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J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2006) 33: 496–499

DOI 10.1007/s10295-006-0112-5


Julian Davies

Are antibiotics naturally antibiotics?

Received: 3 January 2006 / Accepted: 8 March 2006 / Published online: 22 March 2006
Ó Society for Industrial Microbiology 2006

Abstract Antibiotics have been used for more than germ)’’. Brock’s well-known textbook of microbiology
50 years and are the cornerstone of infectious disease [11] defines an antibiotic as ‘‘a chemical agent produced
treatment; in addition, these low-molecular-weight bio- by one organism that is harmful to other organisms’’.
active compounds have been applied to many other Other texts produce variations of this theme but often
therapeutic purposes. However, there is almost no ignore the original requirement for the active com-
information on the evolutionary biology or ecology of pound to be made by a microorganism. It should be
naturally occurring low-molecular-weight compounds. emphasized that all definitions are based on sparse
The large number of different structural types and the knowledge of the ecology and biology of naturally
extremely broad range of biological activities of organic occurring low-molecular-weight organic compounds.
molecules produced by microbes raise many questions
concerning their roles in nature. Recent evidence for the
enormous complexity of microbial populations in the What antibiotics do?
environment favors the notion that the principal roles of
small molecules in microbial ecology are cell–cell com- It has been shown that all so-called antibiotics at very
munication and not antibiosis. low dilution (as low as 1/100 of inhibitory concentra-
tions) do not exhibit antibiosis but have major effects on
Keywords Hormesis Æ Natural products Æ metabolism; global transcription patterns are altered
Sociomicrobiology Æ Transcription modulation significantly (Fig. 1). The identification of the latter
activity can be achieved with simple assays by using a
selection of bacterial promoter–reporter constructs [10,
Introduction 18]. Some 5–10% of cell transcripts are modulated,
approximately half up-regulated and half down-regu-
Let us begin with a definition. What is an antibiotic? In lated. How does one describe compounds that exert
1945 Selman Waksman proposed that the word be de- antibiosis at high concentration but have a different,
fined as ‘‘a chemical substance of microbial origin that stimulatory effect at low concentration? The phenome-
possesses antibiotic powers’’ [21]. What, then, are these non of distinct concentration-dependent activities has
powers? When growth inhibition results from the inter- been described as hormesis [5]. There is considerable
actions of two microbes, it is considered to be the evidence that both the target pathogen and the host
manifestation of antibiosis. exhibit transcriptional changes; it is probable that all
Webster’s Third International Dictionary (1981) types of living cells have specific responses to small
defines an antibiotic as ‘‘a substance produced by a molecules. The duality of small molecule activity is
microorganism (as a bacterium or a fungus) and in universal. A couple of glasses of wine with dinner are
dilute solution having the capacity to inhibit the growth pleasant and even beneficial, but the consumption of a
of or kill another microorganism (such as a disease jeroboam could have serious side effects. Thus, micro-
bially produced small molecules should not be inferred
J. Davies
to be antibiotics indiscriminately, since this represents
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, only a partial description of their bioactivity. In fact,
Life Sciences Institute, 2350 Health Sciences Mall, antibiosis has proven to be an insensitive and inaccurate
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3 method to identify or describe the bioactivity of a given
E-mail: compound and may not even detect its presence. The
Tel.: +1-604-8223978
Fax: +1-604-8273922 requirement of high concentrations for antibiosis leads

above [6, 12]. Until recently their significant activities at

subinhibitory concentrations were unknown, and it can
be argued that inhibitory concentrations are rarely
produced in the environment. In any event, the accurate
determination of the concentration of an antibiotic
activity in soil is difficult, to say the least, especially
when the active compounds are components of complex
mixtures of small molecules with different chemical
properties and biochemical activities. The detection of a
defined antibiotic activity in soil has not been reported.
The premise of a wide range of antibiosis necessarily
assumes that microbial small molecules in nature exert
inhibitory activity against bacteria, fungi, plants, insects,
and even animals. Such antagonistic roles have rarely
been demonstrated. On the other hand, a good case for
universal small molecule signaling can be made.
Consideration of evolutionary biology leads to the
conclusion that the enormous number of small molecules
Fig. 1 An idealized diagram showing the relationship between made naturally by bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals
small molecule (antibiotic) concentration, transcription modulation have important functions in the environment. They are
(low), and growth inhibition (high). MIC refers to the minimal
inhibitory concentration produced because cells evolved the complex genetic and
biochemical machinery to make them. Having said this,
how can the ecology and evolutionary biology of small
one to argue that, under true physiological (environ- molecules be studied in a logical and meaningful manner?
mental) conditions such as in soil and marine habitats, The processes are finely regulated and it is apparent that
inhibitory concentrations of small molecules are rarely not all of the biosynthetic pathways are expressed under
achieved. If such is indeed the case, modulation of cel- laboratory conditions; the signals required for activation
lular transcription patterns represents the ‘normal’ are known in a few cases only. Are the chemicals pro-
function of the vast majority of low-molecular-weight duced by any given microbe in the environment identical
natural products. Perhaps it is best said that ‘‘an anti- to those made by the same microbe in the laboratory, and
biotic is a therapeutic agent produced by a pharmaceu- do they have the same biological activity?
tical company’’, this definition being useful only in the Most studies to date suggest that antibiotics and other
context of a property of small molecules outside of their bioactive small molecules are not required for growth
normal environment. Waksman himself concluded that under laboratory conditions. However, it has to be
antibiotic activity itself was not important in natural admitted that only limited studies have probed this
microbial populations [21]. question, and of course, laboratory conditions hardly
The isolation and identification of antibiotics in the represent the environment. It is common knowledge that
laboratory often requires the identification of a pitifully bacterial mutants dependent on streptomycin for growth
small amount of compound that is made only because can be isolated in the laboratory. Are bacterial strains
the producing microorganism is placed in a foreign dependent for growth or function on the presence of
environment. This is generally an extremely rich mono- streptomycin (or any such small molecule) present in
culture in liquid medium with unlimited nutrients and nature? Small molecules are known to play hormone-like
oxygen and at a constant temperature (except for roles in the interactions of microbes, plants, and animals.
equatorial denizens) [8]. Under such conditions cell This is consistent with the notion that the main envi-
metabolism becomes disturbed with the result that ronmental role of microbial small molecules is coopera-
normal functions may be over- or under-expressed, tive inter-species interactions within complex microbial
permitting production at measurable amounts. Clearly and other communities. In defense of antibiosis-minded
the organism is placed under strong physiological stress, microbiologists, one cannot exclude the possibility that
although the roles of stress responses in the overpro- some compounds may play various competitive roles as
duction of small molecule secondary metabolites under antagonists and to suppress plant pathogens; numerous
laboratory conditions (relative to levels synthesized in examples of these types of activity have been demon-
the wild) have not been analyzed. It should be remem- strated [15]. That being said, positive interactions are
bered that in nutritionally depleted soil environments vital functions that were established during primordial
most of the resident microbes grow at generation times development, and cells (organisms) capable of commu-
that may be 50–100 times lesser than in the three-star- nity relationships possessed an evolutionary advantage
restaurant environment of a bacteriology laboratory [1]. (the family that preys together stays together). All cells,
There has been considerable anthropocentric discus- be they prokaryote or eukaryote, exist and function
sion on the roles of small molecules in nature, most of cooperatively in their particular environments, in some
which is based on the pharmaceutical definition given form of organized structure [13]. The co-existence of

microbes in biofilms, in lichens, and other symbiotic and specificity of cell–cell interactions. How can we find
relationships are particularly well characterized and an- out what these millions of small molecules are doing?
cient examples. Can it be assumed that small molecules Are they all components of cell–cell communication
are the keys to all such associations? systems? How can the chemical languages be deci-
The evidence for a universe of small molecules in phered? Microbes are talking to each other, but we do
nature is compelling; for example, most streptomycetes not understand what they are saying; we do not know
have the theoretical capacity to produce as many as what wavelength to tune-in to listen [20]. More impor-
20–30 different molecules, each with defined and regu- tantly, they also communicate with other creatures and
lated biosynthesis pathways [3]; many of these pathways vice versa. How do we study the potential roles of small
are of unidentified function. To increasing extents, small molecules in complex environments?
molecule biosynthetic capacity is being identified in many Parenthetically, if antibiosis is not a major role of
other bacterial genera; there is nothing unique about small molecules in complex microbial environments such
streptomycetes or actinomycetes (except perhaps for the as soils, one has to question the function of antibiotic
number and chemical diversity of compounds produced). resistance—resistant organisms are prevalent. This may
Other members of the Actinobacteria [7], the Pseudo- be a means of modulating small molecule signaling or
monads [4], and the Bacilli [9] are all rich sources of small changing its specificity. The topic clearly needs addi-
molecules that have been inadequately investigated. tional investigation.
There is no shortage of bioactive small molecules in In recent years there has been increasing interest in the
nature. This is especially true when we consider that 99% field of chemical biology; this is not a new discipline;
of microbial strains cannot be grown under labora- nature invented it and chemical biology has been a vital
tory conditions—so much for the dearth of potential element of cellular function for aeons. The biology of
pharmaceutical agents! The exciting studies of quorum- small molecules is an important and largely unexplored
sensing mechanisms in Gram and Gram+ bacteria, the field that deserves more attention, especially to provide a
expanding catalog of auto-inducing molecules and better understanding of the inter- and intra-generic
their roles in the regulation of development, antibiotic interactions responsible for maintaining homeostasis in
production, and pathogenicity continue to provide the environment. Complex microbial populations exist in
information on the ubiquitous production and biological nature under conditions of biological solidarity and
importance of low-molecular-weight compounds in interdependence linked by networks of chemical signals,
microbial ecology [19]. Studies of the roles of acylho- using many types of molecule. Better understanding of
moserine lactones and other compounds in interkingdom these many processes will be of enormous value to science
communication are a growing field of interest [2, 17] and and medicine. Traditional approaches to the discovery
multiple biological responses in a variety of eukaryotic and application of natural products for antibiotic use,
hosts have been shown. This is but the tip of the iceberg. albeit successful, have obscured the fact that small mol-
The study of sociomicrobiology [16] is an expanding ecules are as critical to cell function and survival as DNA,
discipline; increasingly, bacterial families are found to RNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. New and
use chemical signals to establish networks of communi- valuable applications will be revealed only if discovery
cation. The time has come to expand these concepts more and bioactivity screening of natural small molecules is
broadly (all microbes in all environments?). Interesting carried out with due consideration of their evolution,
evolutionary relationships are becoming apparent, for biology, and chemistry. More significant and targeted
example, between acylhomoserine-lactone signaling in collaboration between academia, industry, and govern-
Gram-negative bacteria and the c-butyrolactone signal- ment is required. Could we perhaps learn some principles
ing system in actinomycetes. Cationic peptides, originally for effective interactions from the microbial world?
identified as antimicrobials, are common components
of inter- and intra-cellular signaling in many complex Acknowledgements I wish to thank the students in my UBC labo-
cellular systems, from the microcins of intestinal bacte- ratory and the many colleagues with whom I have discussed the
topics in this paper; some are believers. Also, I recognize the gen-
ria, to antibiotics, and to innate immunity in everything erosity of pharmaceutical companies who have provided com-
from flies to humans [14]. This has opened up an entirely pounds for unrestricted use in my laboratory. The experimental
new aspect of small molecule biology. Until now, these studies described were generously supported by the Canadian
wide-ranging studies have largely focused on cationic Bacterial Diseases Network, the Canadian Institute for Health
Research, and the National Science and Engineering Research
peptides and their derivatives, but one can predict Council (Canada).
with confidence that future work will implicate other
structural types of small molecule.

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