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Indian PLAXIS Users Meeting, 2014

Hotel Park, Kolkata

Arindam Dey
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering Division
IIT Guwahati

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Outline of the Presentation

 Introduction and background
 PVD related issues
 Problem statement for the case study
 PLAXIS 2D FE modeling
 Salient results and discussions
 Closing remarks
 Relevant references


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 Rapid increase of population and accompanying demands
 Development of infrastructures
 Housing, recreation areas, industrial parks, harbors, airport development

 Coastal reclamation and Marshy soils

 Construction on compressible soft soils
 Excessive settlement, high compressibility and low bearing strength

 Ground improvement
 Avoid excessive settlement
 Prevent stability and bearing failures
 Various ground improvement techniques
 Mechanical, Chemical and/or Hydraulic stabilization
 Inclusion of confining materials such as geosynthetics in the soil


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Ground Improvement by Consolidation

 Consolidation settlement in soft
clay subsoil
 Time-rate of long-term primary
 Degree of permeability of the soft layer
 Rate of dissipation of pore-water
 Distance between the drainage layers

 Decrement in consolidation time

 Decrease the distance between the
drainage layer
 Installation of vertical drains aided by
surcharge embankment

Geo-strata Brochure (2004)

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Preloading / Precompression
 Compression of underlying soil
 Application of vertical stress prior to the
placement of permanent construction load

 Earth fill/Sandbags applied in stages

 Increases bearing capacity of soft deposits
 Reduces post-constructional compressibility
/ settlements of weak ground
 Densification of high-permeable deposits
 Consolidation of low-permeable deposits
Hausmann (1990)


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Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVDs)

 Artificial drainage paths
 Shortening of drainage length
 Initial horizontal flow of water towards the drain
 Vertical flow follows through the drain
 Final drainage into the free-flowing drainage

 Accelerating the rate of primary consolidation
 Increase in stability
 Rise of pore-pressure under applied load
 Drains allow for quick dissipation of pore-water
Hausmann (1990)


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PVDs: Getup and Equivalent Diameter

Plastic Core
 Plastic core consisting series of drainage channels
 Allows passage of water
 Filter sleeve encasement
 Preventing migration of fine soil particles into the
Filter Sleeve

 Equivalent drain diameter Global Synthetics (2010)

 To satisfy theories of radial consolidation and
radial drainage
 Hansbo (1979) dw = 2 ( a + b ) / π

 Atkinson and Eldred (1981)

dw = ( a + b) / 2

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PVD: Influence Zone

 Arrangement of vertical drains
 Rectangular or Triangular grid
 Equivalent diameter (De)

Bergado (1994)


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PVD: Smear Effect

 Formation of smear zone (Barron, 1948)
 Varieties of installation equipments
 Mandrel is pushed into the ground statically or
 Mandrel protects the drain during installation
 Surrounding soil gets displaced and pushed Undisturbed
during installation Zone
 Development of shear strains
 Increase in total stress and pore-pressure
 Smear zone
 Zone of reduced permeability in the soil
adjacent to drain periphery
 Installation in varved soils
 Dragging of more finer impervious layers over
the pervious layers Hansbo (1981), Wood (1982)

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Extent and Pereability of Smear Zone: Summary
Source Extent Permeability Remarks

Barron (1948) rs = 1.6 rm kh / ks = 3 Assumed

Hansbo (1979) rs = 1.5 ~ 2 rm Not mentioned Based on available literature at that time

Hansbo (1981) rs = 1.5 rm kh / ks = 3 Assumed in case study

Bergado et al.,(1991) rs = 2 rm k h / kv = 1 Laboratory investigation and back analyses for

Bangkok Soft clay

Onoue (1991) rs = 1.6 rm kh / ks = 3 From test interpretation

Almeida et al. (1998) rs = 1.5 ~ 3rm kh / k s = 3 ~ 6 Based on experiences

Indraratna et al. (1998) rs = 4 ~ 5 rm k h / k s = 1.15 Laboratory investigation (For Sydney clay)

Chai and Miura (1999) rs = 2 ~ 3rm kh / ks = Cf (kh / ks ) The ratio between lab and field values

Hird et al. (2000) rs = 1.6 rm kh / ks = 3 Recommend for design

Xiao (2000) rs = 4 rm k h / k s = 1.3 Laboratory investigation (For Kaolin clay)


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PVD: Well Resistance

 Retardation of radial consolidation process
 Discharge capacity of the vertical drain (qw) reaches to its maximum

 Governing factors
 Maximum drain discharge capacity
 Radial permeability of the soil (kh)
 Discharge length of the drain (lm)
 Probable geometric defects on the drain
 Deterioration of drain filter, Siltation and Drain folding during installation

 Well resistance factor R = qw / kh lm2

 Mesri and Lo (1981), Sathananthan (2005)
 R > 5  Negligible well resistance

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Floating PVDs
 Partially penetrating PVDs
 Influence zone of loaded areas is significantly less than the thickness of
the soft soil layer
 Vertical stress increase is noted only in the shallower depths
 No necessity of improving the entire soft soil stratum
 Typical cases of railway track embankments on soft soils
 Penetration depth can be decreased up to 20-30%


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PVDs: Radial Consolidation Theories

 Consolidation theory in radial co-ordinates (Terzaghi, 1943)
1 ∂u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂u
ch ( + 2 ) + cv ( 2 ) = ( )
r ∂r ∂r ∂z ∂t
 cv, ch  Coefficient of vertical and horizontal consolidation
 r  Radial distance from the centre of the well
 u  Pore-pressure ratio

 Solution for pore-pressure ratio and radial consolidation

(Barron, 1948)
 −8Th  cht n2 3n 2 − 1
U r = 1 − exp   , Th = 2 F ( n) = ln( n ) −
 F ( n)  De n2 − 1 4n 2
 n Spacing ratio n = De d w

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PVDs: Radial Consolidation Theories

 Consideration of smear effect and well resistance in the radial
consolidation theories (Hird, 1981)
 For perfect drain condition 3
F ( n) = ln(n) −

 Considering only smear effect n k  3

F = F (n) + Fs = ln   +  h  ln( s ) −
 s   ks  4
 Considering both smear effects and well resistance

n k  3 2 kh s=
F = F (n) + Fs + Fr = ln   +  h  ln( s ) − + π z (2lm − z ) rw
 s   ks  4 qw

 F(n)  Drain spacing factor, Fs  Smear effect factor, Fr  Well resistance

factor, kh  Horizontal permeability, ks  Reduced permeability in the smear
zone, lm  length of drainage, z distance to the point of flow


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PVDs: Radial Consolidation Theories

 Notations used

Cheng et al. (1995)


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KUMPP, Nellore, India

 The project
 Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh
 Constructed by Reliance Infrastructure Ltd.
 Construction of three trial embankments
 Ground improvement, band drain installation, soil instruments and preloading

 Trial embankment (TA2)

 Max. height – 4m
 Side slopes – 1V:2H
 Base dimension – 50m x 50m
 Drain length – 20m
 Drain spacing – 2.5m @ Triangular grid
 Mandrel – Rectangular (150mm x 40mm)
 PVD – 100mm x 4mm Radhakrishnan (2011)

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KUMPP, Nellore, India

 Subsoil stratification and
typical borehole profile at
the test-site
 Medium dense to dense
silty-sand of thickness 6-7m
 SPT N-value: 10-30
 Soft compressible silty-clay
of thickness 14m
 Vane shear tests
 Stiff- to very stiff clay as a
competent foundation

Radhakrishnan (2011)


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KUMPP, Nellore, India

 Construction and staged preloading
 Layers of 300mm thickness and compacted to desired design

Radhakrishnan (2011)


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Modeling in PLAXIS 2D v2012

 General features
 FE package
 Provides distribution of stress and deformations in the entire model domain
 Automatic unstructured 2D FE mesh generation
 Robust triangulation technique
 Associated feature of local and global mesh refinement
 Realistic simulation of staged construction process
 Activation and deactivation of clusters/elements
 Load applications
 In-situ geostatic stress generation
 2D FE analysis
 Plane strain – Constant longitudinal stress/strain models
 Axisymmetric – Radial stress/strain analysis
 Analysis features PLAXIS 2D Reference
 In-situ, Plastic, Consolidation, Safety, and Dynamic Manual (2012)

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Constitutive Behavior of Soils

 Constitutive models used for the case study
 Mohr-Coulomb (MC): Elastic-Perfectly plastic model
 Stiffness parameters: E and υ
 Strength parameters: c, φ and ψ
 Hardening Soil (HS): Non-viscous Stress-dependent model
 Triaxial loading and unloading stiffness: E50 and Eur (≈3E50)
 Oedometer loading stiffness: Eoed (≈E50)
 Strength parameters: c, φ and ψ
 Soft Soil Creep (SSC): Viscous model
 Takes into account compression, swelling and secondary compression indices
 Normalized forms

Cc 2Cr 2Cα
λ* = , κ* = , µ* =
2.3 (1 + e ) 2.3 (1 + e ) 2.3 (1 + e )


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Drainage Types
 High permeability material or Low rate of loading
 Low permeability material or high rate of loading
 Undrained (A)
 Effective stiffness and strength parameters
 Correct prediction of pore-pressures
 Incorrect estimation of undrained shear strength (su)
 Undrained (B) PLAXIS 2D Reference
 Effective stiffness and undrained strength parameter Manual (2012)
 Undrained (C)
 Undrained total stress analysis with all undrained
 No pore-water prediction

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Modeling of PVDs
 Drain elements in PLAXIS
 Activated for the consolidation analysis
 Prescribing zero-excess pore-pressure in
all the nodes that belong to drain
 Selective activation in a particular
analysis phase
 Account for delayed installation of
vertical drains
 Drains in plane-strain condition et al. (2007)
 Radial consolidation theories consider
drains as axisymmetric elements
 Drains are modeled as plane strain
 Satisfy compatibility with the plane strain
modeling of the embankment


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PVD: Axisymmetric-to-Plane Strain Condition

 Conversion based on unit-cell concept
 Geometrical compatibility approach
 Drain spacing is adjusted while permeability
is maintained constant
 Permeability compatibility approach
 Permeability is adjusted while drain spacing
is kept constant
 Hybrid compatibility approach
 Plane strain compatibility is achieved for
convenient drain spacing Indraratna et al. (1997)
 Indraratna et al. (1997)  k 
kh α + ( β ) hp' + (θ )(2lz − z 2 ) 
 Geometrical compatibility approach  k hp 
k hp =
 Estimation of plane strain horizontal   n   kh  2 kh

 ln   +  '  ln( s) − 0.75 + π (2lz − z ) 
permeability (khp)   s  k
 h q w

 Considers smear and well resistance

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PVD: Axisymmetric-to-Plane Strain Condition

 Hird et al. (1997)
 Permeability compatibility approach
 Estimation of plane strain horizontal
permeability (kpl) in relation axisymmetric
horizontal permeability (kax)
k pl 2
kax  k  3
3 ln ( n ) +  ax  ln ( s ) − 
  ks  4

 Chai et al. (2001) Indraratna et al. (1997)

 Estimating equivalent vertical permeability
 Horizontal undisturbed and smear permeabilities

 2.26l 2 kh   De   k h   d s  3  2 2  kh
kve = 1 + k µ = ln   +  − 1 ln   − + π  l 
 µ De2 kv  v  d w   ks   dw  4  3  qw


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Modeling of Subsurface
 Three different substrata models
 Model I:
 All strata are modeled by MC model

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Modeling of Subsurface
 Three different substrata models
 Model II:
 Clay stratum is modeled as SSC while the remaining strata are modeled by
MC model


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Modeling of Subsurface
 Three different substrata models
 Model III:
 Clay stratum is modeled as HS while the remaining strata are modeled by
MC model

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Modeling Construction Sequence

 Construction sequence
 In-situ and water pressure generation
 Installation of vertical drains
 Staged filling


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 Medium meshing for the entire domain
 Half-analysis due to symmetric section


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Deformed Shape
 Deformed shape obtained after a consolidation period of 195
 Exhibits bending of the vertical drains

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Efficacy of PVDs: No Smear Effect

 Settlement profiles
 Settlement recorded beneath the centre of the embankment
 Rate of settlement without PVD is very slow
 No ready-made drainage paths for escape of pore-water

 Time required for ultimate settlement

 With PVD: 1157 days
 Ultimate settlement: 530mm

 Settlement achieved by 1157 days

without PVD


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Efficacy of PVDs: No Smear Effect

 Excess pore-pressure profiles
 Pore-pressure recorded at 5m from centre
and 15m from ground surface
 Without PVD
 Maximum pore-pressure reached at the end of
preloading period: 67kPa
 Rate of dissipation of excess pore-pressure is
extremely low
 Excess pore-pressure at the end of 186 days:
 With PVD
 Maximum pore-pressure reached at the end of
preloading period: 30kPa
 Ensure proper functioning of PVDs
 Excess pore-pressure at the end of 186 days:

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Efficacy of PVDs: No Smear Effect

 Comparative excess pore-pressure profiles

Without PVD, After Preloading Without PVD, After Consolidation

Pore-pressure: ~60-100 kPa Pore-pressure: ~48-72 kPa

With PVD, After Preloading With PVD, After Consolidation

Pore-pressure: ~ 60-70 kPa Pore-pressure: ~32-66 kPa


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Smear Effect of PVDs

 Settlement profiles
 Low smear zone permeability and lower kh/ks ratio
 kh/ks ratio 1-3: No significant effect on the settlement profile
 Field settlement hints to kh/ks ratio in the range of 3-4
 Ultimate settlement gets drastically affected beyond kh/ks ratio of 4

Field settlement

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Smear Effect of PVDs
 Pore-pressure profiles
 Large variation between field measurements and A A

numerical results (at the point of 5,15)

 Large variation of pore-pressure between drains
 The point is marked on the ground surface
 Records of tilting of many pore-pressure transducers
 Possibility of different measuring point within the


Field pore-pr


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Effect of PVD Spacing
 Spacing models
 I: Uniform spacing 1m c/c
 II: Uniform spacing 2.5m c/c
 III: 2.5m c/c at centre and 4m c/c at periphery
 Higher dissipation due to closer spacing of
drains results in more settlement
 Lower pore-pressure generated at the periphery
of embankment
 Lower peripheral drain spacing does not affect
the response

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Effect of Constitutive Models

 Soil constitutive models to
represent clay stratum
 MC, HS and SSC
 SSC model should have
provided the best
representation and estimate
 Anomaly: Result similar to
the HS model
 Reasons for this anomaly
 Inadequate field data
 Assumed empirical material
parameter relationships and


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Effect of Floating PVDs

 Main concept
 Thick soft stratum with respect to the
influence zone of load
 Degree of consolidation should not
be significantly different than a fully
penetrating drain
 Till L/H = 0.7-0.8
 May result in significant loss of shear
strength beyond the drains if the clay
layer is not thick enough


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Salient Conclusions
 FE simulations
 Some agreeable and some arguable match with the field measurements
 Efficacy of PVDs
 Ultimate settlement in shorter span of time
 Accelerated pore-pressure dissipation
 Smear phenomenon
 Significantly affects the settlement and pore-pressure dissipation for kh/ks > 4
 Spacing of PVDs
 Spacing can be reduced at periphery without significantly affecting the
settlement and pore-pressure response at the centre
 Choice of soil constitutive model
 Proper representation depends on the accuracy of the estimation of model
parameters from field estimates
 Floating PVDs
 Reduction in length (~15-20%) can be cost effective for thicker soft stratum


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 Atkinson, M. S., and Eldred, P. J. L. (1981). Consolidation of soil using vertical drains. Geotechnique, 31(1), 33-43.
 Barron A. (1948).Consolidation of fine grained soils by drain wells. American Society of Civil Engineers, 113, 718-728
 Bergado, D. T. (1994). Improving Techniques of Soft Ground in Subsiding and Lowland Environment. Taylor and
Francis Group.
 Chai, J. C., Shen, S. L., Miura, N., and Bergado, D. T. (2001). Simple method of modeling PVD-improved
subsoil. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 127(11), 965-972.
 Hansbo S. (1981).Consolidation of fine-grained soils by prefabricated vertical drains. Proceedings of the 10th
International conference on Soil Mechanics, Stockholm, 3, 677-682.
 Hansbo, S. (1979). Consolidation of clay by band shaped prefabricated drains. Ground Engineering, 12(5), 21-25.
 Hausmann, M. R. (1990). Engineering principles of ground modification. McGraw-Hill., McGraw-Hill Publishing
 Hird, C. C., Pyrah, I. C., Russell, D., and Cinicioglu, F. (1995). Modelling the effect of vertical drains in two-dimensional
finite element analyses of embankments on soft ground. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 32(5), 795-807.
 Indraratna, B., and Redana, I. W. (1997). Plane-strain modeling of smear effects associated with vertical drains. Journal
of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 123(5), 474-478.
 Mesri, G., and Lo, D. O. K. (1991). Field performance of prefabricated vertical drains. Proceedings of GEO-COAST ‘91,
Yokohama, 231-236.
 Plaxis (2012) Plaxis Finite Element Code for Soil and Rock Analyses: Reference Manual 2D-Version 12. Delft, The
 Radhakrishnan R., (2011).Performance of Prefabricated Vertical Drains and Pre-loading for a Major Construction Project.
Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conforence, kochi December 15-17, 2011.
 Sathananthan, I. (2005). Modelling of vertical drains with smear installed in soft clay., University of Wollongong,
 Terzaghi, K. (1943). Theoretical soil mechanics, John Wiley and sons, New York.
 Wood I.R (1982).Vertical Drains. Thomas Telford LTD.


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 Mr. R. Radhakrishnan
 Managing Director, Bharat Geosystems

 Mr. Giridhar Rajesh Bande

 Former Masters Student (2011-2013)
 M. Tech. Thesis
 Embankments resting on PVD incorporated soft soils: Modeling issues,
analysis and interpretation (2013) Dept. of Civil Engineering, IIT Guwahati


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Thank You for Patient Hearing



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