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Feasibility Study Format for a Product

I. The Product
a. Name
b. Properties
c. Uses/Application

II. Market Analysis

a. Market Structure
i. Size and Value
ii. Competitors/Providers and Their Market Shares
iii. Consumer and Business Purchasing Behaviors
iv. Growth Forecasts (Demand Vs. Supply)
v. Consumer and Provider Demographic Profiles
vi. Price Structure
vii. Projected Technological Impacts
b. Target Market
c. Market Share
d. Marketing Strategies

III. Technical Analysis

a. Production System
i. Processes/Methods
ii. Equipment
iii. Materials
iv. Manpower
v. Other Structures
b. Layout
c. Production Capacity
d. Production Schedule
e. Location

IV. Organizational Structure

a. Organizational Chart
b. Duties and Responsibilities

V. Financial Analysis
a. Funding
b. Fund Allocation
c. Projected: Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Cash Flows
d. Net Present Value
e. Internal Rate of Return
f. Benefit-Cost Ratio
g. Other Relevant Financial Ratios

VI. Socio-economic and Environmental Analyses

a. Compatibility With Social Environment
b. Benefits to Society
c. Environmental Opportunities and Threats

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