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SMS1024: Elementary Statistics Quiz 1 Semester 2 Session 19/20

1. Indicate which is the following variables are Qualitative OR Quantitative. Classify

the Quantitative variables as discrete OR continuous.

Statement Qualitative/Quantitative Discrete/Continuous

Relationship status of a
a. person in their Qualitative -
Facebook’s account.
Number of passengers
b. arrives at Kuala Lumpur Quantitative Discrete
International Airport.
Water temperature of the
c. Jacuzzis at Spa-Q Health Quantitative Continuous
& Treatment Salon.
Colour of children’s
d. face- mask at Jom Qualitative -
Heboh’s TV3 Carnival.
Mileage of Petronas
sports car during the F1
e. Quantitative Continuous
Grand Prix

2. Consider the following statement. State whether this statement is TRUE or FALSE.

The frequency polygon is a graph that displays the data by using lines

a. that connect points plotted for the frequencies at the midpoints of the True

b. In Statistics, we define a sample as all items under investigation. False

A representative sample is the sample that contains the characteristics

c. True
of the population as closely as possible.

A distribution curve that is right-skewed has a shorter tail on the right

d. True

e. We can construct a frequency histogram for qualitative and quantitative False


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