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Arts 8 Ms. Campbell

Fall 2019

Stay in Touch
Homework, documents, and updates can be accessed regularly on:
Google Classroom: Class code: 15l2zzh
Remind: text: @campla8 to the following phone number: (434)
Course Breakdown Late Assignments
Writing/Exams . . . . . . . ……………..45% Unless otherwise notified, assignments are
Reading Comprehension/Exams . . . . .35% due at the beginning of class on the assigned
Final Exam . . . . . . . . . ……………... 20% date. Extensions may be granted for students
with extenuating circumstances.
Late assignments:
➢ will only be accepted if turned in
before the marked assignment has
been returned to students.
➢ forfeit any feedback and/or
reassessment opportunities.

➢ The dress code and electronic devices policies of St. Mary’s will be followed in this
classroom. Cell phones will be turned in before the start of each class, and may be used in
the classroom at the teacher’s discretion. Furthermore, plagiarism will not be tolerated in
this classroom.
➢ If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to see me to catch up on what they missed
or will be missing. Materials may be found on Google Classroom, and I am more than
happy to communicate via email if you are unable to make it to class.
➢ Healthy drinks and snacks are welcome in the classroom as long as they are not
distracting to the learning environment.

This classroom is a place where everyone is free to learn and grow. In order to allow all students
to have the opportunity to learn, I ask that the five P’s are followed:

Be here, and be on time. Your ideas are
important, and we want to hear them and help
them grow.

We read, write, create, present, and discuss in
this class. Bring your books, pencils,
highlighters, questions, and ideas to class each
day. Please visit your locker before you come
to class.

Maximize your learning by staying on task,
carefully following directions, and engaging
in class activities and discussions.

Be kind to everyone. Be patient with yourself
and others. Be respectful to yourself, your
classmates, your teacher, and your classroom.
Contribute to the community in a positive and
uplifting manner.

Jump into this class with both feet--not for a
grade, but for your own growth. Be daring, be
different, take risks, make mistakes, discover
something unexpected, and create something
you are proud of.


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