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Consciousness (Chapter in Human Physiology Textbook)

Chapter · September 2017

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Steven Telleen
San Joaquin Delta College


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Consciousness *

Steven Telleen
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Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

Physiological theories of consciousness.

Throughout history humans have been both curious and confounded by their awareness of conscious
activity. How a mind arises from the brain is often referred to as "the hard problem" in neurophysiology.
On the one hand we all experience the dierence between consciousness and unconsciousness every day
when we lose consciousness as we enter a deep sleep state and regain it when we reawaken. On the other
hand it has been problematic trying to agree on what constitutes the boundaries of conscious activity. For
example, is consciousness synonymous with or separate from self awareness, another term that is dicult
to dene? What is the relationship between consciousness and reality ? Do other living things experience
consciousness? It is no wonder the question of consciousness has been pondered over the ages. These are
intriguing questions that are hard to pin down.

1 Dierent Approaches to Exploring Consciousness:

When looking at various theories and explanations of consciousness it is useful to begin by identifying the
various approaches and techniques that have been employed in their development. The approaches dier
greatly along the range of subjectivity to objectivity, and consequently the techniques used to test their
veracity also dier. Some have diculty generating any testable hypotheses and therefore fall into the
category of belief rather than science. A list of common approaches is given below.

Approaches to Exploring Consciousness

• Self reection we all have brains we examine from the inside

• Social comparison sharing descriptions of our own conscious experiences with others and the as-
sumptions we make about the behaviors and motivations of others
• Cross-cultural commonalities trying to identify and explain emotions and behaviors that are found
in all cultures
• Brain pathologies comparing specic areas of anatomical damage and their observed emotional and
behavioral eects
• Brain mapping comparing sensory mapping before neurosurgery and the anatomy of reported eects
• Experimental studies on animal brains living and dead
• New imaging techniques comparing the anatomy and neural activity of healthy and damaged brains
engaged in known behavior
• Articial Intelligence attempts to create machines or software that articially mimic brain behaviors
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• Evolutionary and Comparative evidence comparing the development of simple to complex behav-
ior, mental processing, and brain anatomy across species and simulating and testing selection pressures
for development of specic cognitive functions

2 What Is Consciousness?
Consciousness As A Neural Representation of the External World
One feature of consciousness supported by both evidence and experience is that consciousness is how we know
(and navigate) the world we inhabit. It is a neural simulation of that world constructed within our brains
and is the only way we "know" our world and ourselves. The conscious representation appears to consist
of various neural connectivity patterns (neural maps) that we experience as images or "icons," compact
representations of the external (and internal) world. These patterns have been selected for over millions of
years because they increase our likelihood of survival. While these icons make up our conscious world, they
do not always accurately reect the external world.
A useful concept in exploring disconnects in the relationship between the internal representation and
the external world is to recall the dierence between Signs and Symptoms. Signs are what the clinician or
researcher observes, whereas symptoms are the experiences the subject reports. This is important because
consciousness is a symptom, the experience of specic neural patterns activated in the brain. Monitoring
brain activity directly or indirectly providessigns of what is going on, but cannot directly access the subjective
conscious experience.
An example of the dierence between the conscious symptoms and the objective signs can be seen in
nervous system pathologies. Recall that sensory pathways pass through a three neuron chain to activate the
appropriate neural patterns in the brain. Activation of any one of these neurons in the chain will activate
the same neural patterns in the brain, as will direct stimulation of the pattern area in the brain. Therefore
if the stimulation becomes conscious, the subject will experience it as stimulation of the body part where
the primary sensory cell is located, regardless of where the stimulus was initiated in the chain.
This is commonly seen in conditions such as a herniated disc. If the herniation puts pressure on sensory
axons near the spine that are coming from the big toe, the patient will be conscious of the pain as if it was in
the big toe (the symptom), not his back. However, the MRI (signs) will clearly show where the stimulation is
actually occurring. A similar example is seen when patients undergoing neurosurgery experience sensations
as coming from their limbs when specic areas on the surface of their brain are stimulated even though there
is no direct stimulation of the limb.
Other evidence that our conscious experiences (symptoms) are neural simulations in the brain rather than
actual objects or events in the external world includes patients with amputated limbs who consciously feel
their phantom limbs and often experience pain in the limb that the signs clearly show, even to the patient,
no longer exists. The neural patterns in their brain that represent the limb still exist and can be stimulated.

2.1 Levels of Consciousness

Consciousness is not a single state. Clinically, the most basic form of consciousness is considered to be an
awareness of, and responsiveness to, ones surroundings. This awareness and responsiveness is not seen in
patients who are in a coma, a persistent vegetative state, during deep sleep, or under anesthesia. When
patients are in these states the signs of awareness and responsiveness are not seen, and when they recover
from any of these states they do not have a memory of the period when they were unconscious, only of events
or thoughts immediately before losing consciousness and upon regaining consciousness.
However, states of clinical consciousness exist between unconsciousness and memory of events. Consider
individuals who are sleep-walking and talking or engaging in activities resulting from a side eect of the
hypnotic class of sleeping aids (for example, Ambien). The signs indicate enough awareness and environ-
mental responsiveness to interact with their environment, but the subjects do not remember the interactions
upon waking. In other words they show signs of clinical consciousness but do not have the symptoms of
consciousness. These states between immediate awareness of the environment, as evidenced by the signs of
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interactive responses, but without any symptoms (memory) of the interactions implicate memory as being
an integral component of what we experience as consciousness.
Additionally, consider patients who have damage to their hippocampal area resulting in the inability to
convert short term (working) memory into long term (potentiated) memory. The movie 50 First Dates gives
a ctional account of a person in this state, and shows examples of varying degrees of the disability. The
most extreme is the character, Ten-Second Tom, who retains no memory as soon as his attention is diverted
to another experience. This is a real disability and demonstrates that basic consciousness requires working
memory. However, whether long-term memory is required for awareness and responsiveness is uncertain
because these patients still have long-term memories acquired before the damage that they can apply to
their current situations.
In addition to clinical consciousness, scientists have suggested and tested other signs indicating more
complex conscious activities beyond simple clinical consciousness. Some of these include:

• The subject shows signs of recognizing him or herself in a mirror (often considered a sign of self-
• The subject shows signs of suering (anticipated future pain) as opposed to only immediate pain
• The subject shows signs of dreaming
• The subject shows signs that demonstrate theory of mind: the ability to recognize that other individuals
have dierent information from the subject and therefore will act dierently to a specic situation or
stimulus than the subject would
• The subject shows signs of complex and creative problem solving to novel situations
• The subject shows signs that demonstrate the ability to symbol and communicate with others through
shared symbols

Historically, many of these signs of higher levels of consciousness were considered to be unique to humans.
However, ingenious experiments have shown that virtually all of these higher functions exist in other species.
Some are much more complex in humans (for example symbolic processing), but their simpler forms can
be demonstrated in other species, and some species show surprising abilities demonstrating various types of
complex higher level conscious activity.

2.2 Consciousness and Reality

Can reality be separated from consciousness? If consciousness is a product of our brain, and our brain can
only receive and process neural stimuli, then our experience of whatever is going on outside our brain is a
dynamic neural simulation built from the changing sensory input the brain is constantly receiving. While
it is possible, and even likely, that a brain could construct a simulation (reality) without being consciously
aware of the simulation, it also is possible that consciousness may require this simulation. In other words,
a simulation might be generated reexively without conscious awareness, but could a conscious state be
experienced without the neural simulation as a base?
Trehub (2005) proposed a "retinoid model" of reality. It explains how a three-dimensional simulation
(neural pattern) can be generated that organizes external input relative to the position of the organism
receiving the stimuli. One of the interesting results is that it explains a number of optical illusions that we
experience. The retinoid model provides a reasonable mechanism by which a three dimensional simulation
can be constructed by a brain and therefore provides a plausible explanation for how the brain creates a
major simulation piece required for consciousness. An article by Wang (2015) supports the idea that this
neural simulation circuitry also may be important for memory retrieval and higher level cognitive function.
While the retinoid model is capable of explaining how the brain can construct a simulation that allows
us to navigate three-dimensional space, it does not explain consciousness per se. In fact other experiments
seem to indicate that only a small portion of our total brain simulation is conscious at any given moment.
The work of Chabris and Simons (2011) demonstrates that even when all our cognitive functions are
working, our conscious reality represents only a selective portion of the environment and activities around us.
They have done numerous experiments showing that we miss even large changes in our environment because
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our conscious activity selectively enhances and inhibits our processing of sensory input, and therefore what
we experience as reality. The hypothesis that consciousness may only access a small portion of the brain's
entire simulation at any given moment is an observation that has been supported by earlier experimental
evidence (see Norretranders 1999).
Case studies of neurological abnormalities have demonstrated that the simulations our brains construct
are dependent on the quality and completeness of the sensory information available. If a sensory receptor
or a neural pathway is damaged, the brain will continue to generate a simulation based on the input it has.
With certain abnormalities this can result in what appears to others as bizarre behavior based on the altered
simulation of reality. Saks (1998) and Ramachandran (2012) summarize a number of these clinical examples.
Homann (2015) takes the most extreme position on consciousness and reality. He contends that the
simulation our brains create, from which our conscious experience is built, does not resemble reality at all.
The objects we experience as reality consist of simplied "icons" (neuronal patterns) extracted from the
massive amount of raw sensory information our brains continually receive. The objects we distinguish and
the characteristics we focus on, our experienced reality, have evolved over millions of years because they keep
us safe and allow us to reproduce, not because they accurately represent what is really there.
He uses the analogy of the le and folder icons on your computer screen. While they do not accurately
represent the form of the information as stored or processed by your computer, you would have a hard time
creating and nding information if you had to deal with the "reality" underneath. He has done numerous
selection simulations demonstrating that populations where "organisms" see all of reality as it is rapidly go
extinct while those that interact with their environment through simplied icons thrive.
That the brain operates by building internal representations of objects, then tests external sensory in-
formation against these "predictions" is supported by neuroanatomy as well. You will recall that virtually
all sensory information passes through the thalamus where it is distributed to the other areas of the brain.
However, using processing of visual stimuli as an example, the anatomical and diusion MRI data show
that ten times more connections travel from V1 of the visual cortex to the thalamus than travel from the
thalamus to the V1 visual cortex (Sollito and Jones 2002). While the recursive renement of sensory input
has long been known, the directional data supports the hypothesis that a predicted object pattern is sent to
the thalamus and only a subset of the actual sensory information, that presumably contains only unexpected
and or minimal conrmation information is returned.

2.3 The Evolution of Consciousness

The problems with testing evolutionary theories of consciousness are that (1) dierent disciplines and indi-
viduals dier on the activities and behaviors they believe embody the signs of consciousness, (2) evolution
is an irrevocable process, meaning we can't directly replicate and observe the process, and (3) conscious-
ness does not leave a fossil record. However, comparative research and selection simulations can provide
perspectives on how and why various aspects of consciousness arose. We can:

• Observe, test, and compare activities and behaviors in other species

• Observe, test, and compare activities and behaviors through developmental stages in humans and other
• Use computer simulations to test various selection scenarios from a mathematical perspective

Before tackling consciousness directly, it seems useful to set a physiological foundation by going back and
reviewing some very basic fundamentals of life and evolution. First, you can't evolve without a self, not a
conscious self, but the self of single cells. If there are no boundaries, no cell membrane, between the self and
the rest of the world everything is just reactive chemistry. A self is implied as the reference point for all
our reality. Living cells actively seek out and use energy to maintain a dierent self-chemistry inside than
is found outside. This is the basis of homeostasis and the activity of maintaining homeostasis is the most
primitive form of the survival instinct. Third, living cells reproduce copies of their selves that maintain the
same type of internal homeostasis as their parents. All the rest of evolution is just elaborations on these
simple themes: self, maintaining homeostasis, and reproduction.
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Nervous systems and brains also seem to have a few simple underlying themes that evolved on top of
the three basic life themes. First, the only multicellular organisms with a nervous system (and brain) are
those that move through space. Movement requires near instantaneous coordination of parts, so the basic
command and feedback systems (reexes) likely evolved to support these movements. Evidence for this
is seen in the sea squirt, which as a larva is motile and searches out a location to anchor itself. In this
stage it has a nervous system with a simple eye spot and a simple ganglion brain. Once it anchors and
becomes immobile for the remainder of its life, it reabsorbs its nervous system and most of the neurons in
its brain ganglion, retaining only those that reexively control the siphon muscles. Neural cells and activity
are energetically expensive to maintain so they are not supported when they are no longer needed to move
through space.
Moving through space requires the organism to eciently execute and coordinate multiple systems.
Unless the external movement is random, the organism has to have some common guiding end-point. So
even the simplest multicellular organisms that move through space need a primitive form of goal formation,
which leads to the need to simulate both present and future (anticipation) states. That a primitive form of
goal formation is required can be seen when even simple motile multicellular organisms encounter competing
stimuli that represent dierent possible future states (e.g. Smith [updated] 2015]). If the competing stimuli
are of equal strength the brain has to commit to one course of action (goal) to keep the organism from
becoming immobilized and vulnerable by becoming trapped in an "innite loop." This can be viewed as the
primitive version of (and likely evolutionary reason for) choice. So here we see three more simple themes in
their primitive form: goal formation, anticipation, and choice.
In addition to coordinating muscles for external movement, the resulting stresses on the homeostasis of
the organism's internal systems are rapid and constantly changing as the organism moves. This creates a
logistics problem that requires coordination and delivery of energy and resources to the various organ systems
and requires monitoring and simulation of the self organs and states. In immobile organisms the speed
of chemical communication is sucient and less energy intensive than neural communication. However, a
mobile organism requires faster overall coordination of and adjustments to the infrastructure. As the nervous
system and brain evolved to support movement through space, monitoring and adjusting the infrastructure
machines (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands) likely became part of the overall neural coordination
and became integrated with the chemical (hormone and paracrine) communication that already existed.
If this hypothesis is correct, it implies that moving through space provides a selective advantage for the
survival and reproduction of the multicellular organism and that evolution of the brain and nervous system
has been shaped by improvements in various aspects of a motile organism's ability to anticipate, choose, and
act on the choices in a coordinated way. Looking at research on activities and behaviors of any species in
these terms has the potential to provide a framework for comparing and interpreting results across species.
There are two very dierent sources that provide supporting evidence of movement through space as the
primary driver for brains and higher brain function. The rst comes from current research showing that the
most signicant factor in mental health is exercise: moving through space (Sharma et al. 2006; Shevtsova
et al. 2017). The second comes from linguistic research showing that all the descriptive terms we use (in all
languages) to describe complex ideas (e.g. higher thought or building a logical argument) use or are built
on spacial metaphors (Lako and Johnson 2003). From two separate ends of the spectrum, both examples
provide support for the premise that solving the problems of moving through space drove the development
of our brains, and form the basis of our more complex mental functions.
The preceding provides a basis for understanding some possible selection pressures leading to the de-
velopment of consciousness, but many gaps remain to be lled in. The remainder of this section on the
evolution of consciousness is a collection of research on various species covering a few limited aspects of what
some people consider signs of underlying conscious experiences.
Remote Sensing
If one can move through space, being able to sense objects that are further away from the body provides
additional time to mount an eective response. All sensory information is processed from energies aecting
the surface of the organism. However, there is a dierence between physical contact with the object, which
happens with touch and chemical reactions, and contact with energy sources reected or emitted from the
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object rather than the object itself. What we perceive as vision and hearing are examples of remote sensing
of objects. Remote sensing plays a role in consciousness because it implies the ability to construct a spacial
simulation relative to the self and to distinguish dierent objects, their relative positions, and changes
occurring within that space. We can easily extrapolate these abilities to other vertebrates (Parrish et al.
2015), but there is increasing research demonstrating these remote sensing abilities in invertebrates such as
starsh (MacKenzie [updated 2013]), Cephalopods (Zimmer [updated 2015]), and dragon ies (Futahshi et
al. 2015).
Recognizing Individuals
Being able to distinguish among individuals, as dierent from each other, implies the ability not only to
distinguish between dierent objects, but to distinguish and learn dierences in the self 's relationships
to specic individual other-organisms. Presumably this requires a number of complex object and process
simulations that indicate some level of conscious activity. In addition to primates (Liberman et al. 2014;
Kret and Tomonaga 2016), birds (Muller et al. 2017) and sh (Gruber 2017) have demonstrated the ability
to distinguish individuals.
Complex Problem Solving
The object/relationship processing required by an organism when confronting a novel challenge that results in
the development of a novel response has been viewed since ancient times as a measure of not just intelligence
but some level of conscious activity (See Aesop's Fables). Once thought to be the realm of mammals and
birds, recent research has demonstrated remarkable problem solving and learning abilities in a range of
organisms including primates(Haslam et al. 2016; Feltman [updated 2014]), cats (Grim [updated 2014]),
crows (Jelbert et al. 2014), reptiles (Anthers [updated 2013]; Wilkinson et al. 2009), and Flies (DasGupta
et al. 2014).
However, experiments on another approach to complex problem solving provide a dierent perspective
on behavior and possibly consciousness. Sophisticated problem solving by swarms of independent individ-
uals, each operating under simple rules, has been demonstrated in natural systems such as sh (Fish pool
experience [updated 2017]), ants (Robinson et al. 2009), and bees (Seeley et al. 2006). Recently signicant
progress has been demonstrated in autonomous micro-robot swarms (Cuthbertson [updated 2016]; Valdastri
et al. 2006). It has been suggested that similar swarm behavior by neurons in our brains may be the basis of
how our brains solve problems and optimize competing solutions. This model of swarm neuron activity also
points to a possible mechanism for the integrated information theory of consciousness summarized below.
There are many other activities and behaviors that are considered, at least by some researchers, signs
of some level of basic consciousness. What we learn from the small sample of comparative species research
presented here is that not only can we often identify what look like simpler forms of higher level conscious
functions, but that we need humility and care in designing our experiments so they take into account the
unique anatomy or physiology of other species. There may well be more than one way to attain consciousness,
and some level of consciousness may be present in organisms we have overlooked because our experimental
designs are mammal or vertebrate centric. Evolutionary and selection approaches applied to consciousness
have the ability to broaden our understanding of what is behind the "movie' that plays in our brain, what
parts make our experience unique and what parts are shared with other organisms.

3 Theories of Consciousness
There are a number of theories of consciousness. The following is a brief description of four major theories
underlying much of today's research.
Rene Descartes:
Mind/Body Duality uses the starting point of "I Think Therefore I Am" to make a logical assertion that
the act of thinking proves there is someone there doing the thinking. This is a Self Reection approach
and the underlying idea was not new to Descartes. He is credited with making it more scientic by stating
it in a more formal-logic structure. Descartes' approach is limited both by its inability to generate testable
hypotheses and its inability to explain how the brain generates a conscious, or self aware, state to do the
observing. However, his inuence on theories of consciousness in Western culture and science remains today
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in the explanations that postulate a mind-body duality. These explanations assert that consciousness is
separate from the physical aspects of the body and generated by forces outside the body. A modern day
attempt at creating a hypothesis based on this theory is that a universal consciousness exists external to the
individual and the brain contains a receiver that picks up these consciousness signals.
Giulio Tononi:
Integrated Information Theory, starts with a conscious experience and tries to work backward to understand
the physical processes that give rise to the experience. This approach views the conscious experience as
arising from the integration of a wide variety of simultaneous brain activities and, since consciousness is
the result of this integration, it cannot be further reduced to individual brain or sensory activities. Brain
stimulation and recording techniques have been developed to measure the level of brain integration occurring.
This theory provides an explanation for how varying levels of consciousness can exist among both individuals
and dierent species. This theory also predicts that no computer simulation, no matter how faithful, could
become conscious.
Bernard Baars:
Global Workspace, is a modern version of Alan Turing's theory of the brain as a production system with
a shared memory space and a set of reexes (which Turing called demons) that monitor the space. Each
reex acts when triggered by a post in the shared memory space that causes it to post its own note in the
space. The new note triggers other reexes, causing a cascade of neural events eventually leading to one or
more outputs. According to Baars' theory, the act of broadcasting information around the brain from this
memory bank is what is experienced as consciousness.
Antonio Damasio:
Embodied Consciousness, starts with the sensations both from inside and outside the body as the basis of
consciousness. He argues that self-awareness and consciousness arise from our perception of these emotional
and sensory states. What we experience as self-awareness and consciousness is, at its core, feelings rather
than thoughts, and basic consciousness does not require language. This latter point has been demonstrated
in patients with various brain pathologies that aect language.
It should be noted that the latter three theories are not mutually exclusive. Each provides testable
hypotheses and has supporting results that together provide a richer picture of how conscious and self-aware
activity arises from the brain.

note: Antonio Damasio has proposed the most encompassing theory of brain-to-mind conscious-
ness in a series of books and articles. It is based on the premise that what we experience as a
self-aware or conscious state is a subjective feeling resulting from the integration of both autonomic
and somatic sensory input to the brain. The process relies on the sensory physiology patterns
discussed in an earlier chapter, specically the labeled line theory, and the correlation between the
physical pattern of the receptors in the sensory organ and the corresponding physical pattern of
the receiving neurons in the brain.

Sensory information is received in terms ofspecic patterns of neurons that are activated. Each
sense (modality) has its own pattern map. Some patterns represent the internal and surface areas
of the body and their relationships. Other patterns represent stimuli from outside the boundaries
of the body.

The Protoself:
Consists of 1st Order representations, which occur when these maps (collections of neural patterns
from multiple modalities) are activated simultaneously representing the relationships between body
areas and the external environment. The lowest level neuronal grids with input from both the body
and the external sensory maps are found in the superior colliculi. The area around the tectum
(which includes the superior colluculi) also includes the neurons of the ascending reticular acti-
vating system (RAS) above the trigeminal nerve. Evidence that this area plays a critical role in
consciousness is that if this physical area of the brain is damaged, no levels of consciousness can
wakefulness, object signif-
be attained. The rst order representations of the protoself provide:
icance, minimal attention span, and image-making (the integration of multimodal mental
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pathways). Protoself image-making is reactive and, while necessary to generate consciousness, is

not considered a conscious state.

The Core Self:

Consists of 2nd Order representations, which are neural representations of modications to the
protoself. These encode a set sequence of neural pattern changes. The core sequence is ordered and
has three parts. It starts with (1) the current protoself state and (2) an object encounter that alters
that state. It ends with (3) the modied protoself state (the reaction/change of the protoself state
due to the object encounter). The altered protoself state now becomes the current protoself state
provides enhanced attention and working memory (the
for the next core sequence. This
ability to process state changes), stream of consciousness (each end state becomes the
next starting state), and the feeling of self-awareness: the feeling of self  as owner of
the experiences (the neural processing of protoself state changes).

• Note that these state changes are not stored separately. They can be thought of as pointers
that activate the same sensory neuron patterns that were activated during the original en-
counter. When a high level map (memory) is activated, lower level map patterns are activated
down the chains until the original neural pattern is recreated. The memory is re-experienced
because the same neurons active during the original experience are activated again. This
reactivation of the neuronal patterns provides the feeling of consciousness.
• Working memory allows the current state to be compared to past states and to anticipate
possible future outcomes. Notice that we now have a past, present, and future. Damasio has
suggested that some forms of depression may arise when this system is unable to generate
(anticipate) any possible futures that are emotionally satisfying.

The Autobiographical Self:

Consists of 3rd Order representations, which provide a summary of salient past states. It requires
long-term memory (potentiation of 2nd order images) and provides the feeling of continuity of
the core self over time. It does not require language, but does require a historical base of
experience, so it takes time to develop. Infants and young children do not yet have an extensive
autobiographical memory therefore their autobiographical self develops over time and the signs can
be tracked as developmental stages.

Extended Consciousness:
Is a collection of independent, specialized processing areas in the cortex that mine the contents of
current input and long-term memory in dierent ways. They require the autobiographical self as a
base. When one process area is damaged, the undamaged ones continue to function, often with the
conscious experience unaware it is missing information. The brain's attempt to create a coherent
reality with missing information can lead to unusual and what appears to others as bizarre thoughts
and behaviors (see Saks (1998) and Ramachandran (2012)).

The ability to symbol is a special case of extended consciousness where mental objects (neural
maps) can be formed to represent exible pattern variations of lower level maps. This is what
provides the recursive ability of human thought, because once a symbol (generated neural map) is
created it can be used in turn as an object in other symbolic maps, which can be used as objects
in other symbolic maps, etc. The combinations and permutations expand almost innitely.

4 Brain Areas Required for Consciousness

Both brain pathologies and experimentation have pointed to two key areas in the brain required for conscious
activity at all levels.
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The lowest level in the central nervous system is found 4 mm above the trigeminal nerve. Damage to this
area on the dorsal (sensory) side of the brain stem results in a complete loss of consciousness in the form
of coma or persistent vegetative state. Damage to the same area on the ventral (motor) side of the brain
stem results in locked in syndrome, such as ALS, the degenerative disease suered by Stephen Hawking.
These neuropathological eects support the embodied consciousness theory because this is the area where
both visceral and somatic sensations enter the CNS, and no consciousness state can be attained without this
sensory input. However, even if the motor side of this same brain region is damaged, as long as the sensory
side remains, functional consciousness remains.
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Brainstem Communication

Figure 1: Many of the brainstem structures communicate in a recursive (bi-directional) manner that
indicates they do not just passively transmit signals between the brain and body, but also generate new
patterns of signals.

The second area is the claustrum, a vertical curved sheet of subcortical gray matter that lies deep to
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the insular cortex and is believed to be present in all mammals. Experiments by Koubeissi et al. (2014)
demonstrated that electrical stimulation between the left claustrum and the anterior dorsal insula resulted
in a complete arrest of consciousness. Consciousness returned as soon as the stimulation stopped.

5 Summary
A number of subjective and objective approaches have been employed in an attempt to explain and under-
stand conscious activity. The conscious experience relies on a simulation of "reality" constructed from neural
patterns activated in the brain. The conscious experience is a symptom (reported by the subject), while the
science of consciousness relies on signs (observable phenomena that consistently coincide with the reported
Consciousness is not a single state. Clinical consciousness requires only signs of immediate awareness and
responsiveness to one's surroundings. However, symptoms of consciousness fall across a range of states, many
of which involve various levels of memory activity. Higher levels of processing are also considered signs of
consciousness, including recognizing one's self in a mirror, creative problem solving activities, demonstration
of theory of mind, and of course the ability to symbol and communicate with others using shared symbols.
Consciousness also is tightly tied to the concept of reality. An organism's brain creates a simulation of
external objects in relation to its own body. At its simplest level, this simulation allows an organism (that
has the ability to move through space) to anticipate multiple threats, opportunities, and neutral objects at
a distance and adjust its behavior to optimize survival. Conscious awareness of this simulation is what we
experience as reality. However, evidence also suggests that consciousness only encompasses a small portion
of the entire simulation, and therefore implies that our perceived reality is only a small portion of a larger
simulation. It also implies that all reality, conscious and unconscious, may not be a faithful or even complete
representation of what really exists.
The problems with testing evolutionary theories of consciousness are that (1) dierent disciplines and in-
dividuals dier on the activities and behaviors they believe embody the signs of consciousness, (2) evolution
is an irrevocable process, meaning we can't directly replicate and observe the process, and (3) consciousness
does not leave a fossil record. However, comparative research and selection simulations can provide per-
spectives on how and why various aspects of consciousness arose. What we have learned from comparative
species research is that not only can we often identify signs that look like simpler forms of higher level
conscious functions, but that we need humility and care in designing our experiments so they take into
account the unique anatomy or physiology of other species. There may well be more than one way to attain
consciousness, and some level of consciousness may be present in organisms we have overlooked because our
experimental designs are mammal or vertebrate centric.
Four theories of consciousness were presented: Mind/body duality, Integrated information theory, Global
workspace theory, and Embodied consciousness theory. The latter three have generated the most testable
hypotheses and are not mutually exclusive.
Anatomically, a number of brain areas have been implicated in consciousness, but two have been demon-
strated to be essential for consciousness to occur. The rst is the dorsal side of the brainstem in the tectal
area 4 mm above the trigeminal nerve. Damage to this area causes a complete loss of consciousness in the
form of a coma or persistent vegetative state. The second is the claustrum and anterior dorsal insula. Elec-
trical stimulation of this area generates a complete loss of consciousness, which returns when the stimulation
is stopped.

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