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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Reflection on Lesson Plan #2-Counting 1-5

The second lesson I taught to MK was focused on writing and identifying numbers three

and four. Once I finished my lesson and I had time to process what went well and what needed

to be worked on. One thing I want to work on is having better strategies for when MK gets

distracted. Many times I would try to just call her name to get her attention, but I think it is

necessary to find other ways to grab her attention back. Another thing I want to work on is

finding ways to reward MK for staying on task. I started working on a behavior plan with MK and

she liked gaining silver stars, so I will try to make this a bigger reward for her.

Even though I still have things to work on, I also had strengths within this lesson. One

strength that I found is that I use multi-sensory tools and activities to help MK learn and

remember better. MK had told me multiple times throughout the lesson that she liked working

with these different tools. Additionally, I was more conscious of giving more personal and

specific feedback to MK. Although, I don’t feel like I’ve totally grasped this concept, I think I am

starting to get better at being more intentional with my words. One last thing that I did well when

working with MK was giving her an evaluation of what she learned. This worked as a good way

to see what she had learned from this lesson and what was still needed to be worked on.

In the end, there are both things that I felt like I have done well and things that I think I

can improve on. However, it gives me hope to know that I am learning from these experiences

and can only get better from this point on.

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