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• What is science?

• Science refers to the logical, systematic methods by which knowledge is obtained and to be the
actual body of knowledge produced by these methods.

• Science is a social institution and a way to produce knowledge.

• A Science is a body of organized verified knowledge which has been secured through scientific

• The Scientist has no techniques

• Knowledge attained by him is instrumental

• Science is the knowledge and method of investigation

• Object world is quite different from the Subject world.

• Based on unbiased investigation

• Types of Science

1. Natural Sciences

 Physics

 Chemistry

 Biology

Definition of Social Sciences:-

• The scientific study of human society and social relationships.

• Social sciences concern people’s relationship and interactions with one another.

1. Social Sciences

 Sociology

 Psychology

 Anthropology

 Political Science
 Geography

What is Sociology?
• The systematic study of society and its institutions (Macionis)

• The science of society (Sumner)

• The study of social action (Weber)

• Sociology is the study of human social life, groups and societies (Giddens)

• Sociology is the Scientific Study of Society (August Comte)

• Sociology is the Study of Social Facts through Social Institutions (Emile Durkhiem

• Sociology is the Study of Social Groups on the Basis of Social Interaction (George Simmel)

• Sociology is the Study of Humans Living Together (Tonnies)

Why Study Sociology?

• It helps Individual to access the truth of commonly belief things

• Sociology helps to access the opportunities and constraints that are determining our life

• Sociology helps individual to participate in everyday life

• Sociology helps to understand the human variety in society

• Sociology helps to understand the causes and consequences of change

• To make sense of the rapidly changing world that we live in.

• To understand our place within this world.

• To distinguish between personal problems or public issues.

• To understand ourselves

• To understand the social problems

• To understand and explain the world we live in and our situation in it

• The aggregate of people living together

• An organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific,
political, patriotic, or other purposes.

Social Problem

• Any problem which is present in society and negatively affect the society, collectively define as a
problem and people want to do something about it.

• Poverty, Unemployment, Child Labor, Energy Crises. Corruption

History of Sociology:
• It was first coined in 1780 by the French essayist Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès (1748–1836) in an
unpublished manuscript. Sociology was later defined independently by the French philosopher
of science, August Comte (1798–1857) in 1838 as a new way of looking at society.

• August Comte known as ‘The Father of Sociology’

Sociological Perspectives:-
Peter Berger defined Sociological Perspective as

 Seeing the General in the Particular

 Sociologists identify general social patterns in the behavior of particular



 Helps us assess the truth of common sense

 Helps us to see opportunities and constraints

 Empowers us to be active participants in society

 Helps us live in a diverse world

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