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NIM : D22116509

Waktu Kedatangan dan Proses (menit)

Entity Arrival Time Interval Time Service Time
1 0 0.36 3.23
2 0.45 2.55 3.44
3 0.81 0.98 5.91
4 3.36 2.85 5.86
5 4.34 0.81 3.81
6 7.19 0.26 2.59
7 8.00 3.50 4.65
8 8.26 0.43 4.87
9 11.76 1.38 3.37
10 12.19 0.51 3.55
11 13.57 0.20 5.93
12 14.08 0.53 2.5
13 14.28 0.45 4.34
14 14.81 0.21 5
15 15.26 0.21 3.52

Kurva Q(t)
Kurva B(t)

Simulation by Hand:
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Time (minutes)
Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 0.00, initialize
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue
0.00 0 0 (empty) [1, 0.00, Arr]
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
0 0.00 0.00 0.00

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Time (minutes)
Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 0.00, Arrival of Entity 1
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue
0.00 1 0 [2, 0,45, Arr]
1 (empty)
[1, 3,68, Dep]
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0.00 0.00 0.00

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Time (minutes)
Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 0,45, Arrival of Entity 2
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue
0,45 1 1 [3, 0,81, Arr]
2 (1.41)
[1, 3,68, Dep]
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0,00 0,45 0,45

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 0,81, Arrival of Entity 3
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue
0,81 1 2 [4, 3,36, Arr]
3 2 (0,81, 0,45)
[1, 3,68, Dep]
[-, 20.00, End]
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0,00 0,81 0,81

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Time (minutes)
Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 3,36, Arrival of Entity 4
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue
2 1
3,36 1 3 [1, 3,68, Dep]
4 4 3
(3,36, 0,81, 0,45) [5, 4,34, Arr]
[-, 20.00, End]

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
1 0,00 3,36 3,36

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph

Time (minutes)
Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 3,68 Departure entity 1
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [5, 4,34, Arr]
[2, 7,12, Dep]
4 4
3 2
3,68 1 2 (3,36, 0,81) [-, 20.00, End]

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
2 2.87 3,68 3,68

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 4,34 Arrival entity 5
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [2, 7,12, Dep]
[6, 7,19, Arr]
5 4 4 4
3 2
4,34 1 3 (4,34 3,36, 0,81) [-, 20.00, End]

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
2 2.87 5,00 4,34

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 7,12 Departure entity 2
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [6, 7,19, Arr]
[3, 13,03, Dep]
5 4
4 3
7,12 1 2 (4,34 3,36) [-, 20.00, End]

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 6,63 10,56 7,12

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 7,19 Arrival entity 6
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [7, 8,00, Arr]
[3, 13,03, Dep]
6 4
5 4
4 3
7,19 1 3 (7,19 4,34 3,36) [-, 20.00, End]

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 6,63 10,77 7,19

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 8,00 Arrival entity 7
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [8, 8,26, Arr]
[3, 13,03, Dep]
6 4
5 4
4 3
8,00 1 4 (8,00 7,19 4,34 [-, 20.00, End]
7 4

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 6,63 13,20 8,00

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 8,26 Arrival entity 8
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [9, 11,76, Arr]
[3, 13,03, Dep]
6 4
5 4
4 3
8,26 1 5 (8,26 8,00 7,19 [-, 20.00, End]
8 4
7 4
4,34 3,36)

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 6,63 13,98 8,26

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 11,76 Arrival entity 9
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [10, 12,19, Arr]
[3, 13,03, Dep]
6 4
5 4
4 3
11,76 1 6 (11,76 8,26 8,00 [-, 20.00, End]
9 4
8 4
7 4
7,19 4,34 3,36)

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 6,63 24,48 11,76

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 12,19 Arrival entity 10
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [4, 18,89 , Dep]
[11, 13,57, Arr]
6 4 5 4
4 3
12,19 1 7 (12,19 11,76 8,26 [-, 20.00, End]
9 4 8 4
7 4
8,00 7,19 4,34)
10 4

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
3 6,63 28,29 13,03

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 13,03 Departure entity 3
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [11, 13,57, Arr]
[4, 18,89 , Dep]
7 4 6 4
5 4
12,19 1 6 (13,03 12,19 11,76 [-, 20.00, End]
10 4
9 9
8 4
8,26 8,00 7,19

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 15,32 28,29 13,03

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 13,57 Arrival entity 11
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [12, 14,08, Arr]
[4, 18,89 , Dep]
7 4 6 4
5 4
12,19 1 7 (13,57 12,19 11,76 [-, 20.00, End]
10 4
9 9
8 4
8,26 8,00 7,19

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 15,32 30,45 13,57

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 14,08 Arrival entity 12
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [13, 14,28, Arr]
[4, 18,89 , Dep]
7 4 6 4
5 4
14,08 1 8 (14,08 13,57 12,19 [-, 20.00, End]
10 4
9 9
8 4
11,76 8,26 8,00
7,19 4,34)

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 15,32 32,49 14,08

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 14,28 Arrival entity 13
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [14, 14,81, Arr]
[4, 18,89 , Dep]
7 4 6 4
5 4
14,28 1 9 (14,28 14,08 13,57 [-, 20.00, End]
10 4
9 9
8 4
12,19 11,76 8,26
13 11
8,00 7,19 4,34)

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 15,32 33,29 14,28

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 14,81Arrival entity 14
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [15, 15,26, Arr]
[4, 18,89 , Dep]
7 4 6 4
5 4
14,81 1 10 (14,14,28 14,08 [-, 20.00, End]
10 4
9 9
8 4
13,57 12,19 11,76
13 11
8,26 8,00 7,19

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 15,32 35,41 14,81

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 15,26 Arrival entity 15
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [4, 18,89 , Dep]
15,26 1 11 (15,26 14,14,28 [-, 20.00, End]
7 4 6 4
14,08 13,57 12,19
10 4
9 9
8 4
11,76 8,26 8,00
13 12 11 7,19 4,34)
15 14
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
4 15,32 37,21 15,26

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 18,89 Departure entity 4
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue [4, 18,89 , Dep]
18,89 1 10 (18,89 15,26 [-, 20.00, End]
8 4 7 4
14,14,28 14,08
11 10 4
9 13,57 12,19 11,76
14 13 3
12 8,26 8,00 7,19)

Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
5 15,32 51,73 18,89

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand:
t = 20,00 End Simulation
System Clock B(t) Q(t) Arrival times of Event calendar
custs. in queue
20,00 1 10 (20,00 18,89 15,26
8 4 7 4
14,14,28 14,08
11 10 4
9 13,57 12,19 11,76
14 13 3
12 8,26 8,00 7,19)
Numbers of Total of waiting times Area under Q(t) Area under B(t)
completed waiting in queue
times in queue
5 15,32 57,28 20,00

Q(t) graph

B(t) graph
Time (minutes)

Interarrival times 10.36, 2.55, 0.98, 2.85, 0.81, 0.26, 3.5, 0.43, 1.38, 0.51, 0.2, 0.53, 0.45, 0.21, 0.21
Service times 3.23, 3.44, 5.91, 5.86, 3.81, 2.59, 4.65, 4.87, 3.37, 3.55, 5.93, 2.5, 4.34, 5, 3.52
Simulation by Hand Finishing Up
Average waiting time in queue:
Total of times in queue 𝑛(𝑛 − 1)𝑥 2
= = minutes per part
No. of times in queue
Time-average number in queue:
Area under Q(𝐭 ) curve 𝑛(𝑛 − 1)𝑥 2
= = part
Final clock value
Utilization of drill press:
Area under B( 𝐭) curve 𝑛(𝑛 − 1)𝑥 2
= = (dimensionless)
Final clock value

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