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In this

Publication 2018

Who, are You ?

I often wonder what
would happen if.......?
We talk about killing time as if
it was time that kills us. Maybe
someday young people will
stop inventing their own youth.
The future intrigues us and the
past chains us.
That is why the present
escapes us. Who, are
you? We must reflect for a
moment on this fundamental
question: How are you living
your life? Are you living life to
the extent that I am identifying
myself as “a child of God?” Do
not complain, remember that
you were born naked, then that
pants and shirt you wear are
already profit. Take care of
your present because you will
live the rest of your life in it.
One thing remains the same: our
Savior is Jesus Christ and we are
saved by his grace. Do not think
that you will always have a lot of
time. “Today is the day to take
steps to change your life. If you
have not done it today,
remember that tomorrow is not
promised. Young people
remember, “You can’t turn back
the hands of time”.
Proverbs 27:1

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