimi- essentially stagnant, resulting in the present day ac-
nary 210 Pb results from a duplicate core at the Three cumulation and sedimentation of sewage supplied by
Mile site ŽGreenaway, personal communication, rivers and drainage gullies. It is therefore important
1998., suggests a linear sediment accumulation rate to know if the present organic pollution and resultant
of 2.6 cm yry1 . Assuming no major time breaks, a eutrophication has been caused by, or amplified by,
rough chronology can be applied to the Three Mile construction of the causeway and road bridge in the
core Žsee Fig. 3.. mid-1960s.
Down core POM and geochemical variation in the To examine the impact of the causeway, the
Three Mile core data ŽFig. 3. is attributed mainly to hydrodynamic model was adapted to the pre-cause-
change in the supply rate—and type—of organic way geometry ŽFig. 4a and b., with water depths
matter, and partly due to microbial-consumption in interpolated from adjacent present day depths. The
the sediment. The larger wt.% C org values near the high flow model results with pre-causeway geometry
top of the core ŽFig. 3. suggest that the amount of ŽFig. 4b. clearly show more complete circulation
organic matter accumulation there has increased to between the Hunts Bay area and the western part of
the present day, particularly over the last 10 years. Kingston Harbour, especially during ebb tides Žcf.
The sulphidic sediments at the top of the core show Fig. 2b.. However, the poor-flushing of the south-
that anaerobic Žsulphate-reducing. microbial con- western and particularly the northeastern parts of
sumption of organic matter is most efficient in the Hunts Bay are still evident. This suggests that the
upper 10 cm of the sediment, presumably reducing stagnant conditions in the northeast of Hunts Bay
the C org content somewhat. Values between 2 and 3 would have existed before construction of the cause-
wt.% C org below 40 cm Žbefore ca. 1980. probably way. This is clearly visible in the week long trajecto-
represent carbon accumulation before stagnant condi- ries for the low flow simulation ŽFig. 4a..
tions occurred, or at least before they intensified. The up-core changes in sediment type in the
The sample from the shelly horizon at 75 cm Žca. Three Mile core ŽFig. 3., from relatively pristine
1967. has a distinctive CrN of 9.8 and d13 C org of estuarine sediment in the late 1960s, through pro-
y22.2‰ ŽFig. 3. consistent with fully marine condi- gressively increasing organic-matter Žsewage. con-
tions at this time ŽAndrews et al., 1998.. Samples tent to the present day, therefore mainly reflect the
from 68–58 cm ŽFig. 3. have CrN around 15.8 and increasing load of sewage pollution with time, rather
J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343
Fig. 4. Maps of modelled area, Hunts Bay-Port Royal area shown on Fig. 1A. Vertical and horizontal scales are in metres. Ža. Week-long trajectories with weak river inflow
Žpre-causeway Hunts Bay coastline.. Trajectories start from the large dot. Žb. Modelled flow at near maximum flood tide with high river inflow Žpre-causeway Hunts Bay
J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343 341

than the effect of decreased circulation caused by and on the Harbour side of the causeway bridge
construction of the causeway. Žoutflow.: moreover, concentrations and enrichment
factors are highest at the northern end of the bay.
especially in the Three Mile corner where the circu-
6. Metal pollution history lation model predicts stagnant conditions.
The clear history of organic pollution in the north-
The concentrations and distributions of total sedi- east of Hunts Bay is reinforced by increased Pb and
ment lead ŽPb. and chromium ŽCr. are consistent Cr concentrations in the upper, organic-rich, 40 cm
with the organic pollution and hydrodynamic model Žlast ca. 15 years. of the Three Mile Core ŽFig. 3.
predictions. The concentration ranges for Cr and Pb relative to the less organic-rich, lower part ŽGuthrie,
in cores taken from sites shown in Fig. 1b Žexcept 1998.. Higher lead concentrations in the upper part
RC100. are given in Table 1. Enrichment factors of the core Ž) 400 mg gy1 above 46 cm; - 350 mg
ŽEF s  ErAl4sampler ErAl4crust ; where E s either Cr gy1 below 46 cm. probably reflect increased deposi-
or Pb. were calculated relative to Al normalised tion of atmospheric Pb Žroad dust. from increasing
crustal shale concentrations ŽMiekle, 1979. to min- use of automobiles. The slight up core increase in Cr
imise effects of grain size variation. ŽFig. 3; ) 100 mg gy1 above 46 cm; - 40 mg gy1
Both concentrations and enrichment factors sepa- below 46 cm. is probably related to increased indus-
rate the Cr data into three groups; Ž1. 3M site with trial waste, particularly Cr salts used for leather
high Cr Ž26–680 mg gy1 . and relatively high EF tanning. There is no clear evidence that these metal
Ž0.4–6.2.; Ž2. DR, NEB, MB, CHBS and FV sites contamination histories are directly associated Ži.e.,
with Cr 30–80 mg gy1 and EF 0.3–0.9; and Ž3. SG, speciated. with increased organic Žsewage. wastes,
RC and CPRS sites with Cr - 30 mg gy1 and EF - although both Cr and Pb concentrations are anoma-
0.3. The Pb data separates into 4 groups; Ž1. 3M site lously high in the 30–40 cm region, where wt.%
with Pb ) 300 mg gy1 and EF ) 16; Ž2. DR and SG C org also peaks ŽFig. 3..
sites with Pb 40–200 mg gy1 and EF 3.0–10.0; Ž3. The high Pb concentrations in the SG core occur
MB and NEB sites with Pb 30–70 mg gy1 and EF in the top 15 cm of sediment Ž- 80 mg gy1 below
1.5–3.5; and Ž4. CHBS, RC, FV and CPRS sites 15 cm, while the DR core concentrations are ) 90
with Pb - 50 mg gy1 and EF 0.5–2.5.. These groups mg gy1 throughout, except in the 10–25 cm depth
are clearly geographically related and reflect the region. These values are consistent with a road dust
circulation patterns predicted by the hydrodynamic source of Pb reaching the SG site during rainfall
model. Both metals have higher concentrations within events and a gradual accumulation of sediment at the
the bay than at the mouth of the Rio Cobre Žinflow. DR site contaminated by leachate from the Riverton

Table 1
Concentration ranges and enrichment factors for Cr and Pb in Hunts Bay sediment cores Žafter Guthrie, 1998.
Site Core depth Žcm. Cr Žmg gy1 . Pb Žmg gy1 . EFCr EFPb
3M 0–51 26–680 320–830 0.4–6.2 16.2–26.6
DR 0–55 Ž18. 25–69 Ž49. 60–166 Ž0.2. 0.4–0.8 3.0–9.5
SG 0–60 7–27 36–197 na na
NEB 0–44 Ž14. 30–56 31–67 Ž0.1. 0.3–0.4 1.5–2.7
MB 0–66 30–55 38–71 0.3–0.5 1.8–3.4
CHBS 0–30 38–81 19–22 0.5–0.9 0.8–1.4
FV 0–33 40–74 11–45 Ž55. 0.4–0.7 0.5–2.5
RC 0–35 7–25 18–36 0.1–0.3 0.9–1.7
CPRS 0–30 19–28 19–41 0.1–0.3 1.0–2.3 Ž3.1.

EF s ErAl4samplerErAl4crust ; where E s either Cr or Pb. Crustal shale concentrations ŽMiekle, 1979. were used as the reference.
na s No Al data available.
Numbers in brackets are outliers.
342 J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343

City Dump ŽFig. 1.. The highest Pb and Cr concen- yser. We thank the journal referees for their con-
trations in the Three Mile core Žpeaking at 833 mg structive comments.
gy1 Pb and 680 mg gy1 Cr. are typically more than
double those of values from cores elsewhere in the
Bay. These peak values are comparable, or higher References
than those found in other grossly polluted estuaries
Žsee, e.g., Greig et al., 1977; Greig and McGrath, Andrews, J.E., Riding, R., Dennis, P.F., 1993. Stable isotopic
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ŽFig. 1. may have led to an improvement of water Greig, R.A., Reid, R.N., Wenzloff, D.R., 1977. Trace metal
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The most cost-efficient monitoring of the effective- Hedges, J., Clark, W., Quay, P., Richey, J., Devol, A., Santos,
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chemistry data. This simple and cheap monitoring is West Indies. Jam. J. Sci. Technol. 1, 65–77.
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Taylor, J.K., 1987. Quality Assurance of Chemical Measurements.
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Lewis Publishers.
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J.E. Andrews et al.r Journal of Marine Systems 18 (1999) 333–343 343

Kingston Harbour. In A Rapid Assessment of Kingston Har- Conference on Science and Technology, Kingston, Jamaica,
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135 pp. Webber, D.F., Webber, M.K., Roff, J.C., 1992. Effects of flood
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