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Tea For Ewe Basket Weave Tea Cosy

Fits 4 cup pot, approximately 18” circumference and 6” tall

Materials: Manos del Uruguay Maxima, color M9644 Chrysanthemum US #9 circular needles (or whatever size
you need to gain gauge) Cable Needle Tapestry needle

Optional: pom-pom maker Stitch Holder

Gauge: 17 Stitches and 24 Rows = 4”

Abbreviations: CO = Cast On K = Knit P = Purl K2TOG = Knit 2 Stitches Together ST =

Stitch CN = Cable Needle LN = Left hand needle RN = Right hand needle PM = Place Marker

CO 104 ST, join in the round, and PM for beginning of round

1) K around
2) Put first 2 ST on CN, hold in front; knit 2 ST off LN, K2 ST off CN. Repeat around
3) K around
4) K2, *Place next 2 ST on CN, hold in back; K2 ST off LN, K2 ST off CN*; Repeat between * * until 2 ST left. Slip last
2 ST onto CN, hold in back; slip first 2 ST from beginning of round onto RN, then K2 ST off CN. Last 2 stitches
worked are now the beginning 2 stitches of round. Replace marker in correct position
5) K around

Put last 52 stitches worked onto stitch holder, or scrap yarn. You will now begin working each ½ separately back and

1) Put first 2 ST on CN, hold in front; knit 2 ST off LN, K2 ST off CN. Repeat to end of row. (52 stitches)
2) P across
3) K2 *Place next 2 ST on CN, hold in back; work 2 ST off LN, work 2 ST off CN*; Repeat between * * until 2 st
remaining, K last 2 ST.
4) P across
Repeat last 4 rows 6 times, or until piece is tall enough to clear top of your pots handle and spout. Cut working yarn,
leaving 6” tail. Put these stitches onto stitch holder or scrap yarn.

Pick up stitches from stitch holder, and attach working yarn to 2nd side of cosy and repeat the last 4 rows 6 times, as you
did for side 1.

When both sides are complete, you will work back , in pattern, then pick up stitches from side 1( from the stitch holder),
and continue working in the round, as follows.

1) Put first 2 ST on CN, hold in front, K 2 ST off LN, K2 ST off CN. Repeat for 1 st 52 ST, then pick up stitches from
stitch holder, and work the next 52 stitches in the same pattern. Join in round, and replace Marker for
beginning of round.
2) K around
3) K2, *Put 2 ST on CN, hold in back; K2 ST off LN, K 2 ST off CN*; Repeat between * * until 2 ST remaining. Put last
2 ST on CN, hold in back. Slip the beginning 2 ST of round onto RN, K 2 ST from CN. Last 2 ST worked are now
beginning 2 ST of round. Replace marker accordingly.
4) K around

Repeat last 4 rows 1 time.

9) Decrease row: Put first 2 ST on CN, hold in front; K2TOG off LN, K2 ST off CN. Repeat around. 72 ST

10) K around.

11) Decrease row: K1 ST, *Put 2 ST on CN, hold in front, K 1 ST off LN, K2TOG off CN*. Repeat between * * until 2 ST
remaining. Put last 2 ST on CN, hold in front, slip first ST of round onto RN; K2TOG from CN. Last stitch worked is now
first ST of round. Replace Marker in correct postion. 52 ST

12) K2TOG around. 26 ST.

13) K around

14) K2TOG around. 13 ST.

Cut 12” tail. Thread tapestry needle with this tail and pull yarn through all stitches to gather together. Secure top.

Weave in ends. Make and attach small pom-pom over hole in top of Cosy.


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