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Day 1 of IDC at JOVED 2019, June 14th 2019

Dhila : Atma Jaya & UGM has only one person as the A-core team coming, they’re busy, so
they would like to ask to not attend council.

Syagung : We’re not going to be absent for fun, but to ensure a smooth-running tournament.
If they have time, they’ll still try to come.

Feri : Should it be extended to invited judges as well? Because they might not represent
the institution’s interests

Dhila : My understanding is that presence in competition requires presence in council,

because the decision made here always affects your institution.

Dhila : Should we vote now? Going once... Good. Okay. Atma Jaya and UGM are

Livina : Atma Jaya delegated their vote to BIPEDS, and UGM to Binus.

Dhila : Next is ITB’s motion to change JOVED’s format from AP to BP. Do VM wants to

VM : This is a proposed motion from ITB, we have four reasons: a) Significantly lower
cost (a team only two individuals, amount of judges needed is also less because there’ll going to be
less chambers), b) Bevause institutions are easier to find teammates; not three people, just two. c)
animo for BP is higher than AP. Given many people seeks campus support, JOVED now can go into
NUDC bandwagon because it has same format, especially given the people involved in JOVED are
also going to participate in NUDC. D) BP is more inclusive, opportunity for teams to break and break
powerhouse dominations is bigger than AP where the same institutions always breaks and

Dhila : Any questions? No? Okay.

Dhila : Next is from UI: a) Progressive registration cost, and b) Reduced registration cost
for non-Java institutions.

Alvin : In the spirit of proliferation of debate to be less Java-centric, we need more

institutions outside Java, so we need reduced registration cost. And because of those things that
causes lesser funding, we want to increase registration fee for institutitons that regularly
participates in the competition to ofset. That is all.

Dhila : Any questions?

UKSW : Who funds this?

Dhila : Primarily from rego fee, and from sponsors if there’s one. JOVED is not hosted by
university, but by the representative of council. Any other questions?
VM : How’s the mechanism? E.g. Percentage of change, this is crucial for future
orgcomm’s budgeting

Dhila : For now no percentage, but around 5-10%.

Dhila : Last motion is from UB, council should specify the scoring range for adjudicators.

Batara : The reason why this brought up is because on IVED 2019 it was announced that 18
people have A accreditation but soon it turned out to be 9. The reason why that’s the case is
because so far accreditation is on A-core’s discretion which I think is unfair given that some judge
might get lucky and get high accreditation where the range is easy. Also, in most tournaments the
range are similar anyway so this motion isn’t going to change much anyway, just clearing up some

Dhila : Any questions? Do Alif want to explain why the case on IVED was like that?

Alif : Theoretically this motion doesn’t have much problem. But it’s just that from my
experience the scores aren’t always consistent in every tournament and we don’t know any scientific
method to determine the ideal range and that’s why A-core often change the standards around. Just
my experience though.

Dhila : Any comments?

Alvin : Are previously accredited judges going to be subject to this as well?

Batara : That’s for discussion. Might be like that, might be not.

Dhila : Anyone else? No? Thanks. Any other motions to be proposed?

Daud : This is not a proposal, but just asking a clarification, UBAYA is not included in the
four new institution recognised as part of council. I would like to ask if there’s a technical issue.

Alif : Does UBAYA joins JOVED in the last three years?

Daud : No, this is our first time.

Dhila : Then we’ll include UBAYA in the new institution list. Agree?

Everyone : Yees.

Dhila : Okay, any other motions?..... One last note before we move on to tomorrow, just
one note deadline for bidding is on June 17th, if not we go to rolling bid mechanism. Chair election
and accountability report is also going to be done by then.

Alif : Just a question, kalau gaada yg ngebid bakal emergency bid atau rolling bid?

Dhila : Rolling bid.

Alif : Oh, okay.

Dhila : Just so to note, rolling bid is based on province not on kopertis. IPB should also
apologize tomorrow since they did not attend council today.

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