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Mount Aloysius College has given me the chance to reflect and partake in their Mercy

Values. Mercy, Service, Justice, and Hospitality are the three Mercy Values that I strongly

believe I will continue to use throughout my life, not only as an educator, but also as an

individual. Being in the Early Childhood Education program, I have witnessed and participated

in these three Mercy values.

Mercy is the willingness to enter into someone’s chaotic life in order to ease their pain

and help them in a time of need. As a future educator, I believe that I partake in the value of

Mercy. Being in a classroom environment, I get the opportunity to work with young children

through my observations. I am not only observing, but I am also communicating with them.

When I see a child is struggling and in need, I have no hesitation with stepping in and helping

guide that child in the direction they need to be in.

Service is the generosity in sharing talent and time to help individuals and communities.

I love volunteering within my community outside of school. I am a Sunday school teacher at my

local church. Not only do I love interacting with the students, but this also helps me gain

teaching experience as a future teacher. Also, I volunteer my services at my local fire hall. By

helping with fundraisers, I help the fire hall continue to serve our community for years to come,

which is a benefit for everyone in the area.

Justice is creating right relationships that help all move towards a fulfilled life. With

being an education major, I do a lot of observations in different school districts. I strongly

believe that in order to have a great experience in these classrooms, I must first make a good

impression on the teacher I am observing. Communication is key. By reaching out to the

teacher and always sticking to my schedule I have given them, I can ensure a positive experience
in each of my classrooms. Not only is this a great way to lead to a positive observation, but also

have the teacher remember you for creating that right relationship with them.

Hospitality is the last Mercy value. Hospitality is an openness of heart and mind, which

allows one to be at home with oneself and others. I strongly believe that Hospitality is

showcased in the classrooms in the Education Department at Mount Aloysius College. The

professors make all students feel welcome. I feel comfortable to reach out to my professors and

they give me truthful information and opinions that will help me move forward to be a successful


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