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Nel nome del Padre, e del Figlio, e dello Spirito

Santo. Amen.
Padre nostro che sei nei cieli,
sia santificato il tuo Nome,
venga il tuo Regno,
sia fatta la tua Volontà
come in cielo così in terra. Prof. Arniel Mantiza Iway, Ph.D.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano,
e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori,
GE 108 Moral Lights
e non ci indurre in tentazione,
ma liberaci dal Male. Amen

Ethics Good, Bad, and indifferent

 standards of conduct, Good: adjective of better or best, admirable,
pleasing, superior, or positive qualities
 indicate how one should behave
 agrees to the dictates of right reason
 principles of right and wrong
 affects how people make Bad: failing to reach an acceptable standard,
decisions and lead their lives unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable

 concerned with what is good for Indifferent: no particular interest or

individuals and society sympathy; unconcerned, neither good nor

Good, Bad, and indifferent Good, Bad, and indifferent

Good: adjective of better or best, admirable, Good: adjective of better or best, admirable,
pleasing, superior, or positive qualities pleasing, superior, or positive qualities

Good, Bad, and indifferent Good, Bad, and indifferent
Good: adjective of better or best, admirable, Good: adjective of better or best, admirable,
pleasing, superior, or positive qualities pleasing, superior, or positive qualities

Good, Bad, and indifferent Good, Bad, and indifferent

Bad: failing to reach an acceptable standard, Bad: failing to
unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable reach an
harmful, or

Good, Bad, and indifferent Good, Bad, and indifferent

Bad: failing to reach an acceptable standard, Bad: failing to reach an acceptable standard,
unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable

Good, Bad, and indifferent Good, Bad, and indifferent
beach circa 70 - USA
Indifferent: no particular interest or
sympathy; unconcerned, neither good nor
Bad: failing to
reach an
harmful, or

Good, Bad, and indifferent Good, Bad, and indifferent

Indifferent: no particular interest or
sympathy; unconcerned, neither good nor
bad Indifferent: no
particular interest
or sympathy;
neither good nor

Good, Bad, and indifferent DECISION

Indifferent: no particular interest or
sympathy; unconcerned, neither good nor
bad Listen to the values
you grow up with

customs or conventions
determined by the society
not definite
vary from culture to culture

Values  Instrumental Value

 Instrumental Value • value as a means to some end.
• value as a means to some end.
 Intrinsic value
• Valuable in itself
• Valued by someone for its own sake
 Extrinsic value
• the portion of the worth that has been
assigned to an item by external factors

 Instrumental Value  Intrinsic value

• value as a means to some end. • Valuable in itself
• Valued by someone for its own sake

 Intrinsic value  Extrinsic value
• Valuable in itself • the portion of the worth that has been
• Valued by someone for its own sake assigned to an item by external factors

 Extrinsic value
• the portion of the worth that has been
assigned to an item by external factors

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