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Patient with Pain (Post Op Fraktur Tibia Dextra)

Name :
1. Mutiara Yolanda Pratiwi : Patient
2. Murni Salamah : Patient’s mother
3. Hanna Lutfiani : Nurse 1
4. Yoga Iswara : Nurse 2
5. Wulan Ranadhanti : Doctor

Grade : 3B

At hospital X there is a patient named Ny.M. Patients were diagnosed with a post op
tibia fracture. Patient on the first day after surgery, the patient complained of pain due
to his operating wound, the patient said he could not sleep. The patient's wound is still
bandaged and the dressing looks clean TTV observation: TD: 120/80 mmhg, N: 90 x /
min R: 20 X / min, S: 36,5 'C. Pain assessment, Cause: Pain due to injury, Quality: Pain
such as pricking, Region: Pain causes the entire leg to, Scale pain: 6 out of 10, Time:
Continuous pain.
(The nurse checks the patient's condition)
Nurse 1 : Assalamualaikum Good morning, is right with Mrs. M, I'm Hanna's nurse
who take care of you this morning until afternoon, how did you sleep last
night, ma'am? Good or not?
Patient : Not nurse,
Nurse 1 : Why ???
Patient : this is nurse, my leg wound is painful, so I can't sleep.
Nurse 1 : Now you have take a break first and there are nurses who will teach you
relaxation techniques, so that you does not feel pain anymore.
Patient : ok nurse.

After checking the patient the nurse returns to the room to take further action to the
(After that the nurse headed to Ny.E room to do relaxation)
Nurse 2 : Good morning, rght with mam Mutiara ?
Patient : Morning. Yes that’s right.
Nurse 2 : My name is bruder yoga, today I will teach you relaxation techniques so that
your pain feels a little reduced, so you can sleep well. you willing, right?
Patient : Yes I want.
Nurse 2 : Yes, well mams. because the yor mother and you is here too, so you can see
the relaxation techniques that I teach, so that you and your mother will be able
to remind her how to relax later if you feels pain.
Family : yes, I will remind you how my child feels pain.
Nurse 2 : you can see me first after that own you while I teach.
Patient : (nods) Yes, yes.
Nurse 2 : First you breathes in through the nose, hold it for 3 seconds then exhale
slowly through the mouth (while practicing). This is repeated several times
until the pain is reduced. Do you understand now? Now, please try and repeat.
Patient : (Relaxing) like this, huh?
Nurse 2 : Yes, ma'am. Nice. Once again ma'am Later, if you are tired, you can rest first.
Patient : Yes.
Nurse 2 : You can understand the relaxation technique.
Family : can be repeated again ?
Nurse 2 : First, inhale through your nose, hold for 3 seconds then exhale slowly
through your mouth (while practicing). now understand? Try you practice?
Family : (Practicing relaxation techniques), so if I have pain, I can also do this method
so that my pain will decrease ?.
Nurse 2 : Yes you can, so this method is repeated several times until the pain decreases.
Family : Yes, thank you.
Nurse 2 : Yes ma'am Now I have finished, later at 11.00 a.m there is a doctor's visit to
check your condition
Patient : ok nurse.

At 11:00 a.m the doctor came to check on the client's condition

Doctor : Good morning, right with mutiara
Patient : right, I'm a mutiara
Doctor : OK, my name is doctor wulan I'm going to check on your condition today,
what do you feel?
Patient : My surgical wound still feels aching pain, and I have trouble sleeping but I
have been taught relaxation techniques to reduce pain
Doctor : it's good for you to repeat relaxation technique , I check you right now (the
doctor checks the patient's wound). The wound is good and still clean, the pain
that you feels is reasonable because this is a effect from the loss of anesthetic
drugs so you can feel pain. Then I will prescribe medication to reduce pain.
Patient : ok doc, then when my wound bandage is opened. Doc?
Doctor : the bandage is opened after three days, don't move too much so you don't get
more pain and keep doing the deep breath taught by the nurse and the
medicine regularly.
Patient : ok doc thank you.

After being treated for one week by the nurse and doctor the patient recovered and was
discharged from the hospital in good health.

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